Without wishihg to dimish or detract from all those who have made an effort to get the MCA to see sense, I do have to raise my head above the parapet and comment on the increasing tendency of this Government and its agencies to enact some silly regulations without listening to consultations, or having any regard to its effect.
It's all part of the "quick fix" mentality from which we suffer nowadays.
Not only does it devalue one's opinion of the current government, but more importantly "we" have to be increasingly vigilant to spot the nonsenses.
These new rules are only proposals at this stage, likely to take effect May 05
I only read them quickly but I'm confused about what reporting rules will still remain for vessels over 15m but under 45m. There is various mention of a 15m limit in the MCA's commentary but in the draft SI itself I cant see any reference to 15m vessels (though there is a reference to reporting rules for vessels that are under 45m but over 300grt.
Can anyone explain the position for 15-45m vessels plse? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
A lot of these new regulations are a result of our compensation culture. Sometimes compensation is warranted, but it seems to be getting out of hand now and these regulations are probably designed so that they can easily blame somebody.
It is happening across Europe now and probably isn't unique to this goverment.
Disagree. In this particular case (the MCA) its an organisation looking to exapand a role ie empire building. More reports = more bureaucrats = more managers = more pay.
When did you last see a civil servant simplify something?