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    • 2Tizwoz
      2Tizwoz reacted to Refueler's post in the thread Bizarre Moderating with Like Like.
      Moderation here has often caused me to wonder what is going through their minds ... But guys - take care - they don't like being taken...
    • 2Tizwoz
      2Tizwoz reacted to penberth3's post in the thread Bizarre Moderating with Like Like.
      FWIW Paul, you stand out on here as a reliable source of information, often correcting stuff that is dangerously wrong - and we're...
    • 2Tizwoz
      2Tizwoz reacted to Dellquay13's post in the thread Bizarre Moderating with Like Like.
      PolPot called it “pulling the weed out by the roots” when he slaughtered the families, friends and neighbours of anyone he suspected of...
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