Saving Money


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2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
I've now been away for 14 weeks, my biggest money saver has been the investment in upsizing my anchor and increasing the chain length from 30 to 50 mtrs.
Every night spent on anchor saves £20 ~ £30, and I sleep well knowing that if the wind gets up I won't drag.
Day sailing from place to place, you typically arrive early evening, anchoring for the night and not going straight in to the marina saves a night's fees. Then in the morning, you can arrange fenders and lines, up anchor and head in fresh and ready for a day's sight seeing.
Not leaving the next morning but leaving late in the afternoon gives you a second day to explore at no extra cost, then going back out on anchor for the night allows you to leave the next morning at whatever time suits, or if staying, use your dingy to go ashore having sussed out your landing spot the previous day, so a 3 or 4 night stay will have only cost you one night's fees.


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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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When people moan about the cost of new generation anchors they should remember this thread! Divide nights at anchor into cost of anchor. Compare with nightly cost of marina. I reckon you probably start making a profit after about 10 nights on the hook.

It is, I believe, possible to anchor without buyinga new generation anchor. Sounds unlikely, but I've been assured that it's true.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Well a friend recently bought a Centaur with a trendy anchor ( begins with ' R ' ) and I had to deploy it the other day; the previous owner obviously hadn't checked the pulpit, it was like doing a metal puzzle to get the thing outside of the boat !

Also very long and pointy risking hull damage, I don't want another anchor saga but I'm with JumbleDuck on this, a Bruce in my case.

In gales I also use a folding grapnel as an ' angel ', which seems to work well and may be useful as a kedge in emergency on rocks & weed, but I get the idea this is not trendy or expensive enough either, works for me though !
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Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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It is, I believe, possible to anchor without buyinga new generation anchor. Sounds unlikely, but I've been assured that it's true.

Of course it is, but all the advocates of CQR are also the people who insist you should go up a size "just to be safe" and to use all chain "just to be safe" and to get thicker chain "just to be safe" and to learn how to deploy it because it only works if you deploy standing on one leg singing the national anthem while smiling at the anchor and stroking the chain.

With a modern anchor you just sling it over with the correct size anchor and chain then have some G&T before bed.

As for Seajet not being able to handle the Rocna, I simply don't believe you're that daft so assume you're enjoying an anchor thread as tradition dictates. The thing has a bluddy great handle on it for this very purpose, just let some chain over the roller then pass the anchor under the pulpit to yourself before slinging it in.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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No I really am that daft, was indeed able to ' handle ' the Rocna, but the thing wouldn't physically fit between the forward pulpit legs without a serious bit of manouvering; no chance of leaving it on the roller.

The previous owner had clearly thought it was trendy and he'd have it, but hadn't thought to try it in anger.

BTW I have an old fashioned Bruce with 20' of chain & 30 metres of warp, I wouldn't dream of carrying the weight of all chain on an A22.

Of course I do pour a whisky over the side for Neptune and Morris Dance on the foredeck to ensure it holds. :)


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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No I really am that daft, was indeed able to ' handle ' the Rocna, but the thing wouldn't physically fit between the forward pulpit legs without a serious bit of manouvering; no chance of leaving it on the roller.

The previous owner had clearly thought it was trendy and he'd have it, but hadn't thought to try it in anger.

BTW I have an old fashioned Bruce with 20' of chain & 30 metres of warp, I wouldn't dream of carrying the weight of all chain on an A22.

Of course I do pour a whisky over the side for Neptune and Morris Dance on the foredeck to ensure it holds. :)

Haha well in that case it's certainly not you being daft. In that instance I'd bring the chain around to the anchor. Are we considering Bruce an "old" design now? I always thought that was "modern" like the Delta but obviously not "new gen" like the bendy one.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Obviously hadn't thought it through!
Out through the bow then back in round the side for stowing / deploying ;)

Leaving the chain over or around the pulpit and guardrails, I don't think so especially as the anchor is lashed to the pulpit.

One thing I should have done because the hawse pipe faced aft to a cleat then going forward to the anchor and was quite awkward would have been to range the anchor rode on the side deck so it would be easier to pay out, but I'm always wary of this in case the chain goes over the side, giving all sorts of unwanted Youtube type options !

Someone asked recently ' what use are toerails ? ', well add keeping chains on board to the list...


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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Leaving the chain over or around the pulpit and guardrails, I don't think so especially as the anchor is lashed to the pulpit.

One thing I should have done because the hawse pipe faced aft to a cleat then going forward to the anchor and was quite awkward would have been to range the anchor rode on the side deck so it would be easier to pay out, but I'm always wary of this in case the chain goes over the side, giving all sorts of unwanted Youtube type options !

Someone asked recently ' what use are toerails ? ', well add keeping chains on board to the list...

I've done this before with no problem. As you approach the anchorage, make the chain off to the capstain and pass enough through to get it back to the deck. Attach the anchor (which you could keep in a suitable locker) and then lash it down or make the chain off again to keep the anchor down. Just before deploying bring up sufficient chain for the depth, undo the two parts of chain/anchor and throw it over letting the remaining rode follow it. If you want to enrage forumites, let the whole lot fall next to the Rocna just to prove it will set under any circumstances before bending and letting go :)


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I don't ' throw the anchor over the side ' anywhere !

Keeping a good eye athwartships ( on transits if poss ) , when the boat begins to go backwards pay out until you feel the chain / warp go slack as it hits the bottom then pay out steadily to suit the depth / tidal range.

The chain or warp should be marked so as to know what length one has out, when buying a boat one should range the anchor chain and or warp on a pontoon, measure and mark it.

Anyone just ' chucking an anchor over the side ' is going to need the biggest trendiest anchor with all the destroyer chain they can get. :)


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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I don't ' throw the anchor over the side ' anywhere !

Keeping a good eye athwartships ( on transits if poss ) , when the boat begins to go backwards pay out until you feel the chain / warp go slack as it hits the bottom then pay out steadily to suit the depth / tidal range.

The chain or warp should be marked so as to know what length one has out, when buying a boat one should range the anchor chain and or warp on a pontoon, measure and mark it.

Anyone just ' chucking an anchor over the side ' is going to need the biggest trendiest anchor with all the destroyer chain they can get. :)

Works every time with my Delta. Obviously I measure the chain beforehand, but basically chuck it and start pouring the drinks. Perhaps you should upgrade if you're worried about setting? ;)