Hi there George , well I have owned a couple of Tepcos , the boat in the photo certainly has , to me , got the Boldness forward , plus the flatish belly . which my Tepcos had ; The loa and beam are similar as well ; I found that the Tepcos were quite a stable craft , even when one stood up in them ; mine were very good as a floating platform for getting on board my Vessels from , I could stand near the sides or on the middle thwart , when boarding and boat remained quite stable
I liked them very much , just wish I could find another one
I do not think the dinghy you pictured George is a Tepco. They did not have a forward thwart you sit on the buoyancy tank and the seat layout at the back is wrong and it doesn't have two rowing positions, a Tepco does
Might just sate that the Tepco 10 came in various forms ; some were a sailing dinghy , with fordeck , centre board suit of mast n sails , or a row boat