Racers Vs cruisers


19 Jan 2015
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My reading of the original Post was that the other skipper wasn't prepared to discuss the incident.

It's difficult to tell from the original post.

He said that he was "shocked by the arrogance and rudeness of the skipper", but offered few details about their discussion. All we've been told is that he "asked why (the other yacht) had no fenders out when manoeuvring so badly in close quarters", and received an offhand reply.

The OP also said that the other skipper "made no apology, and did not offer to give me any ownership or insurance details ... he then left without speaking to me, despite my concern that we may have sustained damage not yet seen." What is not stated is whether the OP actually expressed such concern, or requested ownership and insurance information.

It seems possible that the bump the OP felt was actually trifling, so much so that the other skipper didn't even know it had occurred (no doubt it felt like a heavy blow to the OP, asleep as he was in his boat's aft cabin, but that was only one perspective).

If the OP didn't actually verbalize his concern about possible damage and request insurance information, it's unsurprising that the other fellow didn't provide it: he can't be expected to be a mindreader. Not volunteering information is not the same as refusing a request for it.

Too, if the OP ran on deck blazing with anger and making accusations of poor seamanship, he shouldn't be surprised if the other fellow declined to engage in a debate and left without apology or offering compensation. Few people welcome an argument with a hothead.

I don't mean to be an apologist for the other skipper, or to attack the OP. I don't know either of them, what really happened, or who said what to whom: I wasn't there. But I do know that the other boat has been 'named and shamed' on the basis of scanty, anonymous and one-sided information; further attacking it with a complaint to the sponsor, marina operator, police or insurer appears unwarranted. And if no physical damage was actually sustained (?), frankly I can't see those people being much interested.
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22 Oct 2012
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Well I have to admit I bashed a boat once. Many years ago departing a marina.
Needless to say the owner was quite irate. Came out the hatch with a big red face, Swearing a blue fit.
Which is not really very surprising. Apologised gave name of boat and contact. He calmed down quickly and helped us on our way.
I paid for the damage and he fixed it himself actually he was very nice about it all after.

The point is the guy hit another boat. The owner of which may have been less than pleased. May or may not have been polite.
You still have to acknowledge having hit the boat and exchange information. Not doing so is not only a breach of etiquette. its an actual offence to leave the scene without providing details.
Damage or know Damage.

I drive a big old jeep. I have been rear ended a few times. I get out take a look the other driver offers me his details. I have a big heavy of road tank. Spotting new damage? So don't worry about it. If he had left different story.

I did feel a bit sorry for the BMW with my hitch in his rad. But No damage to mine so we just exchaneged details and I said don't worry about it.


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22 Aug 2017
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Hello. Just because I don't post very often does not make me liar. It happened. I will say that again for the hard of hearing. IT HAPPENED! Does that make it clear for you Sandy?

Remember you were all new to this forum once.
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22 Aug 2017
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Sandy I have messaged you personally as you seem to doubt my authenticity.

I have also had personal messages from other boaters, who have encountered the same racing sailor. One described them as a Plastic Fantastic floating disaster area. So I am not alone in questioning the attitude of those who try to excuse poor seamanship and ungentlemanly behaviour as the part of the "Racing culture".

There is no excuse for someone hitting my boat and walking away with a shrug of shoulders and not a word of apology.

No excuse whatsoever.
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20 Dec 2016
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Sandy I have messaged you personally as you seem to doubt my authenticity.

I have also had personal messages from other boaters, who have encountered the same racing sailor. One described them as a Plastic Fantastic floating disaster area. So I am not alone in questioning the attitude of those who try to excuse poor seamanship and ungentlemanly behaviour as the part of the "Racing culture".

There is no excuse for someone hitting my boat and walking away with a shrug of shoulders and not a word of apology.

No excuse whatsoever.

One of the pictures of their boat on Marine Traffic certainly backs up the assertion that their mooring skills are a little lacking.

https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ai...T OFWESSEX/_:fb80320bc5ebc6fea58c0001910b1d7a
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Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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Sandy I have messaged you personally as you seem to doubt my authenticity.

I have also had personal messages from other boaters, who have encountered the same racing sailor. One described them as a Plastic Fantastic floating disaster area. So I am not alone in questioning the attitude of those who try to excuse poor seamanship and ungentlemanly behaviour as the part of the "Racing culture".

There is no excuse for someone hitting my boat and walking away with a shrug of shoulders and not a word of apology.

No excuse whatsoever.
Now that you are back, can you update us on what damage was done, and have you had any further communication with the skipper of the other yacht?

Blue Sunray

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20 Jul 2015
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+1. And please post the photos documenting the damage. Thanks.

Why on earth do you think he should do that? Especially as the incident was over six months ago. (Have you actually bothered to read the OP or are you just stirring?)
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30 Jul 2013
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My boats been damaged twice by racers whilst on her mooring. At leat one of the guys went to the trouble of tracking me down and paid for repair. I know off other boats in the club who haven't been so lucky. When the racers are out they have little consideration for other river users and think they always have priority over everyone else.


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
Sandy I have messaged you personally as you seem to doubt my authenticity.
And I have replied privately.
I have also had personal messages from other boaters, who have encountered the same racing sailor. One described them as a Plastic Fantastic floating disaster area. So I am not alone in questioning the attitude of those who try to excuse poor seamanship and ungentlemanly behaviour as the part of the "Racing culture".

There is no excuse for someone hitting my boat and walking away with a shrug of shoulders and not a word of apology.

No excuse whatsoever.
Personally, I give all racing fleets a wide berth, I was almost carved in two by a Hobie Cat when I was being taught to sail and it really shook me up.

As a cruiser I find racers have a totally different mentality, not one I enjoy.

What I found odd about your posting, hence my trolling comment, was that instead of making a complaint to the skipper, owner, sponsor or Ocean Village (from my recollection there is ample space for moving boats there) you took to posting in a public forum.

Next time I'm up at Ocean Village (October 2018) I'll buy you a dram at Wetherspoons; as I appear to have offended you.


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4 Jan 2005
Me - Edinburgh; Boat - in the west
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.... I am not alone in questioning the attitude of those who try to excuse poor seamanship and ungentlemanly behaviour as the part of the "Racing culture".
There is no excuse for someone hitting my boat and walking away with a shrug of shoulders and not a word of apology.

Who are these people who use "Racing Culture" as an behavioural explanation? I don't think any of them have posted here and I resent the implication that because I, or anyone else, take part in races our manners are somehow lacking.
Your version of events describes an incompetent socially inadequate boor, of which the world has many, but luckily not too many driving boats. So, he touched your boat - whoopee-doo, go and do something positive about it if there is any damage, otherwise get the polish out, buff it and consider what revenge, if any, you wish to extract. Something like a large yoghurt pot weighted and tied to an outboard stanchion with strong monofilament fishing line might take a while to notice - use your imagination.


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22 Aug 2017
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Who are these people who use "Racing Culture" as an behavioural explanation? I don't think any of them have posted here and I resent the implication that because I, or anyone else, take part in races our manners are somehow lacking.
Your version of events describes an incompetent socially inadequate boor, of which the world has many, but luckily not too many driving boats. So, he touched your boat - whoopee-doo, go and do something positive about it if there is any damage, otherwise get the polish out, buff it and consider what revenge, if any, you wish to extract. Something like a large yoghurt pot weighted and tied to an outboard stanchion with strong monofilament fishing line might take a while to notice - use your imagination.

I think you missed the point I was making.

The crew shouted at me that as they were a racing boat, they did not need to concern themselves about damaging other vessels, it was just hard luck for me, he himself implied that this was the racers way to behave.

I spent all my hard earned money on my boat, I expect people to show the same courtesy to me as I do to them, If I had hit another vessel I would make it my business to offer suitable recompense, and at the very least apologise.

FYI, other posters to this forum have identified this boat, and it's skipper is apparently known to be an arrogant pain in the xxxx, in both sail and power (RIB), but uses being a Racer as Justification, and I claim the right to use this forum to call him to count.

As for doing something positive, I will have my revenge, I know which yard their boat is currently standing in, and paint does have a habit of splashing doesn't it?

SO - whoopee-doo to you too!
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19 Jan 2015
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The crew shouted at me that as they were a racing boat, they did not need to concern themselves about damaging other vessels, it was just hard luck for me, he himself implied that this was the racers way to behave.
Funny how this far-fetched detail is only now emerging. Frankly, I have difficulty taking the OP seriously.

As for doing something positive, I will have my revenge, I know which yard their boat is standing in, and paint does have a habit of splashing doesn't it?
If any damage actually occurred, you should formally seek compensation from the other skipper and his insurer.

Petty vandalism won't put a penny in your pocket; and more to the point is just juvenile.
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19 Jan 2015
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Who are these people who use "Racing Culture" as an behavioural explanation? I don't think any of them have posted here and I resent the implication that because I, or anyone else, take part in races our manners are somehow lacking.


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22 Aug 2017
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And I have replied privately.

What I found odd about your posting, hence my trolling comment, was that instead of making a complaint to the skipper, owner, sponsor or Ocean Village (from my recollection there is ample space for moving boats there) you took to posting in a public forum.

Next time I'm up at Ocean Village (October 2018) I'll buy you a dram at Wetherspoons; as I appear to have offended you.

I tried all that and got no response.

Pictures of scratches to my gel coat do not tell the whole story. It is the principle, the appalling attitude and the corporate-sponsored arrogance, that is most damaging, not the scratches on my boat.
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22 Aug 2017
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Tried to contact them they just ignored me.

The whole point of this post was to highlight the arrogance of those who think that they are more superior to others, because they belong to some special group and to hell with anyone else

Who said anything about vandalism, but I am very clumsy with paint.