princess v65 pre-emptive strike



We've had a go at the others, so now it's the turn of Princess. Has anyone else had a look at the v65? MBY raved at the boat show. But they don't spend the loot, as I nearly did. The test is due next month.

First the positives: it¡¦s a monster boat, very impressive at the boat show, especially for anyone moving up from a 40 or 50 foot boat, like Princess themselves. And it¡¦s fast, capable, lots of headroom inside and handles quickly and accurately. Also, the princess people (the ones I met anyway) are good boaty types.

Now the negatives, and the V65 is easier to describe in these terms. There's nothing desperately wrong with the V65. But there's nothing desperately right about it either.

- the swim platform is teensy
- the cockpit sitting area isn¡¦t ideal.
- It's a crap drive: there's no option but to sit down and peer through the window ---unless you're a very shorty person, and can peer nicely without crouching, or play major league basketball and can see over the top.
-The internal fittings and finish aren't good enough: they're fine for the money, but they aren't fine for this size of boat. The galley and cabins need to be noticeably better than a comparable house, or a smaller 35 foot boat, but they aren't. The vertical lights in the corners of the saloon are also fine in a boat show, but the ambience is cheap, the modern-day equivalent of a paper lampshade. The badly-carpeted steps between saloon/ cockpit, and the wishy washy high gloss wood colour doesn't help.
- The central passarelle seems a good idea on paper, not so good in practice. As a primarily med boat, the pasarelle will be out more than in. To adjust a lower cleat, you have to clamber over the passarelle and down, then back up and over for the other cleat. Since I saw the boat they've altered the moulding with a step, but it's still a crummy idea in the first place. Fairline have copied the centreline entrance for their t52 at the boat show so see if they've got the same problems in September. Lots of other boaty procedures are also twarted by the single route up on to the boat. Worst of all, with twin garages you can't have a big

At this level or higher, saving a few thousand or a few hundred thousand isn't important. But the end result certainly is. It's the same with the very best restaurants: people fly to Lyons and spend a day or so there just to eat at the restaurant of the best chef in the world. So long as the bill is somewhere between 200 and 400 quid each, who cares how much it actually is? Punters remember the price only once, but experience or remember the quality (or lack of it) every day.

If you're a playboy, the V65 is too enclosed, and not lux enough down below. Does it look inviting to go on board from the stern? No, it looks gloomy. Is it as good as a Ferrari Maranello , some private jet charters and a Superhawk? No.

If you're an an-owner driver, the V65 doesn't cut it for other reasons. The main cabin isn't private enough, nor large enough. The other cabins are about the same size so it's unclear that You Paid. There's that sit-down driving position, and the impractical wood-covered kitchen won't impress er the crewmembers with short feet who tend to do the cooking. Somone at Marine Projects needs to go to B&Q, or make bacon and eggs, to realise that a highgloss wooden kitchen (including the worksurfaces!) is a lousy idea.

For professional skippers, it's neither an open sun-worshippers boat , nor a spacious enough charter proposition with the tiny one-person crew room.

There's a sure-fire to wind up a Princess sales person at a boat show. You ask them if there's an ironing board, like in some other boats of this size. They have to say "No, but do you really need an ironing board?" But this misses the point. Who wants the boat without? The boat with the least? You'd tell yourself that you'll only do this once, so you'd best get the boat with the most. And that isn't the V65.

So, a big thing, seems luxurious but isn't, looks impressive but isn't, seems clever but isn't? American I'd say, and that's where most of these will go except they're all skint at the moment. I predict that production will stop sooner than expected.


4 Jun 2001
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you may be right on virtually all points (I don't know having never used one) but it still looks like the dogs danglies (not I believe a nautical term)!

Deleted User YDKXO

I've walked around the stands at Boat Shows and it seems to be a characteristic of Princesses in particular that the bigger boats are the same as the small ones but, er, bigger. The fixtures, fittings, upholstery etc are all the same and you dont get the feel of increased luxury that you should get.


Re: bavarian

the Bavaria sailboats do exactly the same, with a 47 exactly the same fitout as a 30ish, cept bigger. Spose Mercedes do a bit the same carwise, cept we aren't allowed to mention them around here!

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: bavarian

Perhaps you would'nt say that if you sat in one of the new C-Class models. Anyway, I guess you can get away with it if the quality is uniformly high across the range but if the quality is mediocre such as in Princesses, the larger models start to look a bit low rent


New member
21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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There's been one in our marina for a few months. American owned with a name in big letters across the stern. I would say Princess, aka Viking over here are doing quite well in this market. Not so many nit-pickers, perhaps? There are several 60+s in our marina alone and I don't think people buying at that level are all skint. For example, last month a 192ft slip here sold for $700,000. Hmmm, come to think of it, on that basis we've doubled our money on the one we bought two years ago.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Arthur please explain

Arthur, what do you mean by a 192' slip? Is that a boat, in which case 700k is dirt cheap, or is it a mooring or something else????? In fact anything 192' long (apart from a pipe, but including a piece of rope - allegedly) is pretty cheap at $700k!



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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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Explanation for jfm

Sorry, jfm, if I used an Americanism! A slip is a mooring. A dock consists of several slips on each side of a walkway (I'm not intending to be sarcastic, but I never did any boating in the UK, so my terminology is from here). In this case the T-slip at the end of a dock went for $700K. Is that cheap by Euro/UK standards, even for rope?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Wise words

Always better buying bottom of the range from a quality manufacturer than top of the range from an inferior one. Likewise, if you want to make money always buy the cheapest house in the street not the most expensive.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Slip prices

Thanks Arthur. Two peoples separated by a common language and all that!

I really do not have good info on mooring/slip prices. But of the cuff, if the $700k bought a freehold or long lease on a 192 foot T berth that sounds cheap to me. Here in Europe, the problem is availability not price, over in the US I guess you have a more free market.

Paul Allen (Bill Gates mate) just bort a £6m boat in Antibes to get the berth (MBY reported). The boat is immedaitely for re-sale, minus the berth, Mr Allen will put his own boat on the berth. It's around 50m so the same size as the one you mention. That's how much trouble people will go to for a berth, in a nice spot of course!



New member
21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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Re: Slip prices

Availability is a problem here in Florida too because the powers that be are not allowing more marinas to be built. Hence, slip/berth prices are rising rapidly in sought-after locations.