Some time ago on this forum I asked for advice on getting a survey done without the cost of lifting out and putting back. Somebody had the simple and obvious answer and suggested I use the scrubbing posts. I did, saved the money (£260 +) and thank you for that ! However I put the boat on the posts at the top of a falling tide (i.e. falling springs). Although I did allow for the lower H.W. the next day, I didn't allow for the one piece of soft mud which my keel found and buried itself in! There was I with the surveyor, his apprentice, and a mate stuck needing another 3 or 4 c.m. Eventually the harbourmaster came, and with my engine screaming at full astern and his powerful engines pulling at full ahead and the four of us on board pushing against the piles and trying to put a heel on the boat it s-l-o-w-l-y came off. To end the story, last Sunday I saw the same harbourmaster on the river. In a loud voice and on the busy river I hailed him and said,"Thanks for pulling me off last week!"