Spanish marinas in Med


Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
I plan to sail from Gibraltar to Southern France during next summer.
I read/hear about the usual catastrophic situation about mooring places in marinas: no available places, boats obliged to hop from one port to the next one looking for a place, etc.

I plan to sail for one/two weeks, then go back to work (sic) for a few weeks, then back sailing for a week, and so on.
Rythm would be pretty much decided by weather: a few days non stop, a few days with maybe only a few miles, so it would be difficult to plan in advance which exact date or port to call on.
Is it absolutely impossible to find a place at the last moment where to leave the boat for two/three weeks?
Are biggest marinas (which?) more likely to have available space?
Are you obliged to book places in winter, even for a few weeks?
If you ask to leave the boat for a few weeks, are you more or less likely to get a mooring?

Any help appreciated...


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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summer's the best time: in winter, the boats don't move, in summer, they do. You will find places, but there may be some legwork. Bigger marinas have more boats which move off and about like you, whereas smaller ones are "resort-style" where owners may never sleep aboard and return home to the same marina every night. A bicycle will allow you to get around the brokers, as well as the marina office, as soem of the places are massive. Note that most berths are privately owned, not controlled by the marina itself. Security stickers are daunting for casual thieves. Good idea to pay someone on hand to "keep an eye" on the boat whilst away.