Rocna anchors - hard to come by



Manson are now here in the forum and can tell us what they think. Presently they are suggesting that this is a set-up or a faked picture. Who knows? I don't know the individuals concerned.
I wonder if leaving the anchor inside the locker, in relatively warm temperatures for an extended period may be the cause of the problem?

[/ QUOTE ]We are in the water all the time -- out and back for a scrub and antifoul -- and have no rust problems. I never put the anchor in the locker, though. Those Mansons are pretty big and I don't know you'd easily get one in the locker or why anyone would try to do that?


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20 Feb 2009
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Ah, did we not cover this yesterday in the post. We didn't suggest it was a fake, merely raised the possibility. I think yesterday we did cover this. We said

Note, the owner of the anchor has never contacted us about this issue. Without his input it is very hard to solve/answer the issue definitively however we would speculate firstly that either his boat or one he was parked close to is out of balance and the boat was using the anchor like an anode. But I can't diagnose this issue from a computer in NZ and until the owner contacts us it is very hard to make assumptions from a desk.

We don't know
a: How much the anchor has been used
b: Where it has been used
c: If it was stored in an environment that accelerated the oxidation process.
d: If it has been used in coral and the Galvanising subject to high wear.

Basically for this to have rusted it is very odd. Since we have sold over 7000 Supremes and this is the first one ever posted in 5 years well, it could be a bad dip. I don't know.

If the owner contacts us we can discuss this with him but it's like someone taking a picture of themselves with a stomach ache and asking us what is wrong.

Certified 316L can rust in seawater, if it is in warm temperature high salinity and more acidic seabeds. Well severely tea stain, it is why we offer all our anchors in SAF2205 as well. There are some marine environments that are harsh.

Or indeed this could be a galvanising failure. I don't know. 1 out of 7000/8000 seems like it's a possibility.

I note what you don't go into are the positives about our product Lemain. I specifically private messaged you yesterday to discuss this offline but away you go with the negatives, even after I addressed your issue in this forum yesterday, with a direct reply.

Thanks for again posting product failure shots on board the forum, it does make me start to question your motives. Are you looking to purchase a Supreme and do you have specific concerns? If so please email us with those concerns.

We could speculate about this all day, but unless the owner contacts us we can't do anything definate about this. Would you prefer our time be spent guessing about this one off product issue or making better anchors for boaters out there.?

Manson Anchors


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11 Apr 2009
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There were virtually no Rocna's in the whole of Europe from Christmas through to March. However, there are now good supplies in the UK and we are fully stocked again as, no doubt, are the other suppliers in the UK. It has been difficult getting an accurate idea as to the delays but it did revolve around setting up a new factory "somewhere" (We don't know for sure where) and getting the quality right. We can say that the quality of the new batch is at least as good as the batch we had last year - maybe better. We can also say that everyone who has bought one, so far, has been delighted.


.... it did revolve around setting up a new factory "somewhere" (We don't know for sure where) and getting the quality right.

[/ QUOTE ]When you say 'quality', are you talking about aesthetic quality or the strength and performance, or plating? It shouldn't be too difficult for any contract manufacturer in this business to make these things.