Something has picked up my mooring!


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14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
Ok all...the problem has been resolved (hooray, I hear you cry)

First of all thanks for all your posts, the helpful, the funny and even the "cut it lose brigade". Most of them have put a smile on my face :)
I didnt particularly enjoy the club criticisms. Hardway is a friendly and welcoming club. I dont want to go into the communication that I have had with them here as I feel that it will reignite the thread but I would invite anyone who would like to visit Hardway to PM me. We will make arrangements and I will buy (some) beers.

I would love to tell you an exciting end where the owner called me up and apologised and gave me free mooring in a marina for a year and a large bottle of rum for my trouble. Sadly the truth is a little more mundane.

Thanks to Lenseman who gave me some links much earlier in the post. I went through the links and contacted all the organisations, of which included QHM (even though I had called them on day one, before anyone else).
Today I got a call form Wicor Marine who had been contacted by QHM. Wicor had given permission for the ........erm.......silly people to put the offending object on one of their moorings and they had simply picked up the wrong one.
Wicor marine had called the owners and told them of their error who said they would move it forthwith.
I suggested that when they move it they put some kind of identification so if there was a problem someone could contact them.......sorry, when it sinks, as it looks like it will......someone could contact them.

Even though I am miles away from Wicor Marine, I dont hold any grudge against, what I believe is a bunch of students, that dont know anything about the etiquette of picking up the wrong mooring. We were all young once (it may just be a little harder for some to remember because it is such a long time ago :) and we all make mistakes.

On reflection I think that, as tempting as it may be, "cutting it loose" would have been the poorest course of action to take.

Thanks again for all your input. This post has been great entertainment.

One last thing. I had to pick up a club mooring which was free. I found out the owner and called them. They were most understanding and helpful.

Thanks again


I don't belieeeeve it!!!

An outbreak of commonsense on the forum.

Well done Gerry, impeccable behaviour in the face of severe provocation.


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29 Dec 2010
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I didnt particularly enjoy the club criticisms.

They were no pleasure to me either, Gerry; and they weren't meant personally, I was obviously way off...but I've learned a good lesson from this thread:

...paying, quite a lot, to a club for a mooring, doesn't necessarily mean you can use it when you need it! I had supposed otherwise.

If mooring cuckoos aren't a problem which club officers are able to resolve, I thank you for the warning, much better than finding out by experience.

Thank heavens it's sorted, anyway. Now enough of that...more beer and dancing girls...:D

View attachment 30937

Actually, that one at the front reminds me of Una Stubbs. In Worzel Gummidge, not Summer Holiday...:rolleyes:
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7 Jul 2008
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...but I've learned a good lesson from this thread: ...paying, quite a lot, to a club for a mooring.....

Actually, if I am really honest, I dont pay "quite a lot" for the club mooring. It is a DIY mooring. Your gear, your responsibility to maintain it.
If I were paying £3000 to £4000 each year I would be entitled to complain bitterly but I dont pay anywhere near that!
All in all I am not complaining and I can put up with these minor irritations.

In addition the real problem with this was there was no identification or SSR number. If another boat had been left on it, I would have been able to identify it with much more ease.

And on to the dancing girls....none of them are ugly, by any stretch of the imagination.....however the one on the right may have been in the sun too long....not so much of a tan but more a lobster leg!.....Ouch!



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7 Jul 2008
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So who gets the invoice?

For what.......?
Actually, in the end, I have suffered no financial loss, thank goodness. If I had I don't suppose I would be so casual about it.
Nope, I think this is a simple lack of knowledge and experience situation, something we have all been guilty of at one time or another.
Hopefully Wicor can set them straight.



Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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Actually, if I am really honest, I dont pay "quite a lot" for the club mooring. It is a DIY mooring. Your gear, your responsibility to maintain it.

Good Gad, sir! Here I've been, coiled and ready to spring forth and commit vengeful sabotage with indignation aforethought, on your behalf...

...when you could have just dropped another block and some chain, and said that was your mooring? :eek:

Here are some dancing girls, all yours for the evening at no cost:

View attachment 30938



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7 Jul 2008
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Good Gad, sir! Here I've been, coiled and ready to spring forth and commit vengeful sabotage with indignation aforethought, on your behalf...

...when you could have just dropped another block and some chain, and said that was your mooring? :eek:

Here are some dancing girls, all yours for the evening at no cost:

View attachment 30938


Erm....although QHM were not initially interested in someone picking up my mooring, you just try and drop a sinker, chain and buoy. I am sure they would soon be upon you like traders in a Moroccan market.

Re the dancing girls.....I am sure they are lovely......but......can we go back to more of the previous pictures :)



Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
Visit site just try and drop a sinker, chain and buoy. I am sure they would soon be upon you like traders in a Moroccan market.

Then, that might've been the first thing to do, with the Hobie? And meanwhile reclaim your mooring, which no-one could have questioned your right to be on.

Re the dancing girls...I am sure they are lovely..., they're weren't. But these are...:D

View attachment 30939

D'you think p'raps they need their bows thrusted? :)


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28 Sep 2012
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While I am exceptionally pleased for the OP that this has been resolved and no financial loss was involved I do think it leaves some serious questions which we should all take the time to consider for our own individual situations and peace of mind. Bear in mind these points could equally apply for or against us if we happen to make a mistake or have to moor in the wrong place for some reason.

1. Who to contact in the event someone occupies a mooring unexpectedly / dangerously / inconsiderately ( insert your own adjective here)
2. Who has the power to decide and enforce what to do
3. How long should such an infringement exist before its reasonable and proper to do 1.
4. How long will the infringement exist until 2.
5. What liabilities and safety issues arise moving an offending craft to another location
6. what liabilities and safety issues arise by not moving the offending craft to another location
7. How to recover any direct costs arising
8. Are any punative costs reasonable
9. How to identify an otherwise unidentifiable craft

A balanced head is clearly needed in these situations as genuine reasons may exists such as human error, emergency, salvage etc., however its also necessary that we are vigilant against willful negligence, danger , antisocial acts etc.


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7 Jul 2008
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Pleased to hear a positive outcome, I'll be heading down the harbour later (from Wicor) so will see if it's moved.

May pop into the club on Sunday morning (new member this year), it the bar open for breakfast?

Hi Georgio

Thanks for taking a look.
Unfortunately I have other commitments this weekend so am not able to make it down :-(



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7 Jul 2008
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Maybe a letter of complaint to the college pointing out that if their students are going to leaveapparatus around it should have clear contact details on it and requesting a copy of their public liability insurance?

Good idea, although I don't actually know the offending organisation.
Still I could address a letter through Wicor Marine.

