Princess 33


3 Sep 2004
Surrey/Kent borders
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Have narrowed down my search for out next boat to a Princess 33 mk1.
It will mainly be used on the upper Thames with very occasional trips into coastal waters.
I am undecided on the petrol/diesel, outdrive/shaft issue as well as with/without flybridge. Also does anyone have experience of the V shaped versus the Y shaped hulls for inland use.
I know its all down to personal choice but would welcome any input to help with this decision.


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Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Hi Phil.Hope I can help in your search for the right P33.My boating is slightly different to yours in that it is mainly estuary with a bit of up river every now and then.Unless your budget is very very tight stay well away from petrol and if forced,do not buy anthing with raw water cooling,but try to get boat with closed freshwater system,will prob. be Volvo 145 units.
Ideal is any diesel boat pref with shafts but legs will do job with higher maintaince costs.P33 weights in a at 5/6 ton so twin 80hp diesels with Y hull will be OK for upper Thames works but bit slow for downstream of Teddington.Hulls were made from mid 1970 to early 1980.Both Y and V hulls seem to be well built without any known faults and osmosis is mercifully rare.My V hull boat with the 145 hp diesels on legs will give 18 knots and enough wash to sink an aircraft carrier./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif.Expect about 3 gallons per hour at 5 ish knots.Minor thing to watch is the rubber window channeling which looks tatty after a few years and for window leaks in will pay around 30k minus a bit for petrol and plus a bit for diesel and plus a bit more for tiny little flybridge version(which will curtail your Thames wanderings greatly).What else do you want to know.Your chances of paying sensible money for diesel boat will increase the further you travel way from any Thames marina.

<hr width=100% size=1>Nastro Azzurro.Hoegaarden.Chang.Tiger.


3 Sep 2004
Surrey/Kent borders
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Thanks for the wise words. I have seen a petrol version with 145's but am not sure which type of cooling system was fitted. Was there a specific problem with raw water cooling? and if so how do I tell the sytems apart?
I like the idea of diesel from a safety point of view but my wife hates the smell and we have found that early diesels (on a Freeman 30) were a bit smelly in the cockpit when underway at river speeds. Do you find thats the case with 33's or are the exhausts routed differently?


You are correct, I have looked at your advert before and I do want your boat, but its out of my price range. I'm afraid that I can only stretch to about 30k but will be in touch if my numbers come up this week.


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12 Sep 2003
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Agree with Fred, go for diesels on shafts.

Outdrives fetch less money and will keep on costing you for maintenance. Shafts much more practical on the ever shallower upper thames.

Y hull a good one for boat handling in and out of locks. V hull good for speed but a bit more flightly in the locks.

80hp Mermaids will give approaching 14knots and maybe a godsend if they do end up putting tax on diesel in 2007.

Also agree with Fred generally on the prices although its the getting to the end of the season now and you may get one for less if you bargain hard. (My father in law bought one with Mermaids for £26K)

Good luck

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3 Sep 2004
Surrey/Kent borders
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I dont fully understand the reason why shafts are less likely to allow props to get damaged in shallow water. When I had my Princess 32, I could get the boat in the shallowest of moorings and lift the leg up. Surely that is less likely to sustain prop damage.


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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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My P33 MK1 Fly Bridge The saga

Dont let it put you off but just had to do it for the /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 1 Edit Post Reply

Now children if your all sitting comfortable, then I’ll begin.
We kept our last boat. A Princess 33. In Pwllheli in North Wales.
Now Wales is great apart from the Welsh but theres no where to go to except Portmadock which is only about seven miles round the corner. So for any visits for more than a couple of days. Ireland is the next easiest option.

Now every year we plan (Well I do.) an extended world cruise, which lasts about three or four weeks.
This one was planned for a far away place called Scotland, but taking the scenic route via Ireland.

So bright and early, about eleven o’clock one summers morning. Of’s we sets for Wicklow, it’s about 65 miles from Pwlleli and the course takes you through the Bardsey sound. Bardsey is a small Island about a mile off the coast and the sea between has a fearsome reputation. But anyway we sploshes through that and on to Wicklow, a place we’ve been to many times before so nowt more to be said about that! Next stop was either Dun Laoghaire or Howth, cant remember now but that’s Dublin for Colin and other thickies.
The next stop was Carlingford Lock. It was here that the weather turned distinctly lumpy, so we’re
hold up for three day in a not to pleasant spot. Now on the fourth day, her indoors who hates sea unless its been plastered down dead flat. Announces that its time to go. Well the weather didn’t look any better at all in my eyes, But on the other hand, if wife says its ok, then it must be!

So offs we churns to Strangford. Now I’d put my Princess 35 into any sort of sea and with maybe a bit of reduction on the throttles or even wide open if sea is behind, but I think that with the earlier 33.
Princess were still juggling the figures and hadn’t quite got there yet.

Now the book says. Don’t attempt to go into Strangford unless tide coming in. Cos first it goes out at seven Knots and then it sort of piles up in a big heap at the river entrance. Anyway we must have arrived five minutes too soon cos it was all ten foot lumps every where.

Anyway we makes it to the entrance to the lock and the weather improved and then the lovely people in Strangford finds us a buoy to park up to. Then its off to the Lobster Pot for Lobster thermidore. Which was fantastic. Then the pub across the road, just to round the day off.

So its back to the boat in the trusty dinghy and slightly pissed about midnight, and off to sleep.

I was woken up about an hour latter by the engine ignition buzzers, which for some reason had decided to go off.

Anyway in my drunken, tired state, I thought I’d just shut the buggers up by turning off the master switch and deal with the problem in the morning.

All I had on was a tee shirt and nothing else, but what the hell!

Now the switches are located by the engines out the back door and its pitch black.
So I lifts the engine cover and feels down. I’ve only got to about half way down the engines when my hand goes all wet!

It was about this time when I wakes up and becomes cold sober. And a bit deathly white as well!

So I’ yelling at th-wife to get up and shouting down the radio at the same time.
No answer from radio but th-wifes come to a bit. Chucks wife in dinghy and tells her to go and find help.
Then has a brain wave. Switch bilge pump on. Ah but that’s no good cos some pilock has put it on back to front and its blowing instead of sucking.

End of part one.


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22/12/2001 16:17
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 2 [re: hlb] Edit Post Reply

Now go and get your self a mince pie and a cup of tea and when your sitting comfortable. I’ll begin again.

Chapter 2.

Next brain wave is even dafter. Start engines!
Well the batteries are under water and so are the starter motors.

So turns key and low and behold, engine starts.
Don’t bother with other, cos there’s no point filling two engines with water.

Chucks rope off buoy, switches search light on and heads for nearest beach, which is at the end of the harbour wall.
Neatly winding up the legs after gaining enough momentum. The boat slides to a halt some way up the beach.

Dermot is sitting on a bench idly smoking a cigarette, and watching the world go by.
Which isn’t much, at Stangford at two o clock in the morning.

I takes a flying leap off the bows and lands in a heap at the side of him.

Over on the harbour wall, there’s three life boat chappies talking to themselves.
I runs up to them screaming pumps, pumps! They mumble some thing back about only being rubber dinghy inshore boat with no pumps. But in any case I don’t need rescuing cos the boats half way up the beach.! So I casually asked if wife had not seen them and asked for help.

No they says. There’s no wife or dinghy been about and we’ve been here for hours.

So now there getting interested cos there’s now a proper emergency.
The wife had set off ages ago and its only about fifty yards to the beach.


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22/12/2001 16:44
Re: Dear H. [re: hlb] Post Reply

Right so the next Princess 33 I go to look at.I check the bottom to look for
A/Bloody great gouges in hull
B/welds in legs
C/bendy prop shafts
D/Props with with about 2" of blade left.
E/bilge pump that still blows instead of sucks.
F/big pile of bottles/cans all to extreme rear craft
G/.Big dent in pointy end of boat.(boaty terminolgy term ask Byron if unsure.)
H/Any thing else I need to look for while I am at it.

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22/12/2001 17:15
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: hlb] Edit Post Reply

Chapter 3.

So just in case Colin cant keep up with the plot!

The boats up the beach full of water.
Dermot’s still sat smoking fag on bench.
Life boat crew are busily getting rubber life boat out of shed.
Th-wife’s left home and taken the bloody dinghy with her!
Its pitch black so nobody seeing nothing much.

Meanwhile back at the harbour.
Out of the gloom comes th-wife in dinghy.
She’s been sat holding on to a buoy for grim death, for an hour, in the seven knot current. Engine running and in gear. But forgot to turn the throttle handle!!

So emergency over, well until the tide comes back in anyway, were back at the boat.
Its now leaning over at a crazy angle and Dermot has now stud up from the bench.

Now bet your all wondering where Dermot fits into the plot.

Explains problem to Dermot and after abit of um and eering, off he goes and comes back with a 240v pump and about 100 yds of extension lead from his house. Then helps pump boat out before deciding it was bed time and he would be back in the morning to help.
So off we goes back to bed, half way up the cabin wall!


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22/12/2001 17:21
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: hlb] Post Reply

Good start Haydn.

Look forward to reading the interesting bits.
Keep going.
I'm glued to 'puter. Pressing the refrsh button every two minutes

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22/12/2001 17:35
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: hlb] Post Reply

Enjoyed it so far Haydn, presume there's more to come? In fact there must be more.

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22/12/2001 18:32
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: coliholic] Edit Post Reply

Yes but I never intended it being this long, it just sort of keeps growing.


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22/12/2001 18:35
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: longjohnsilver] Edit Post Reply

And yer not supposed to be enjoying it, it's all bloody true!


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22/12/2001 18:37
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: hlb] Edit Post Reply

Chapter 4.

So next morning Dermot arrives and then along comes his side kick Chris.
Now Chris had an old or very old MG. You could hear it coming from the other side of the lock, he was meaning to buy a silencer for it and some new tyres, but not a tax disc cos there English things
And Northern Islanders don’t believe in paying England Government nowt.

problem with sinking is soon discovered as a hole in the back end where the prop shaft goes through transom and into outdrive. It’s worn through the bearing and also bell housing. But the tides coming back in fast now, so next brain wave is one of those cans of foam builders use these days.
Ah but the shops at other side of lock. It’s then discovered that Dermots Business is running the Strangford ferries For the MOT. So its on to radio to captain of ferry, to pick up a can of foam and nip back sharpish.

Foam aimed at hole minutes before tide comes in and crane ordered for lift onto Quay.

So the boats afloat again and crane arrives. It’s the oldest thing you’ve ever seen, bloke hands down some worn out three ton straps and boat gets lifted onto quay.

Nice guy lends a geny. So its set up home on the harbour wall, which sort of doubles as village green and prom.
Loads of people ask if we want showers or to stay at there house.

So engines out in no time, new bell housing and other expensive bits thrown in and in a couple of days its another crane and back in the water, Mainly achieved by wife standing at bus stop and waiting for bus to deliver parts. Cos that’s how they do it.

So it’s off now for water born road test. So verruming out of harbour all very impressed and Dermot brought all the family for the ride.

Only got 100 or 200 yds. When the noises changed and the other drive stopped.
So its back to the Quay and another crane.


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22/12/2001 18:40
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: hlb] Post Reply

Just get on with it!!!

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22/12/2001 19:09
Cor this is getting interesting [re: hlb] Post Reply

Go on H, what happened next. great story, shame Matts not here to take the pi**.

so Dermott, says "Oi boyo", 'cos he knew I'd come from Wales and wanted to make me feel at home, "now isn't it that the other engines now not making any noise, so soon already", His grandad was Jewish see.

And anyway we sent Tut off to get a Guiness but all his kids had drunk the lot so then....

go on keep going H.

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22/12/2001 19:40
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 5 [re: hlb] Edit Post Reply

Chapter 5
By now me Dermot and Chris, have got quite skilled at this craning and engine in and out lark.
The general plan is. Chris does all the donkey work whilst me and Dermot officiate and make wise sounding noises.

Strange really cos Chris spoke with a very upper class English accent.

By this time, I’ve taken up residence in Dermots office ordering cranes and engine bits.
Dermots garage is full of treasure for propping boats up and winches and pumps and scaffolding poles.
All the village now best friends and become local celebrities in the pub.

So engine and drive are out and then in again with again much more parts and money.

And another crane. Then the test.

Well I think we got a bit further this time but not very much. There’s an engine overheating but only when planning!

Also all the sea water down the hold and engine room is now starting to show effects.
Even though we’d done everything to clean and power wash the lot.

But the starters packed in, the alternators, and I cant remember what else.
But there was a nice little repair man down the road, so he’s mending as fast as there breaking.

Well every thing to do with water is pulled to bits and four days later still no joy. We’ve even had boat on the beach twice, to see if trouble was in or around the drive leg.

Anyway it ‘s got desperate now so again Chris is summoned and told he must go diving under the boat in the freezing water.

No problem. And there it is a little rubber pipe with a hole in it!
So new rubber pipe Chris mending under water, freezing cold.

We’ve now Been in Strangford three and a half weeks. I’m happy to take up residence there but wife’s thinking she’s never going to get home. I don’t think the oily mess helped a lot.

Now firm friends with Dermot and wife.
We are telling each others life stories.

Dermot had a Big old motor boat in Belfast, for doing trips and corporate entertaining. Four engines in it!
Also the tale of Sailing off to the Azores in, well his other boat which was a big saily thing fitted with everything. That was cos he’d sort of fell out with the tax man so had to go away for six years!


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22/12/2001 20:42
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 5 [re: hlb] Edit Post Reply

Chapter 6

Guess yuv noticed, the humour’s slipping a bit now, and only use one finger, Long Johns cheating like buggery and using two.

Anyway as you’ve guessed we are all getting a bit pissed of by now so tomorrow were going regardless.

Must say though that Strangford lock is one of the most beautiful and friendly places I’ve ever been. Even the police are friendly and there carrying machine guns!
And believe it or not the grass is greener in Ireland, cant explain it, but its true.

So where were we. Yes Ok we’re going!

So ready for off but one engine wont start. Bugger it it’s still going, so jump lead out and that sorts it.

Ahh. Yer not getting off that easily. I’ve not done yet. Yer goin to suffer!

Down the lock and out to sea. Donk the GPS goes, don’t care we’re still going.
Some where anyway!!

We’ve decided that IOM is the best spot cos not to far and what else can go wrong.

Now have you ever tried to steer a 33 off a compass? With waves throwing the boat about and compass going round and round. Its impossible to know what going in a straight is.
So about half way we stops to ask a fisher man. Don’t know what the hell there doing. But radio’d him, blew horn and buzzed all round him three times. Till he took any notice.

Its over there he said, and so many degs thingies.

So Gets IOM.

Next stops Holly Head. So I figure that if I keep the radar on longish range. Either Wales or IOM will always be in view. Well it was’nt.
So Try’s to raise coast guard for bit of help but no answer.

Anyway Wales eventually comes up on radar but never been to Holly Head before so I’m a bit confused. But now able to speak to coast guard. Hope I’m never in real trouble!

Where are you he says?
I’ve got a light flashing on a rock at so many seconds. No its not he says it should be so many flashes.

Count one to ten backwards he says, and we’ll get a fix on you between us lot and Liverpool lot.

So I counts one to ten then dose it again. Never did come up with a position.
Anyway theres a bloody big ship coming out of somewhere in front. Now that must be Holly Head.
Then there’s a yacht comes on the radio and says.” I’ll help you in”, “what speed are you doing”.
“Eighteen knots, I reply.” “Well would you slow down and wait then.”

“SLOW DOWN!! Bugger off!”

The End..


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22/12/2001 21:10
Re: Chapter 6 [re: hlb] Post Reply

This is starting to get good, much better than telly. After each chapter I've been trying to guess what's going to happen next, not even close so far. I'm sitting here perched on the edge of my seat.

Go on then, what hapapened next?

Did something funny or interesting happpen?

Or something even mildly "DANGEROUS" (shock, horror)

Go on H,

You can tell us

And, yes what???

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22/12/2001 21:41
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 3 [re: hlb] Post Reply

Remind me NEVER EVER to go cruising with you, oh by the way i take it you still are married

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22/12/2001 21:47
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 5 [re: hlb] Post Reply

Very good, may I purchase the tv rights? It would make the basis for a (saltwater) soap opera.

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22/12/2001 21:55
Quick H, you've got a proposal [re: BarryH] Post Reply

Barry, you do realise H is a fella? Short for Haydn, I know it's a bloody silly name, but it's definitely a bloke.

Do you find his writing style so attractive that you want to marry him?

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22/12/2001 21:58
Re: Quick H, you've got a proposal [re: coliholic] Post Reply

I know his a fella, its just there was mention to his wife in chapter 1 verse 1 of the account, then all of a sudden she was gone, still aint going cruising with the jonah though

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22/12/2001 23:40
Re: Chapter 6 [re: coliholic] Edit Post Reply

Sorry Colin nothing got past interesting or funny . it just happened.


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22/12/2001 23:57
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 1 [re: hlb] Edit Post Reply

Now Kim I need the bottle of whiskey.
Not for being the best.
But its got to be the longest post in history, so just send the bloody bottle.

Long Johns one is way beter but then shorter.So whiskey sent but addresss unknown so please send back. but return to sender cos no address Known, And this underpant thing, its time he changed them.


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23/12/2001 01:06
Re: Dear H. [re: oldgit] Edit Post Reply

No mended everithing. So Now Kim up high can I have the bottle of whiskey..I bloody need it now. Oh no ,no ,no not for best post, just for longest most boring post.and I'm bloody thirsty now I rest my case.!


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23/12/2001 09:14
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 1 [re: hlb] Post Reply

You can't let it finish there Haydn......Where did you end up?

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23/12/2001 10:49
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 1 [re: lc] Edit Post Reply

Moron! You mean you want even more to go wrong on one trip!

It was a choice between this story and the trip up the West coast of Scotland. That was the one when we finaly made it.

But nothing went wrong that time. Well not much, or not enough for you lot to gloat over.

Anyway I'm not sure I'm much good at writting about the scenic and wonderfull stuff, disasters are far more my style!

Might get that one in a day or to. This Christmas thingy is boreing me to death.


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Deleted User
23/12/2001 15:27
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 5 [re: hlb] Post Reply

Haydn, its probably time you changed your middle name from Jonah to something else or give up boating altogether as it does'nt seem to be for you.
Do you remember that book 'The Art of Coarse Sailing'? Have you ever thought about doing a motorboating version?

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23/12/2001 19:11
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 1 [re: hlb] Post Reply

How long ago was this (or did I miss that bit) and have you learnt anything from the experiance ????

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23/12/2001 19:45
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 1 [re: lanason] Edit Post Reply

How long ago.Err! Not long enough. But about 7 may be 8 years ago.
What did I learn?

1 Wife's crap with outboards.
2 Volvo parts expencive.
3 Outdrives are crap.
4 Dont ask Holly Head Coast Guards for help, they havent got a clue.
5 Ireland is wonderfull.
6 Dont think because you,ve got two engines, they cant both break at once.

Cant think I learned anything else. We got there. Ok had a few problems and then a few more. But sorted them. We really enjoyed Strangford and made loads of friends. Even went back to vist them a few years ago.
Got back to Holly Head, bang on course as it turned out.
Left the boat there for a week or two cos the weather had got bad. Then hopped it round the corner to Pwelheli.
Must admit it was quite good fun, mending the boat with a crazy Irish pair. Wife got a bit cheesed off though.


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24/12/2001 07:54
Re: Show Me The Way To Go Home Mark 3 Chapter 1 [re: hlb] Post Reply

crikey...good story...much prefer disaster ones myself too. Reading about them not being in them that is.

<hr width=100% size=1> Flags Solly MFBR</font color=red>


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Legs are def more work.When going for test run stick head over stern and listen for whine or low rumbly drone coming from outdrives.All can be fixed easily but HLBs(below) post indicates the need for changing the rubberware every couple of years or so,but this can be done by you.Recent trip to Hampton Court proved that we could get to moorings unable to be used by others cos could lift me legs up.
/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif.Legs also enable you to change them bashed up props in about 10 mins,shaft means lift out and lots of time and money.Up river legs may be better but for sea use shafts preferable.
Raw ware cooling is cheapskate method where water is directly taken from river/sea and after going through engine block is dumped back into river,OK for new boats but rust/scale clogs system and knackers engine from inside out.Better version uses heat exchanger and closed cooling round engine block.
Several sorts of legs,early 270 then 280 then 280T and if lucky later 290.Last two use hydraulics to lift legs first two electric motors.Make sure the system WORKS properly.

<hr width=100% size=1>Nastro Azzurro.Hoegaarden.Chang.Tiger.


12 Sep 2003
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Every boat I have ever owned with outdrives on the Thames, I always had a couple of props in for repair.

They only have to smell the bottom and they crumple.

However with shafts and bronze props, you can dig a trench! (Alright maybe not that good but you stand more of a chance)

Add to that every time I walk past the engineers here at Bray he always has a volvo leg on his bench in bits and its not the same one every time.

Safer to have the expensive bits Inside the boat.




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12 Sep 2003
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I suspect that the Y Semi-D hull will be the better Sea Boat even though its not the fastest and perhaps whats in vogue.

In the rough stuff, if the V hull has to come off the plane, might be a tad worse off than the hull with the keel.

Again thats just my two penniesworth.

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New member
20 Feb 2004
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Re: My P33 MK1 Fly Bridge The saga

Thanks for a great story - my morning in the office has been far more interesting than usual.

Maybe we should have a dedicated area to stoies such as this..........a shame to loose them amongst the plethora of posts over time.

<hr width=100% size=1>Champagne aspirations - Beer money.


Well-known member
6 Jul 2003
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I had a P33 Mk1 for around 3 years. Non flybridge, 60hp Mermaids on shafts. Y hull. Great boat. Pretty seaworthy as well. We cruised from Scotland to Ireland in ours without any major drama. Mermaid engines are cheap to run and Mermaid Marine in Dorset are the best in the business for assistance and parts. Join their owners club. It costs around £20 per annum and you will get unlimited telephone assistance for any engine problems from the folk that built them, plus a discount on (already cheap) parts. If only they fitted Fairlines with Mermaid instead of Volvo I for one would be a happy boater. Someone said you get 14 knots, however I reckon you should budget for 9.5 to 10.5 max cruising speed. The windows can be a pain as they often leak, but in all honesty that's the only criticism I can offer. I have been on a flybridge version and thought it was far too small and possibly even dangerous actually. The boat was very solid and all the GRP bits seemed very heavily built. I would stay clear of petrols and I wouldn't fancy outdrives either. All in all you shouldn't go far wrong with a P33. The next price point is a lot higher for something probably not that much better.Hope that is of use.

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