Soltron - the Magic elixir - an update?


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: MBM test on Solly

Don't know either I bought mine locally and would never buy a VAT paid boat.

Must be some tax loophole!

BTW private message in your inbox re IM.



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11 Dec 2001
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Re: Depsol Stretching the truth?

Oh dear Dom, have I said something to upset you? And you’ve only just realised that you do indeed make money out of it? Good job then that I jogged your memory and reminded you.;-)

I've not as yet tried Soltron, so can't speak from experience and part of my post was highlighting the poor sales performance of the manufacturers of Soltron and their inability or unwillingnesss to reply to repeated requests for purchase, though of course that’s nothing to do with you. Out of interest, what you don't know, and have no reason to be aware of is that my contacts with Soltron's sales organisation were primarily aimed at obtaining the product for independent evaluation by one of my company's customers, a major manufacturer of diesel engines for the commercial shipping and power generation industry who had agreed that they would be prepared to test the product and validate (or otherwise) Soltron’s claims. Soltron’s sales people are aware of this from all my e-mails and still not bothered to reply.

From a personal boating point of view, I agree that I may have "rubbished" the product without having tested it, but as soon as I'm back boating next year I do indeed intend to give it a try. Not that I can make any useful comparisons since I don't keep a record of fuel consumption and have so far (fortunately) not been a victim of the supposedly dreaded bug, but more of a belt and braces approach. I agree with what you say, “why risk a possible breakdown for the sake of a few quid in pretreatment.”

I'm sort of half convinced that Soltron works as a bug killer but very sceptical about their claims for improvement in fuel economy. Though the anecdotal reports of jfm and geoff who've tried it in cars tends to disprove that, but my real gripe is with the magic elixir type claims. "Kills bugs and improves fuel consumption". I'm perhaps a bit sceptical about exaggerated claims for any product, but especially in this case the fuel improvement capabilities. If they marketed it as purely a bug killer, fair enough. That’s it’s job and what it was designed to do. Why tag on this “oh and it might do this too”. IMHO it’s unnecessary and ruins the credibility of it’s principal benefit.

My scepticism centres around my belief that if this, or any, product could indeed provide a real improvement in fuel economy, one of the major players, be it a fuel company or an engine manufacturer, would either recommend it or more likely buy the company and market it themselves. Be honest Depsol, if this was a Shell or Exxon product, wouldn't most people have more faith in it? If it were endorsed by VP for example, don't you think virtually everyone would use it? Course they’re missing an opportunity for this sort of endorsement by their own inactivity re my e-mails, but perhaps they don’t see me as being a serious conduit to gaining such an endorsement. Shame really, if it had worked I would have stood to gain personally so declaring my interest here and now.

So we’ll have to wait and see if MBY or someone else can do a real analysis of it, always assuming they can get hold of some.

Meanwhile the boating season’s at an end so not too urgent, never know, perhaps Santa will bring me some.

T'was all said really a bit tongue in cheek, my real gripe is with the US manufacturer. Apologies if I’ve caused offence to you personally, only a bit of fun. Honest


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Depsol Stretching the truth?

Well there's your real problem you went to the USA dont bother I can get you the contact details of someone in London who will be more than delighted to help. The operation is split you see.

If you really want that test to go ahead I'm sure I can help but lets talk about it on a private message. All test info helps me and my business.

I will send you a private message on this.

BTW you haven't offended me it has been fun doing these long posts.


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16 May 2001
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Re:keep solly debate on BB plse

Guys, try to do on BB not PM, we're all interested. Kim told me he has passed on to Jake the idea of MBM doing a proper test.

Colin, oi, whadya mean "anecdotal". I did massive work saving receipts and stuff, even have an excel spreadsheet, that's proper science that is, not anecdote grrrrrr. <G>


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6 Oct 2001
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Re:keep solly debate on BB plse

Sorry privvy to certain info can't give out this info over the net i.e tel numbers etc I think you understand but I'm sure we could update everyone from time to time if anything goes ahead. I still think Jake should test it.


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11 Dec 2001
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Re:keep solly debate on BB plse

Ok will keep on board, but re scientific study I accept you've done really nice pretty excel type add this column and divide result by last Thursday's exchange rate against the yen type spreadsheet, ooh doesn't it look good. But you're now City type with electronic clipboard and no white lab coat so well used to massaging figures to make 'em look like you want;-) Hence anecdotal??


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11 Dec 2001
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Re:keep solly debate on BB plse

Depsol PM'd me with his phone number so that we could have chat re this testing. Without giving too much detail, I think we may have missed the boat with my client re testing this. They asked me about it again in mid Nov and I gave them an update re inability to obtain samples and their response then was on the lines of "oh another flakey fuel improver". They regularly get requests from suppliers of many types of product to do evaluation tests and in the main refuse, partly 'cos of the costs of testing but also their reluctance to endorse a product over which they have no quality or financial control. For example, there is always the concern that if a supplier provides samples for testing, is this exactly the same as the product that's sold? I guess a bit like Which who only do "blind testing" i.e. Which always buy their products in the shops and then test, they won't accept manufacturers own samples. My clients' opinion is much the same, also if they publish the results of research they've paid for, what's in it for them? Testing a product for their own use and keeping the results confidential is one thing, endorsing a product over which they have no control is another. It was also mentioned to me that if they pay for the test of any product and it comes out good and they then give a big commercial endorsement to a supplier that ultimately helps that product become a commercial success, they could then be in a position where the supplier can increase their product price to them thus meaning that they've paid to increase their own costs.

I can see their point, so maybe we do need MBY to act as impartial tester of Soltron.