Spain kicking out British Yachtsmen!

Clancy Moped

Well-known member
18 Jun 2019
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Mass exodus of British yachts from the Balearics

Spain has not signed the United Nations UNECEResolution 40 or 14 which accepts and recognises the ICC. Portugal and Greece have not accepted it either but Portugal seem to be very welcoming of British yachtsmen. Spain has a beef over Gibraltar, the situation in Greece is unclear.
The story is BS from a local rag....

Las titulaciones náuticas de recreo británicas serán reconocidas en España antes del inicio de la temporada estival - Anen

'As a result of the conversations held by ANEN with the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine, always attentive to the needs of our sector, and in relation to the effects of Brexit on the validity in Spain of the nautical titles of British citizens, said British qualifications will be recognized in Spain before the start of the summer season.

In the document published in its day by the DGMM (it can be consulted in this LINK ) and that was analyzed in the Webinar organized by ANEN on legislative updates in progress last February, it was indicated that “ From January 1, 2021 , British citizens cannot continue to benefit from the recognition of their pleasure titles to govern pleasure boats under the Spanish flag, as the requirements established in the third and fourth additional provisions of Royal Decree 875/2014 are not met, when the United Kingdom passes to be considered a third country and not appear in the list of countries listed in Annex IX, whose degrees issued are recognized ".

This situation, also in accordance with the information provided by the DGMM, will change once the Royal Decree that regulates the safety and pollution prevention equipment of pleasure boats is published , in which a provision that modifies aspects has been included. included in Royal Decree 238/2019, including an amendment to Royal Decree 875/2014 (October 10, which regulates nautical qualifications for the government of pleasure boats), in order to include Gran Britain in its Annex IX (Titles issued by other states). Thus,With the entry into force of the new Royal Decree, whose publication is expected shortly, all the aforementioned would cease to be valid and British citizens will be able to use the RYA title to rent and govern pleasure boats under the Spanish flag in our waters.'


1 Jul 2004
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Its all a big bun fight - not sure of the eventual winners a few casualties though.
The RYA quals question + UK flag vessels <14M are not allowed to operate /charter commercially in Baleares (some despite paying Matriculation tax as regarded as a Spanish vessel)
* Note "under Spanish flag"
There was a feeling that all will sort out over time and nothing much changes in the end --- BUT it took ANEN 4 years to gain last major concessions - there are also a lot of Spanish skippers that went RYA rather than their own qualification system.


Well-known member
1 Oct 2002
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Nooooooo. We have Spanish friends who're rabid in their belief that Gib's theirs and should be returned, but whenever I mention Ceuta in comparison, I'm assured that's "completely different."

Brilliant, I had never heard of the place. Are they able to explain in what way it is different?



Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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Doesn’t Gib have its own passport and government along with its own currency and has just joined Schengen? How much less dependent could it get ?


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Doesn’t Gib have its own passport and government along with its own currency and has just joined Schengen? How much less dependent could it get ?
Don't know much about Gib then....

It's a uk passport with Gibraltar additionally written on the front. I know this because I have one. Whether this is the same now that aren't issued locally, I don't know. The currency is, obviously the pound. There are gib banknotes but all pounds are accepted. Even Scottish ones.

There is a small parliament more akin to a town council but with a first minister. I went to the last ones daughters wedding.

Joining schengen after the Brexit thing is a great move to keep the border flowing. Covid has bought its problems to this of course.

Later this week I will be bunkering at the diesel dock in marina bay. Will be interesting to find out more about how life is expected to be with schengen.