Something has picked up my mooring!


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29 Nov 2009
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Doesn't Southampton University have any water nearby to float their oversized anemometers on?

Actually there is (or was) an oversized anemometer moored off Cracknore Hard or thereabouts. Not on a decapitated Hobie though. No idea what that one is for; I used to assume long-term testing of the turbine but I don't really know.



Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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...long-term testing of the turbine but I don't really know.

But is anywhere inside a built-up area like Portsmouth Harbour, really suitable for testing wind-driven equipment? Better, anchored in the middle of Langstone Harbour.

Which wouldn't have been much further for the Hobie's owners to reach.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Also wondering if notice has been placed on the craft pointing out that it is on the OP's mooring and asking for the owners to remove it and/or contact the club mooring officer

So what's Gerry supposed to do with his boat in the meantime, go into a marina then invoice the idiot ?!

All moorings should have a number on them, and if people can't tell Langstone from Portsmouth I don't want to be on the same planet as them - am probably not ! :rolleyes:


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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So what's Gerry supposed to do with his boat in the meantime, go into a marina then invoice the idiot ?!

All moorings should have a number on them, and if people can't tell Langstone from Portsmouth I don't want to be on the same planet as them - am probably not ! :rolleyes:

Well Langstone and Portsmouth are both big wet areas and both are next to Portsmouth. To someone who doesn't sail/boat/etc. they are just that and nothing more - the pretty bits next to the beach. Say for instance you're working on a Uni project and mention you need to put equipment on the water. The Uni may arrange you a temporary mooring and tell you "mooring 23A in Portsmouth Harbour". because of this, you look in the water next to Portsmouth and find a buoy with 23A written on it and tie up. Why would you search for another one when you think you've found it?

I'm not exactly "Mr Empathy" towards my fellow Man, especially when my fellow Man is dumb as a box of rocks, but in this case I can see how a mistake could be genuine.


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6 May 2005
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come on! this is now 10 days since the problemn was raised. It's costing a forumite time, money and stress.

There must be some kit on that unit with an ID number. Backtrack with the manufacturer.

For all you know it might be gently pumping c.difficile or something equally noxious into the water as a subtle unit of Al Q'aeda's navy. Environment Agency, local Health Authority, local Emergency Planning Office, all should be brought in to play. Raise the stakes.


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10 Sep 2001
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For all you know it might be gently pumping c.difficile or something equally noxious into the water as a subtle unit of Al Q'aeda's navy. Environment Agency, local Health Authority, local Emergency Planning Office, all should be brought in to play. Raise the stakes.

So you think they might be trying to improve the water quality in Portsmouth ??


Well-known member
21 Mar 2007
South of France.
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There were some 'types' doing experiments based at Trafalgar Wharf last summer ... maybe it's something to do with them ... try phoning their office. They were renting space and had quite a lot of strange looking kit so TW's office would know.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Well Langstone and Portsmouth are both big wet areas and both are next to Portsmouth. To someone who doesn't sail/boat/etc. they are just that and nothing more - the pretty bits next to the beach. Say for instance you're working on a Uni project and mention you need to put equipment on the water. The Uni may arrange you a temporary mooring and tell you "mooring 23A in Portsmouth Harbour". because of this, you look in the water next to Portsmouth and find a buoy with 23A written on it and tie up. Why would you search for another one when you think you've found it?

I'm not exactly "Mr Empathy" towards my fellow Man, especially when my fellow Man is dumb as a box of rocks, but in this case I can see how a mistake could be genuine.


my opinion of local Uni's suffered a hit, when the Marine Metallugical Dept of one came to look at my first corroded keel and the top man pronounced the 3/4" steel was eroded by the speed of the boat through the water !!!

I bet the students aren't worrying about the hassle they've caused, bung the thing on shore and phone the local Uni's...


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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I bet the students aren't worrying about the hassle they've caused, bung the thing on shore and phone the local Uni's...

That's my point though, they are probably unaware of all of this and think they're in the right spot. I'm not saying nothing should be done, just countering the "cut it loose" crowd.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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That's my point though, they are probably unaware of all of this and think they're in the right spot. I'm not saying nothing should be done, just countering the "cut it loose" crowd.

I'm not suggesting ' cut it loose ' - ( I think QHM would have something to say about that - ) , just ditch it safely while not causing any more expense and inconvenience to the OP who actually paid for the mooring and needs somewhere secure to leave his boat.

Ross D

26 Jul 2010
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Have you tried asking the club moorings officer to send a round robin email to the other club members to ask if they gave permission for the boat to be temporarily tied up to their mooring and the Hoby Cat accidentally ended up on the wrong one?

If your club is as friendly as you and others say, someone could have easily offered their vacant mooring to some students doing research, it could be a genuine mistake and not a malicious attempt to get a mooring for free.

I have accidentally left my boat on the wrong mooring previously, nothing malicious just a mistake when returning from three weeks sailing, late at night. The buoys weren't numbered and I was borrowing the mooring from a friend. Their instructions were "it is the second mooring bouy after you round the bend in the river" unfortunately he meant on the way downriver and I was coming up on the tide. The local boatyard moved it to a vacant mooring of theirs when the owners complained, and I ended up apologising profusely with a bottle of scotch as a peace offering.

As someone else has suggested it could have been found adrift by another yacht and tied up to an available mooring to stop it causing damage to other boats.

Have you attached a note to the boat explaining that it is on your mooring and asking them to move it?



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11 Feb 2009
New Forest
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I'm wondering which will end soonest, this thread or the starboard pontoon of the offending craft. Definitely looked like it was sinking when I left today. Has somebody been out with an awl?