Sailing allowed in lockdown


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9 Jan 2011
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Maybe. But as a customer I've vowed to never keep my boat anywhere with a lock gate after this year. It's not just Corona Virus, there's lock maintainace and other unexpected closures. Thanks to the first class quality of the lockkeepers my kids regard transiting the lock as a big part of the fun (including an excuse to use the radio and wave at bystanders), but for me the lock is just a hassle and a liability.

I'm not at all sure marinas are full at the moment either. The boomer generation who paid for their sailing with the various property booms are gradually giving up sailing and future generations are more likely to charter. I don't think Marinas are struggling, but I don't think many have waiting lists either.
Watch this space!


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14 Aug 2009
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The marina continues to provide the service of a dock for your boat. Regardless of wether you use it or not. Or a global pandemic restricts travel. Try asking for a discount for that in a Spanish Marina. The sound of laughing is the same in both languages.
If the marina played it neutral you might be right. But many yards and marinas took it upon themselves to enforce the law by denying access. Nobody made them do that, and that's even allowing the strict interpretation of the law that placed marinas (which weren't stated in the regulation at any stage) in with caravans and B/Bs (which were).

They went beyond a passive decision to look after unused boats and let owners conduct their business. They said "we are closing off the service we promised to provide to you". And were able to get costs saving as a result; and given the time of year were able in some cases to raise additional bills for time spent in cradles etc.

I was ashore wishing to work on the boat through lockdown. The yard agreed to give me an extra month for free so I could finish my jobs. I could have done them earlier, but they had locked the gates and told me I was forbidden to enter; there was no requirement for them to go that far.


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15 Mar 2007
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I find it hard to believe that marinas decided to shut without advice of any kind. I'm gonna remain sceptical on that. I realise your country has been wish you washy over the whole thing. Where I live, the government was absolutely crystal. No Saily. But hey, rejoice for those that have twisted a few bob.


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20 Dec 2011
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So many hypotheticals here - in fact the whole thread is a giant hypothetical!!

As it turned out, marinas have saved a ton of money by furloughing lock staff, fuel berth assistants, carpark attendants, cleaners, etc., not to mention saving money on trash collection, heating, water, rates, etc.

Add to the equation the many other government support measures - many of which required businesses to explicitly confirm that they were affected by the pandemic - and even the more avaricious operators realised that zero refunds + lots of support could land them in hot water. So they relented.

The key points here are: (a) this is now past tense, and (b) refunds were primarily a matter of English law and CMA enforcement and angry berth holders.
Yes it was hypothetical, but that was the point and yet, you avoided the question which is a fairly critical point ...who exactly restricted access to the boats? Or rather, how specifically was access restricted?
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Active member
20 Dec 2011
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Why is that my good felllow , you come on and make a stamtemt for drama yet my statement is true , in holiday hot spots one third or more of homes are taken up by second home owners
I find it hard that you think this statement is wrong , either you do not listen to radio watch news , documentaries or research anŷthing but happily play a fools game on a forum
Sad really , people get so aggravated by someone else knowing more than them it makes then into some forum warrior
Ho hum
It would be pointless pointing the facts or linking documentation to validate my own knowledge , because people like yourself feel threatened by the truth , and are blinkered to their own opinion . How does one expect knowledge to grow from a closed mind , perhaps you voted Tory
Sorry, I wasnt picking holes in your arguement, the whole 'decimated/one third' bit made me laugh.
And contrary to getting upset because people know more than others, (and I'm not talking specifically about your holiday home analogy here) it seems that many seem to get more wound up by anyone generally taking an opposing point of view...I'm happy however to open that dialogue.


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21 Jun 2004
There is the law, then there is the government's guidance, then there are various interpretations of these by the RYA, BMF, et al. Some marinas and harbour authorities seemed to be setting out to enforce the guidance and/or the various interpretations thereof.
Wishy washy indeed.

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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There is the law, then there is the government's guidance, then there are various interpretations of these by the RYA, BMF, et al. Some marinas and harbour authorities seemed to be setting out to enforce the guidance and/or the various interpretations thereof.
Wishy washy indeed.

Indeed, according to the reports here Essex police tried to close down Titchmarsh marina only to later admit they were mistaken.

Back in March plenty of businesses simply shut up shop and furloughed their staff despite not being required by law to do so.

For example there was no need for garage workshops to close (rather than showrooms) but the situation became so bad the government had to extend MOT validity as it was extremely difficult to get one.

Fortunately that doesn't seem to be the case this time around.


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25 Jun 2018
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Indeed, according to the reports here Essex police tried to close down Titchmarsh marina only to later admit they were mistaken.

Back in March plenty of businesses simply shut up shop and furloughed their staff despite not being required by law to do so.

For example there was no need for garage workshops to close (rather than showrooms) but the situation became so bad the government had to extend MOT validity as it was extremely difficult to get one.

Fortunately that doesn't seem to be the case this time around.

I believe the reality and implications of locking down are dawning on people this time around.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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Yes it was hypothetical, but that was the point and yet, you avoided the question which is a fairly critical point ...who exactly restricted access to the boats? Or rather, how specifically was access restricted?

All explained above and within the CMA's definitive findings in this regard. The few straggling marina's have now complied and have suffered reputational damage with their names splashed around the media.

If you disagree or don't get it, that's fine, but this chapter is now closed.

Never Grumble

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29 Sep 2019
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We know that the thousand of berth holders who keep their boats at MDL, Premier and Boatfolk marinas have had their accounts credited and we also know that the regulatory body says that least a partial refund is due and yet some keep posting here demonising those very berth holders.
I know that the MDL 'refund' was on their website but do you know where I might find others also what Marina group the class action was against?

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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I have largely been informed by what has been posted here plus information made publicly available at the time (such as marina's websites). As I recall most places have been offering the equivalent of 50% off one month's fees.

On the 'class action' I don't anything beyond that posted in post #89
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Well-known member
10 Jul 2005
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I have been inconvenienced in the past by what one might euphemistically call ‘ deferred maintenance’ issues . Poor travel lift and lock maintenance.. Bust. In sunny springtime sailing season . With queues of paid up , unhappy boat owners..

So, I have some concern that with net revenue pushed down over C19/access/useage denied, marina spend will be squeezed too. Maybe, maybe not. ? ?

ps . Oorr, I edited this AFTER CaptS gave it a thumbs up.. hope it’s still in gist , Capt!?
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Lucky Duck

Well-known member
9 Jun 2009
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Best give them a 'tip' then.

Anyway, just had an 'update' from my marina, they are asking people from tier 3 locations not to visit.


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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According to the scientists making the vaccine we’re not vaccinating people, we’re wasting millions of doses and may as well hand out cups of tea. At least the new rules have few exceptions so things are more clear, and the dangerous school situation is held off to create a third wave ?

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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I am none the wiser either. Do you think it is because I don't keep my boat at MDL?

Nor do I but none the less they keep sending me emails each time the 'rules' change!

At the time of my earlier post yesterday evening (and indeed now) the legislations does not appear to have been published so I guess nobody really knows.


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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It was published yesterday on (National lockdown: Stay at Home for England). That said, the rules there now bear no resemblance to the strict ones that appeared last night so maybe we're off on the merry-go-round one more time. At least we have half a dose of vaccine to look forward to :(