Well-known member
Anyone know of a source of second hand charts? Specifically looking for Imray 2500 Channel Islands set and Admiralty or Imray detailed Falmouth Harbour/Helford River.
Thanks for the links I will look into themYou could check out these web sites to assist in planning the Thames Estuary.
East Coast Pilot | ECP
Cross the Thames Estuary Home
The authors of these books/web sites are regular contributors to the East Coast Forum.
East Coast Forum
If you are anywhere near Plymouth then Marine Bazaar Chandlery have a huge pile of old charts.www.chartsales.co.uk
Does anybody know if above link to company selling charts still up and running I keep trying but can't get through !
I'm looking for a few secondhand charts for a bit of passage planning, namely Dover straits, Thames, estuary and Thames. Also interested in Bristol channel lands end .any tipspls
ideally, Imray C series
thanks all best
Or Bogey Knights in Plymouth - good size pile to look through there. Unsorted, various dates and parts of the world. Interesting place.I would try Crews Navigation based at Mountbatten in Plymouth.
Crews Navigation
I think they packed up about 4 years ago.www.chartsales.co.uk
Does anybody know if above link to company selling charts still up and running I keep trying but can't get through !