Sailing with a dog to UK


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Rabies in France

I find the idea that the rabies rules are for the benefit of officials rather worrying. If anybody needs convincing I suggest they click <A target="_blank" HREF=>here</A> to see the latest report of a rabid dog in SW France running amok and biting several people.

Also, the Pet Travel Scheme rules do not actually benefit UK quarantine owners since the Scheme allows quarantine to be by-passed.

I can understand (a little) the sentiment that if my dog has been vaccinated etc then why does it need to be checked. The checks are there of course to stop those animals that have not been vaccinated entering the country. Licensed carriers and approved routes are used to reduce the amount of checking carried out by officials on arrival. This also allows problems to be sorted out before the animal arrives in the UK which should be of benefit to the owner.

The Pet Travel Scheme also prevents the import of a number of very nasty exotic diseases (which the UK does not have) which are carried by parasites since animals have to be treated for ticks and worms just before they board the ferry/plane.

I’m with oldharry on this one.

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