Solas V Charter Greece


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19 Jan 2002
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I have booked a Bavaria 44 charter in the Ionian for July. The charter company only asked for proof of competence (ICC) but made no mention of Solas V requirement for me to produce a 14 day route plan. Should I have been asked ? as I wouldn't want to end up in a predicament similar to the plane spotters.
I have been on flotilla a couple of times which means you can I assume point the authorities in the direction of the lead boat, but with bareboat you are on your own. Has anybody got any feed back, views or experience they might share.

Many thanks

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16 May 2001
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Not at all likely.

There is a "different" approach in Greece. So long as you report to each Port Police office in each visited port with your ship's papers and are prepared to pay the "outrageous" mooring fee of around E1.20 for two nights after several sheaves of paperwork have been completed, you'll be OK.

Which company are you using?

Steve Cronin

<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion


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19 Jan 2002
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I agree its not likely, like its not likely you will be caught speeding unless you miss a camera, but if you are you have no defence!

I have had the pleasure of being summoned to the port police office in Fiskardho, its not like paying a marina overnight fee, after 15 minutes examination of documents and several questions you are asked for 1 euro 80 and are very happy to pay and leave. They did not give the impression that if something was wrong they would be very forgiving, hence my concern.

The company as you ask is Nisos based in Nikiana, saw them there last year and was impressed with the boats. Also the attention to detail in their preparation of the boats for the next client. Infact the base manager allowed us on board several boats for future reference hence our choice of Bavaria.

I have prepared a plan, places on the route are: 1. Gaios 2. Lakka 3. Mourtos 4. Mongonisi 5. Spartahori 6. Sivota 7. Fiskardho 8. Ay Eufimia 9. Poros 10. Vathy 11. Astakos via one house bay 12. Kalamos 13. Nikiana (base).
Has anybody got any idea as to the cruising speed under engine of a Bavaria 44, I have estimated 7 knots is that about right?

Many thanks.

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16 May 2001
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So you tied up to Tassia Dendrinou's pontoon in Guiscardo did you? AND paid plenty for the brackish water too, I'll be bound. Did you go to her restaurant and get offered a personally signed copy of her book? In case you don't know, Tassia is the Greek equivalent of Delia Smith.

Anyway enough teasing. The reason they poured over your papers so long was, I suspect, that they didn't know what they were looking for since most of the officers in the summer are stand-ins from other duties. Last time we were in that particular port office, my wife did the bis (always a good idea) and had none of the anxiety (forgive me, sounds almost paranoia!) you relate. She was in and out of the office in five minutes. That is the norm in Greece, especially for charter boats.

Anyway to put it quite simply, we have been chartering in Greece since 1980 and have owned our own (new 2001)Bavaria 42 for the last three years there which has been on charter for the last two and a half seasons (she's now retired) and we have NEVER been asked for a cruise plan, log book or any other document except the insurance & registration document.

Just go and enjoy it and remember, the wind pipes up between Kefalinia and Ithaci very strongly in the late afternoons. On Meganissi, The Rose Garden at Vathi has the best own made wine in the area but get in early as the harbour fills up with Sunsail flotillas very quickly.

The Bav 44 will easily cruise under motor at 7 knots and even 8.5 isn't impossible but you'll be using 4+ litres per hour with the Volvo! Incidentally, why do you want to charge around paradise in such indecent haste?

Steve Cronin

<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion


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10 Feb 2002
Drammen Norway
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The speed of the boat is 6.5 and you do not use so much diesel if I remember correctly she will do over 8 but it costs. Have sent you a PM by the way.

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19 Jan 2002
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You are right the Ionian is a paradise, I discovered it three years ago and cannot wait to go back. Yes we did go on the pontoon as there was no room infront of the Captains Cabin, sounds like a good idea to send the wife probably much better at dealing with officials than me!
We normally eat at a taverner that overlooks the outer harbour and Ithica, its full of the mega rich super yachts, many with professional crew.
I want to sail but going from Nikiana through the Levkas canal up to Paxos is about 35 miles so a 5 hr run at 7 knots under engine is expected, in order to get to the first swim and lunch stop at Emerald Bay on Antipaxos. We can then slow down and leave later to pick up the afternoon breeze which will give an excellent broad reach from Lakka over to the Sivota islands.
Yes the Straights of Ithica do get a bit strong, we got a steady 23 knots off Ay Eufemia last year and achieved 9 Knots out of the Dufour 38 sailing well off the wind.
Maybe we should go into Vathy rather than Spartakhori, although the views from the top of Sparti at the viewing area are well worth the walk. Have you been in the bat cave at the south east tip of Nisos Levkas, we went in last year the entrance is only 2 ft above the water level and it opens out into a large cave full of a rare long fingered bats. The following day the earthquake hit Levkas and the Quay at Vassiliki split and a section we were tied to nearly fell away, what an action packed holiday we had roll on July.
All the best
Ps Steve enjoy your Bavaria 42 who knows we may see you!

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