Story of possible interest here


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8 Sep 2002
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Many years ago we use to own boat called "Nordmark" whose name did not
mean a lot to us, until one day in W H Smiths noticed a book called
" Under three flags" flicking through the photographs could not help but
reconise the boat which we owned,
Nordmark was the supply ship assigned to the Graf Spey { If my memory is still working] and our boat was the captains launch 38 footer, Nordmark was the sister
ship to the infamous "Altmark" Pictured in the photographs was the german
Admiral Donitz and several other top german officers!
The Three Flags come into the story of the ship as being one very few ships
to see service in three different navies,
Captured by the British obviously from the German navy, then passed on to the
Austrailian navy, Again if my memory is right! It was the first ship to
refuel others at sea while still under way.
Sadly our old boat came to grief on the Cornish coast, several years after
we had sold it.
Just thought it might be of interest to someone!!

regards mike