Regarding Schengen visa...this is a tricky one to answer..


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24 Jun 2007
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Indeed it does, but the more recent article in the RYA magazine doesn't.

I don't know what will happen, but the boat may have sailed on Union Goods status.
Doesnt the RYA magazine article say the same thing as is on their website, that "... its Union status will not have changed as a result of the UK leaving the EU". In other words leaving the EU does not settle any of the future arrangements which are still under negotiation.


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9 Jan 2006
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Doesnt the RYA magazine article say the same thing as is on their website, that "... its Union status will not have changed as a result of the UK leaving the EU". In other words leaving the EU does not settle any of the future arrangements which are still under negotiation.
Yes - I gave a direct quote earlier:
"If you own a boat and it was in the UK or EU27 at 23:00 UTC on 31 January, its Union status will not have changed as a result of the UK leaving the EU. "

No mention of the end of the transition period.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2007
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Yes - I gave a direct quote earlier:
"If you own a boat and it was in the UK or EU27 at 23:00 UTC on 31 January, its Union status will not have changed as a result of the UK leaving the EU. "

No mention of the end of the transition period.
However the status may change at the end of that period. I think you're reading more into the statement than it says, 'will not have changed' is not 'will not change'.
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Artic Warrior

17 Aug 2009
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I've had permanent residence for quite a while. After Brexit, it doesn't matter what our countries of residence may say, when travelling through other States, it's the Schengen rules which will apply. If you think you will be free to travel without time limits, I suspect you will be disappointed. Unless a deal is reached, we will be treated just the same as any other non-EU citizen.
I wish you were wrong Graham....
I really really do...
Hey ho...90 in every 180 it is then...


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24 May 2012
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I wish you were wrong Graham....
I really really do...
Hey ho...90 in every 180 it is then...

Hopefylly, this shouldn’t have too much impact on the majority of travellers, who spend most of their time in their countries of residence but very sorry for the few it does. They will have to reschedule their travelling lives to meet the new rules - whatever they may be.

The most significant issue will be, will time spent in your EU country of residence count against your Schengen allowance❓ I fear it will.??☹


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15 Apr 2018
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I wish you were wrong Graham....
I really really do...
Hey ho...90 in every 180 it is then...

I hope I'm wrong but we can only form an opinion on what's been published to date and plan on that. The EU negotiating stance so far is - if the UK won't allow unlimited free movement then why should the EU?

I suspect that as time goes by, attitudes will soften and overland travel will be allowed through Schengen States to country of residence but, we'll have to wait and see.