Solar Panel or wind generator


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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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Re: I have a DuoGen too

/forums/images/icons/smile.gif Smug mode from feeling vindicated /forums/images/icons/smile.gif With my intended program, I have decided that I will still buy the solar panel this year, and the duogen in a couple of years ( or maybe sooner if bank manager can be bribed)

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Well-known member
8 Dec 2003
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Re: I have a DuoGen too


I'm interested to hear some positive reports of your duogen, as lack of any independent recommendation was one thing that dissuaded me against them, the other being my scepticism of some of the design features. I'd be interested in other feedback - for example what mode do you mostly use it in? Have any of the air blades broken? How easy is it to switch modes at sea (as opposed to at anchor)? How well does the fan stay into the wind - given the relatively small aerodynamic moment of the fin?

You are right that putting the weight low down is an attractive feature of the design, as is the fact that the cost of the mast is included.

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4 Sep 2001
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Re: I have a DuoGen too

Hi Ric,

Blades seem pretty robust, certainly haven't broken one yet. I've never tried changing mode whilst under way, not sure when you'd need to; but it would be tricky as you'd be standing up on your transom in a fairly precarious position. To date I've mostly used wind mode whilst at anchor. Doesn't stay as firmly into wind as some other designs appear to. I've found that during gusty conditions it seems to turn out of the wind, possibly due to gyroscopic action, as a gust drops. Despite this, it manages to keep on top of my power requirements - fridge, instruments, tv and radio whilst at anchor with 14-16kts of wind.

The current air hub does not use the pin-drive of the water unit. I found this needed far too much maintenance to keep it running freely. My suggestion to Eclectic to use bevel gears was taken up and implemented! They are a very dynamic company and always willing to listen to suggestions from customers. My latest idea, which Pete Anderson is looking into, is the possibility of having adjustable pitch blades on the water unit to allow for the different speed capabilities of different yachts.

Cheers, Jerry

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Active member
23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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Re: I have a DuoGen too

thanks for your helpful data. Apparently the ali wind stabiliser will shortly be replaced by a fibreglass replacement. Whether this will be same size or shape is not known. I am hoping the design will stabilise soon!, however they do appear to be a company that responds to good suggestions.

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