Sea conditions


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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With the first of the winter gales now approaching and thinking back to PaulineB's post about her pigshit husband, I wonder what are the worst conditions you have been out in and how you coped with them.

For my part it was the same day that PaulineB came back across the channel that we came back to Exmouth from Lyme Regis having met several friends there and had a very boozy night in the Cobb Arms and then a lot more drink on board a friends boat. It was a calm evening with a starry sky and all seemed right with the world. Crew consisted of a diving colleague and no 1 son, both of whom consumed rather too much red wine and cider (both fed the fishes at various times during the night!) and we were finally chucked off friends boat at about 3am.

Awoke next morning to a steadily incresing breeze which was not forecast and went ashore for breakfast before days diving only to receive phone call to say that the bay looked pretty awful from the top of the hill so beat a hasty retreat with no 1 son jumping ship to return with friend in bigger boat to Weymouth.

As we upped anchor and left the protection of the Cobb the sea looked angry and I half thought about turning back, but decided to press on. They always say that most boats can take a lot more punishment than their owners and I can verify this. The one advantage that boats have over us is that they cannot suffer from hangovers! At one stage we were looking up at a wave that appeared to be about twice the height of the boat and was starting to break - that I did not like! After things in the wheelhouse that have never moved before slid from side to side (including me off the helmsmans seat) we eventually arrived none the worse for wear at Exmouth. The first cup of tea back on the mooring was definitely one of the best ever.

Any lessons to be learned? Do not rely on forecasts (2-3 occasionally 4) and make sure that everything is tied down or secure, other than that it was an experience I am glad we had as it gives confidence in the boat for the next time we are caught out.

Any funny experiences or lessons to be learned from out there and has Pauline forgiven MrB yet.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Oh Dear! I hope we are not going to be subjected to all those stories of doing 25 knots into the face of a force eight - wind against tide. What gets me is we're supposed to believe their tales.
My worst was gale force one (moderating) on the Serpentine. I nearly lost my icecream overboard as I bravely battled back to the shore.



Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Well as you now intend to stick to the river you won't have to worry any more. I wish my boat would do 25 knots - usual cruising speed is around 10 kts, slow compared to most others. Watch out with those ice creams, I'm told they're not good for your teeth or your figure!


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Think the weekend you are talking about is the same one on which we were trying to bring the MBM Dutch cruise home. Forecasts were not agreeing with the synoptics but even the synoptics were as much as 18 hours out (late). Mind you, weather behind made us sufficiently nervous to stay where we were.

All in all, an exciting weekend.


ooh. I was out in a force Lots gusting Ooer, but only in the med, and in our direction. So it was flatish, and at 30+ knots, dead calm enuf to light cigs, ice creams wd be no problems at all.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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I've heard the only waves you get in the Med are those from the pretty girls on the quay.

What's happened to the mugshot?


kim got wurrid about us using pictures from elsewhere. He didn't like us using pics of O.Bin Laden whilst working in tall office building in central london. Something about copyright i spect...