SW Sunk swatchway


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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I had the opportunity to conduct a re-survey of the SW Sunk early Tuesday morning. Bit nippy :eek: given the north-easterly but reasonable wind speeds to ensure flat enough conditions. A brisk spring ebb got me down there very promptly so I was able to start before local LW. With great visibility the whole of the SW knoll was exposed but nothing side of the Middle knoll was exposed although obviously shallow.

The result is that the swatchway is viable; comfortably viable. Indeed last year’s waypoints and rhumb line was viable. However, the rhumb line was uncomfortably close.
The swatchway has slightly narrowed and more a little to the north-east. Please download the revised chartlet at: http://www.crossingthethamesestuary.com/page29.html. This is the Downloads page: item 2. You can see the jpg or the PDF.

Any previous version of the chartlet should not be used. I have also revised the waypoints and the rhumb line. The west waypoint is further north (away from the SW knoll), the east waypoint is pretty close to its former position but I have also included a new ‘middle’ waypoint. To go straight west to east waypoint brings the rhumb line close enough to require caution close to the SW knoll so the middle waypoint gives a very comfortable ‘dogleg’.

I have added some notes on the chartlet:

1. The SW knoll is very steep-to (as before). With a north-easterly that morning as a lee shore, the edge was lively enough. When I attempted to get the closest run, the wind piped up (of course) to 18 kts and I declined to pursue the attempt. With the flood then starting onto the lee shore, I thought perhaps not. But there were no difficulties. I was content that the new rhumb line provides no particular hazard but do not wander south of the rhumb line. Coming either way having started at any of the waypoints, it is possible (with visibility) to mark either the Gunfleet Wind Farm or the London Array ahead but no visible back bearing. For those of you with chart plotters keep the X-track zero.
2. Opposite the SW knoll, the bottom shallows even and regularly so there is quite a lot of room to keep further to the north-east if you want. The Middle knoll does clearly intrudes eventually!
3. From the central new waypoint to the east waypoint, the bottom is very flat. As before it shallows 3 metres approximately from the deep west start of the swatch.
4. The edge of the Sunk Sand at this point by the edge of the Black Deep is pretty steep-to as well. When I first approached while there was a little of the ebb, there was a very distinct tide ‘popple’ (I wouldn’t call it a rip) about 400m wide and 30 to 40m ahead. I took a little bit more precaution thinking there might be a bar but there was no shallowing. Once I had come off the Sand, the depth dropped very quickly; very quickly indeed. There was no tide problem affecting the yachts direction. I do think there are slight signs of the eastern edge of the swatch having a modest flat bar.
5. To the north of the eastern side of the swatch had obvious sand waves or ripples. The visible depth sounder polls an average every 4 seconds so it looks on the instrument head flat and even. On the full record of the data the evidence of the sand waves was obvious: depth could change in three seconds and the sense of waves is obvious – e.g.
6. 1.6, 1.7, 1.9, 2, 2, 1.6, 1.9, 1.9, 1.8, 1.9, 2.1, 1.3, 1.7, 1.9, 2.3, 2.2, 2.2, 1.7, 1.8, 2.3, 2.2, 2.2, 2.2, 1.7, 1.8, 2.0, 2.1, 2.4, 1.7, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8, 1.9, 2.2 etc and again for that area. Note the soundings on the chartlet are the ‘worst case’. Deliberately so as peaks can reduce depth by over half a meter quicker than you can respond. Again don’t worry there is plenty of space and depth. Remember how shallow the 2012 swatch was – best 2.5m if I recall.
7. Obviously at LW I could not collect data over the knolls but the point is to help the floaty parts.

I didn’t intend to write quite so much but when you have an attack of anorakism then you have one.

I hope this detail hasn’t worried people. It is not intended for but to help. Of course navigational decisions are for you but I spent 2 hours 40 minutes over the Sand without any hazard. I do confess to being a DORK. I was going to try the GoPro Chinese clone £40. First I should have put it on the starboard side because it would have given a very clear view of the drying SW Knoll. Err, second – yeap I have to turn it on!

So here is me heading for home - for £40 a good little piece of kit - water proof etc:

But here is a dawn view – very chilly mind you :eek::


So best now to have a cup of tea :encouragement::


I hope this helps :):


(Need a CTTE burgee)

Supine Being

Well-known member
27 May 2011
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That's brilliant Roger. Thank you so much.

Out of interest, are you using any bit of kit to tie depth to position, or are you just scribbling really quickly with your pencil?


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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I did once! But no for the past 5 years I have been using software that collects NMEA data. So I can plug the laptop into the Raymarine black box interface and the NMEA software (Russian) collects the data on the system - all the NMEA strings but collect certain strings selected by me which it dumps onto an Excel worksheet. The software also saves log files of all the strings. So two files are saved.

The software collects all data. The depth-o-meter you will use will typically poll an average every 4 seconds or so. The record is at least 2 seconds - I think actually it records a depth every second and half - and records the lat/long at the time of the depth record. It shows my keel offset but that is easy on the Excel worksheet. Then I have to reduce to Chart Datum. Thanks to the Port of London Authority I have a full record of the Margate tide bubbler (Margate is very convenient for the SW Sunk as it is almost on the tidal line) and I have checked using live data from Sheerness. I then compare the dissonace between the two. The experience is there a variation reduced to Chart Datum between the two interpolations the position of the SW Sunk. It does not exceed 0.1m; in fact I think it does not vary further from 0.06m which is diddly squit. I show the worse case though! Only really pain is to open programmes the right order (adding the Imray chart plotter and a separate GPS receiver for the plotter) otherwise the Com thingys have a battle and nobody ever wins!


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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I hadn't realised that the photos I took of the container ship coming out of the London River along the Black Deep shows that tide popple. Not the clearest and some clarity has lost; its that slight dark area and busier. Over that distance the depth dropped from 5m to over 10m!

The container ship (not the largest by any means) turned south into Fisherman's Gat which quite surprised me on account she being big. Even though she is clearly light the Gat is guiding depth of 8.3m or something like that and it was low water, high water of 0.4m. Surprising. Another large ship turned into there latter.

First go with one hand missed most of the ship but it shows the tide popple.



Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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First: I should have given acknowledgement to all of the forumites and readers of the book would have helpfully given their experiences earlier this year. Some people were successful, others no. That is actually not a conflict. Last years rhumb line used this year would be a close call; a slight sag of the rhumb line - donk! Thank you for all the comments.

Second: I have be playing this morning overlaying last years chartlet over this years. It's not the clearest - some definition gets a little lost saving the drawing to a JPG and then to Photobucket and then to the forum. But it clearly shows that the swatch to the north-east has deepened this year just as the SW knoll has migrated to the north-east. Last year's soundings and waypoints in 'faint'. Note the shape of the drying areas this year are drawn by observation; last year was aided by the PLA data. Note the correlations of the '7's, note some of the north-east soundings having over 1-2m deeper. Good stuff. I think the swatch is more comfortable this year.



17 Sep 2002
East London
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This is most useful.

It made me think of my first crossings of the Thames Estuary in the 1980's when our navigation tools were slightly less precise and life was slightly more tense when crossing the sandbanks. I remember one crossing in fog using DR when after several hours of navigation in thick fog, which had descended as we left the Crouch, the sight of the metal lattice work of the Sunk beacon looming up out of the fog (thankfully just as we were looking for it) meant that we were able to escape to bluer waters.


17 Sep 2002
East London
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I do remember it looking like that, which looks relatively pristine, and also when it was on the way to falling down when it started to crumble from one side.

Then one day it was all gone away...........................................

you would not want to hit the bits would you?


New member
29 Oct 2001
Sunny Essex
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Hi All.
Went through this swatchway twice over the past two weeks, been meaning to put posting on here about my findings, but Tillergirl got there first..
Shallows very quickly to the South of the old Rhumb line.... So keep north of it if your too lazy to down load the new chartlet.
Plenty of water at 2 hours either side of LW Walton...4.4M was the minimum I saw on my first trip through.....and a lot less when I returned but went south of the rhumd
Thanks Tillergirl, your surveys are always appreciated!