Spain bans sailboats due to orc attacks


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6 May 2005
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As the comment on a rogue bear they are not shot dead they are tranqilised and moved out of the area especially polar bears

I offer for Goose's delectation and learning, a reality check on his statement.

rogue [polar bear shot at DuckDuckGo

Isn't it about time, FG, that you gave verification for your claims, otherwise people may start to think that your posts are all products of your febrile imagination and lacking in veracity.


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2 Dec 2018
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I offer for Goose's delectation and learning, a reality check on his statement.

rogue [polar bear shot at DuckDuckGo

Isn't it about time, FG, that you gave verification for your claims, otherwise people may start to think that your posts are all products of your febrile imagination and lacking in veracity.
strange attitude, perhaps you have not been following this thread or the subject in general ,, ( perhaps you are more interested in a personal attack on the individual ) may i refer you to the statement released yesterday by the spanish authorities re the exclusion zone , within which the word " attack " , which the sensational have been using , was not used by them at all , instead on advice from their own maratime experts were reffered to as " encounters , interactions " and even " play ".. read on . seems to me to support what Goose , ( and others ) have been saying all along,, so whats your problem now ?


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12 Feb 2019
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I offer for Goose's delectation and learning, a reality check on his statement.

rogue [polar bear shot at DuckDuckGo

Isn't it about time, FG, that you gave verification for your claims, otherwise people may start to think that your posts are all products of your febrile imagination and lacking in veracity.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear , the polar bear killed someone this makes them more ambitious around people and may attack again, this practice of killing a wild animal that has taken a human life is pretty standard , lions,tigers bears , fortunately it is rare , Norway in which the bear was killed have a practice of relocation if a bear wanders in human settlements, using non lethal methods.
So in context to the orca no one died or got injured so why are people talking about flare guns and harpoons
Honestly this is getting bewildering


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27 May 2018
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The other thread is 14 pages! And long ago deteriorated into a slanging match.
And now this one's gone! ?

Oooops. Sailed from near Malpica to Laxe today.
So am I right in thinking that I am now outside this zone?

It runs E / NE from A Coruña / Ferrol for about 40 miles?

When I first read the article I couldn't find the place names by googling, but I think this is it?


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27 May 2018
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I'm hoping to make it as far south as possible and then get on the hard over winter and get some jobs done.

I had hoped to make Sicily, but am now thinking that unrealistic. Open to any recommendations.


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2 Dec 2018
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I'm hoping to make it as far south as possible and then get on the hard over winter and get some jobs done.

I had hoped to make Sicily, but am now thinking that unrealistic. Open to any recommendations.
North african coast used to be popular for winter as it was cheap , dont know current situstion ,, could you try “ noonsite “ ?


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27 May 2018
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Why is Sicily unrealistic?

What about the Canaries!?
The constraints, in the time available, of the weather and my own abilities and laziness.

Crossing Biscay the other week was my longest singlehanded passage, and it was exhausting. At times it had me scared and full of self-doubt.

My heart doesn't yearn for the Canaries, as it does for Sicily, but I bet there are places along the Spanish or Portuguese coast I'd be comfortable.


Well-known member
2 Dec 2018
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The constraints, in the time available, of the weather and my own abilities and laziness.

Crossing Biscay the other week was my longest singlehanded passage, and it was exhausting. At times it had me scared and full of self-doubt.

My heart doesn't yearn for the Canaries, as it does for Sicily, but I bet there are places along the Spanish or Portuguese coast I'd be comfortable.
Very honest , seems that you have done alright tho ??


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27 May 2018
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Get round StVincent it all changes - atlantic swell no more, weather's more often than not nice all year, cheap food and drink, friendly welcoming people. Bruces yard for liftout & diy boatwork

A top google hit for Bruces Yard is a 2014 thread on this forum which also mentions Ria Formosa Boatyard at Olhao as an alternative.

Pro's and con's of each? I guess you prefer Bruce's, may I ask why?

I'd like to live onboard whilst she is on the hard.


Well-known member
6 Dec 2012
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It's indeed a bit late in the season to go that far from the Rias. Either find a nice sheltered spot in the Rias and hunker down, ordering a nice Chinaspacher to keep you cozy, or make it down to Portugal. Porto is lovely, but the marina spaces are limited/expensive. Lisbon has more room. The Algarve is best for a milder winter and lots of places to choose from, and in reasonable range of day-sailing down the coast when the weather suits.

Then next year you can visit Gibraltar, the Baleares and Sardinia on the way over to Sicily. Don't arrive before September, the locals go wild in Summer and it's not to everyone's liking! ;-)


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27 May 2018
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Either find a nice sheltered spot in the Rias and hunker down, … , or make it down to Portugal. Porto is lovely, but the marina spaces are limited/expensive. Lisbon has more room.
You say marina spaces, but I want to be on the hard if you have any recommendations please, @Yngmar.


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6 Dec 2012
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Sorry, didn't see that. If you want to live aboard on the hard*, Bruce's is probably your best bet, as it caters to that sort of thing and there'll probably be others doing the same so you won't be the one weirdo in the yard like in some other places :)

And it's in walking distance of town. Faro is somewhat sheltered behind the lagoon, although tornados have hit in recent years.

Others have done a haulout and lived aboard at Portimao, but didn't sound too happy with the yard there. Don't know about yards further north, there's definitely plenty in Lisbon but no idea if they allow living aboard.

* Terrible thing to do for any length of time if you ask me, but if the boat needs work that can only be done out...


Active member
16 Apr 2012
It's indeed a bit late in the season to go that far from the Rias....

Good advice about the Algarve but I'd say ts still fine for getting down the Portugese coast, across the Bay of Cadiz and through the Gibratar Strait during October. I did so two years ago. Biggest problem was fog around Cape St Vincent. And three 24 - 30 hour legs to eat up the miles.

That said, the Rias are too lovely to rush. In the OP's shoes I'd be thinking about overwintering there. Cheap, beautiful, friendly people. Not as warm as further south and a lot wetter (think Cornwall but 5 to 10 degrees warmer.)

But the Algarve or Gib are good if you crave the company of other Brits. I don't so moved on to Andalucia.


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16 Apr 2012
Re hauling out and living on board. Its not as widely permitted (or even understood in Spain ''¿Porque? Have you no friends?''). I've got a 2 week haulout to do this winter and I'm finding airbnb apartments already heavily discounted. By February I might be able to forego the privations of yard life for a bit of comfort in an apartment or temporary flatshare. Either way, it'll be a lot better than my last winter hauled out in a yard in Ipswich in the rain, sleet and snow, trailing mud and gravel everywhere, living in fear of electrocuting myself while grinding grp off my keel and skeg with puddles gradually reaching my feet while the cold seeped up through four layers of clothes. Urgh!


Active member
16 Apr 2012
The constraints, in the time available, of the weather and my own abilities and laziness.

Crossing Biscay the other week was my longest singlehanded passage, and it was exhausting. At times it had me scared and full of self-doubt.

My heart doesn't yearn for the Canaries, as it does for Sicily, but I bet there are places along the Spanish or Portuguese coast I'd be comfortable.
A great achievement though. Skippering your own boat across Biscay is a big milestone and it gets easier from there ?
A bit of fear and self doubt are, I think, good traits for long term cruisers. Always good to know your limits. Biscay and bombing down the Portugese coast for two days mostly in thick fog taughr me that my boat's limitations are significantly beyond mine. So that became one less thing to worry about.
And there are tons of great places along the Portugese and Spanish coasts. My advice is to take your time and enjoy them, Sicily will still be there next year or the year after.
Oh yeah. Spoiler alert. Approaching the Gibraltar Strait and realising the mountains to the South of you are in Africa is quite a thing, espcially if you pop into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta. Tying my own boat up in Africa for the first time was certainly a big moment for me!


Well-known member
19 Nov 2019
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Lol need to ban brits abroad , and their over hyped sense of importance, compare the spanish navies interpretation of their encounter to the brits ,
Also respect other countries laws .
I know some on here think laws that they do not agree with are not laws but I will tell you a wee secret they are.
Leave the orca alone , you get more personal injuries from a wee midge bite
Tell that to the crew whose leg was gashed by the tiller!