Has anybody out there got a Sea Nymph 17'6 motor boat? If so can you give me any details - size of outboard, towing weight, is it possible to get spares etc? How can I find out how old it is?
Is she wooden? If so the Bell woodworking company used to do a range of kits for home construction and I have a recollection that one was a Sea Nymph and about the size you mention. If this is the boat she was rated up to about 40hp. I was semi interested in getting a kit and that would have been early-mid seventies but fortunately I discovered fibreglass trees in time.
Martin, your boat was built around 1977/78 called Starley Sea Nymph 520 Mk111.
Loa 17ft beam 6ft draft 1' 6" weight 900lbs recommended outboard was 5-15hp and it cost £1200 +vat!
Hope this is useful,