Sealine SC35 v SC38


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
There were hull problems with the sc 38, also the earlier 38.

See mby a few months back a feature there on hull cracks, the boat in the picture is one of my clients, I noticed the cracks the day it was lifted.

The main problem was under the saloon seating, the layup was weak, most boats were repaired no quibble by Sealine or an approved repairer, mainly Desty marine at Hamble point.

Take a look in there shed there, that will give you an idea what they repair the most.

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Personally I like the look of the sc38 better than the 35, the 38 also has a separate shower area, over the toilet, the cabin is just that little bigger.

The 38 also came with the D6 engines which are a lot smoother than the more common D4.

You take your pick, id also look at a Fairline 38 targa.
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18 Jul 2009
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Love our 35. Can't give you any comparisons to the 38...never been on one. Not done any trips worth speaking about yet but doing a CI cruise in June so will post about that when its done. I can tell you tho the 35's layout for us is perfect. Loads of room for our needs and having the seperate shower cubicle (which is a comfortable size with the added bonus of a powerful shower) was a must for me. The ride is smooth at 30knts, handling wonderful blah blah. Trying to think of downsides but haven't experienced any yet. Ours is 2009 model purchased very recently. Very pleased so far.


21 Aug 2009
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I personally think that the cockpit in the 35 feels bigger than the 38....

One of the most annoying things on my old SC29 was the fact that you had to dismantle the cockpit table if you wanted to open the engine hatch as the poles (or table legs) fitted into the engine hatch lid. On the 29 I could live with it as an Inconvinience due to the size of boat however on a 38 footer it would just become hugely annoying (as I belive it is the same set up on the 38).

IMHO the cockpit layout on the 35 is significantly better.
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Ibiza boating

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13 Feb 2012
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SC35 - Volvo Penta low oil pressure warning

We love our SC35, I too was torn between the SC38 and SC35 but chose the 35 due to its better cockpit configuration which looks and feels bigger and is more practical.

The slab side hull really grows on you too and makes the 38 look a bit old fashioned when you compare the two.

I picked up my SC35 last summer with D4 260's it feels nice and fast, I've had it up to 35kts on flat sea.
Check out the photos in my album...I moved it over to Ibiza last year from Falmouth and put about 100 hours on it!

One thing I have started to experience thou when I was out there last November was after cruising at speed say around 27-30 knts for some time if I then slow down too quickly coming into a bay I get warnings coming up on the Volvo Penta dials for both engines saying WARNING LOW OIL PRESSURE STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY!! when I stop them both and re-start them after a minute or two the warnings go and they are fine...

I don't think I'm stopping too quickly as the back wash would come up over into the boat and also it never used to do this so I wonder why it has just started to.

Has anyone ever experienced this or have advice?

Life's better on a boat.


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
Don't know who told you that, but I have it on very good authority that no SC35 has been in the magic shed. Issues with the 38 are well documented I believe, but the SC35 has not suffered the same problems.

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28 Apr 2012
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sc38 or 35

Looking to buy nearly new SC35 or SC38 - any views on either?

Hello Volvo Paul:
I have looked a few 38s , the plastic seems to be affected by the sun just around the windscreen causing it to distort. The space is much better than a 35 ; I found it very spacious and it felt like a more expensive boat (which it was at the time) .
Unfortunately I took out one with the 260hp and found it to be quite sluggish , although to be fair I have said the same about the sc35 with 260s .
Some almost new 38s present good value at the moment.
Anyone got one with bigger power units ?

Justinwater :

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