Request for help – Drugs Importation via Boats & Planes.


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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A letter from the Essex Police which is self-explanatory

"Organised Crime Groups – Drugs Importation via Boats & Planes.

The purpose of this letter is to raise awareness of an issue relating to Organised Crime Groups and the importation of controlled substances.
Essex Police are aware that criminals around the Tendring coastline are using boats and small planes to drop off drugs on the mud banks. These packages are then collected by the criminal gangs and brought ashore and thus avoiding the chances of being stopped by Customs at a port and losing their shipments. These controlled drugs are then distributed and sold within the community of Essex and beyond.
As part of our commitment to tackling organised crime, we are writing to the local Marinas and boating community to ask for your support in identifying potential suspicious behaviour so that we can work together to protect our Community.
You will undoubtedly be aware of the detrimental effects, misery and harm that drugs bring, not only to our wider communities but, in particular, to those vulnerable individuals within society.

How can you help

There are a number of signs to look for which may be indicators that these criminal activities are taking place.

Signs to look for

➢ Light aircraft making several slow passes over the same strip of coastline
➢ Packages being seen thrown or dropped out of these planes
➢ Mid-sized or small boats approach stretches of the coastline and drop packages over the side
➢ Suspects are seen with binoculars looking out in the same areas where the planes or boats have been visiting
➢ Small boats are launched near to these locations from the back of a trailer or small boats leave local marinas about the same time as the small planes and boats are seen as above.
➢ Suspicious night-time activity
➢ General suspicious behaviour

Police will always look to work with the boating community, and we are grateful for your support.

Should you have any suspicions or concerns please report them to Essex Police via “101”. You can also report anonymously to CrimeStoppers at on 0800 555 111.

Steve Davey
Prevent & Protect OCG Officer
Essex Police"

Well worth helping chaps


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Ah yes please. We are after someone to do the 3am to 6am stint at Horsey Island please. Bring your own wellies and sandwich. Do not take any lights or electronic devices in case of unexpected noises which might alert others. Be careful at High Water in case the Sospan Dau is spoil spreading.


Well-known member
25 Dec 2007
S.W. France
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To add: If Booze is legal, but causes no end of grief..why not legalize, and control the quality, of dope? plus a bit of tax. Alcohol has been around since recorded memory and therefore was controlled. So has dope, but was used in in assorted communities in in various ways, usually under some sort of social control. Even Elephants get squiffy eating the fermented fruit dropped from some African tree.
As the US has found, banning doesn't work, so why not try an alternative?
Portugal has decriminalized users, but goes after suppliers. Result is no boom in consumption, but more getting help.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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. Even Elephants get squiffy eating the fermented fruit dropped from some African tree.
As the US has found, banning doesn't work, so why not try an alternative?
Portugal has decriminalized users, but goes after suppliers. Result is no boom in consumption, but more getting help.
But elephants cannot get a licence to drive vehicles on the public highway------ Can they? :unsure:


Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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I knew those twitchers were up to no good. Got to be high on something standing in the cold supposedly looking at seaguls