Our 3.8m nesting dinghy does just that whilst being nested. It pouring with rain here in Curacao but front hatch is open under the dink.I would have thought a nice clinker lugrigged dinghy stowed upside down over the skylight,which can then be left open at sea for ventilation
Pal has just built the updated version of mine in full glass and core. Plans are $300US but come so you can print them off full size as templates.Talking about the Southampton Boat Show, the last time I went (which may have been 15 years or more) there was a new nesting dinghy from, I think, Nestaway. It was 2 grand, a lot of money then but was absolutely magnificent, finished like a musical instrument. Don't think they do them now.
Anyway the PT 11 kit alone is about 5k so I don't think I will be in the market. 80 quid would buy plans for something similar.
I think they sold that part of the company. There was a company next to us during Falmouth Classics that was selling them. Can’t remember the name.Talking about the Southampton Boat Show, the last time I went (which may have been 15 years or more) there was a new nesting dinghy from, I think, Nestaway. It was 2 grand, a lot of money then but was absolutely magnificent, finished like a musical instrument. Don't think they do them now..
You mentioned towing. Before we had our nesting dinghy we occasionally towed our 9ft Caribe rib on short trips between anchorages. It was a nightmare. It would never tow straight and would knock about 1kt off our boat speed. By comparison, the nesting dinghy tows really well and we can't detect any loss of boat speed. When towing down wind in 30kts of wind with 2 metre following seas and the occasional larger one, the nesting dinghy surfs and wants to ram us, even on a very long towline. We cured that by towing a warp in a bight from each cleat in the stern of the dinghy. It now tows straight and keeps the towline tightHacker is right Nestway sold the rights the Eastport nesting Pram to Drascombes and they are available as a fibreglass nesting dinghy Adventure Boats
Alternatively you can buy a kit from Fyne boat kits
Nesting Eastport Pram - Fyne Boat Kits
Anyway that what I did and I am very pleased with the result. It has proved a real joy to row out to my mooring. and tows well too and I can fit it (nested) on the foredeck of my 28ft sailing boat.
My view was the PT11 was more of a lovely sailing dinghy than a tender that sails well. I thought about making it it myself but plans are not available nor were kits in the first lock down. Just looking at the pictures of their kits its clearly more complex than most other stitch and glue boats, my guess is that if plans were available and sourcing your own 2nd hand rig you could get the cost down to around £2k, but it would take twice as long to build.I looked closely at getting a PT11 but was shocked by the prices.
With sailing rig and one or two necessary 'extras' there was no change from seven grand! Then add 20% vat, freight and probably an import tarriff and you're looking at not much shy of £10K!
Lovely looking tender, but not for the cost of a half decent 26ft yacht...
I would have thought a nice clinker lugrigged dinghy stowed upside down over the skylight,which can then be left open at sea for ventilation