slow on here.

7 Jan 2007
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Hi all what do you think of the weather?Glad the boats out,not much work to do this year,i want to bring all this lines back to the cockpit,thats about all,not happy with my copper bott i applied in the spring,it seems to attract lots of muscles,thought the boat was a bit slower than usual last time out.back to work for me then.


Well-known member
26 Feb 2007
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Agree, weathers awful!
We are in the water and looking for some 1/2 decent weather so we can get out /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


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20 Sep 2006
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I agree, whether is a complete pain, we’re having to do all the Christmas shopping instead. Having said that this is the most organised we’ve been for years, we’ve just about finished, usually we’re still going strong on Christmas eve.

I can offer you some hope, our boat is being lifted out of water in February for a few weeks, guaranteed heatwave with no wind during this period. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
7 Jan 2007
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I look forward to the heatwave in febuary then,this year when the boat was on the hard,early spring,we had the best sailing weather of the year,soon as she went back in the water,mid april the wind blew a b#'#'#'# and never stopped all year,next summer must be better please.we cancelled our sailing hol and hired a canal barge for a week last summer,allmost got me hooked,no tides or wind to worry about,and a nice warm pub at almost every stop /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif.might do it again this year


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17 May 2006
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You're right. The weather's pants. Can't move the boat far though. My alternator's on the sick. Had a word with Wigmore Wright. They were a bit clueless and I have been recommended to go to a firm off Bessemer Road, Cardiff.

Anyway, because the weather's so faecal, and my parents are visiting us over Christmas, our house has turned into something resembling a set from the TV programme, Changing Rooms. Bev thinks she's Carol Smilee and we spent the day in B&Q picking paint. I've had strict instructions that Sunday will NOT be a lie in day and that we will be up at Dawn's Crack to start with the bathroom. The spare bedroom follows, and then the kitchen. Aren't you jealous! I'd rather have a vasectomy performed by a blind man with DT's using a chainsaw!

Anyway, Mum and Dad have also announced that they would like to see the boat. They've never seen it before, so will a photograph do? Oh no! A personal visit to the pontoon and nothing less thank you very much. So, here is the difference in male and female thought processes.

Mum and Dad: "We'd like to see your boat."
Mike: OK
Bev: WHAT! We'll go there next weekend and clean it. I'll do the heads, the forecabin and the main cabin. Oh and we'll take the hoover, and get some air freshener from Asda in the Bay, oh, and I think we've got some of that Fabreeze in the cupboard. OH NO! And it's filthy too. You'll have to put the sails back on - it looks awful without the sails, and the sprayhood too. Oh and we'll have to...............etc, etc, etc.

The rest went into a bit of a blur at that point and I went into bloke mode of trance and vacant stare at the telly.

So hopefully, we'll get all this done fairly soon before they get here. Having visitors means making an itinerary, so we'll go to the Bay on Christmas Eve and have tea in Harry Ramsden's. They're big bingo fans too, so today, Bev and I went to join Castle Bingo in Bridgend. We left the bingo hall looking like the Darwins returning from Panama with our heads under a blanket. Bingo isn't really for young upwardly mobile professionals like us, (I wish). I means, it's not very rock 'n roll is it? Still, it's what they like and between you, me and the rest of the forum, I've been before and quite enjoyed it. I never win mind you. I never win anything, not the Lottery, any raffle, any bet, or even an argument with Bev. Still. It's the taking part that counts - isn't it?

We're having a TV and red wine evening tonight. Bev's watching Michael Buble in X Factor. I've already had a b********g for call ing him "Michael Bubble". Pronunciation is sooooo important when the men are good looking - and suggest that he's gay? A slap on the back of the head follows with ear-splitting shrieks of "No he's not! At least he's better than that fat-lipped s£@g Angelina Jolie!" Think I touched a nerve there.

It's not been a bad day despite the weather. Bev was a star and treated me to dinner and beer in Bridgend after we'd been to B&Q (it should be called Q&Q - as in queue and queue). With a couple of beers, a full tum and the radiators full on, we nodded off as I watched the end of "The Man With The Golden Gun". Decorating can wait 'til tomorrow.

Anyway, my glass is empty, so I'm going into my in-need-of-decorating kitchen for more wine.

Take care all,

Lizzy D


New member
22 Feb 2005
k keeper,Portishead
Loved it /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I put my foot down about the decorating and having visitors down to the boat. (It may explain why I liveaboard on my own /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif Except I am staying at mummy and daddy's house up the road while the boat is in the yard. )

I'd join you for a drink, but I'm on duty /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
7 Jan 2007
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We have our visiters this weekend,went to gilbeys last night very nice food(a bit expensive)a very good night.Helen is in bed with the biggest hangover ever,i was up as usual at 7am why cant i sleep on?we will be having a pub lunch and then going to a 60th birthday party a 5pm in some pub,our weekends are not normaly this busy and its killing us,i need to get down to the boat at some time today to put a tarp on as shes slowly filling with rain water,not good for a wooden boat iv been told,going up to the outlaws for xmas dinner /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gifthen back home for the evening hopefully i think my kids are comeing for food and staying over, /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gifno plans for newyears yet,i would like to stay in and be miserable but helen likes to party /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif.glad im not decorating i hate it,dont mind painting the boat though.