Premier Marinas - Why haven't they furloughed staff?


Well-known member
11 Feb 2005
Hamble, UK
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I agree with Frogmogman that it’s unlikely that a case based on ‘loss of use ‘ would result in a marina discount. This point has been made several times already, but it’s not what this thread is about.

The central issue under discussion is: why hasn’t Premier furloughed its staff?

A secondary question is: if marinas realise excess profits as a result of the pandemic, what is a fair outcome for their customers?

PS. I still believe that Premier have not furloughed staff as the most recent thing we heard from them was “we [Premier] need greater clarity on the extent of Government assistance that is available”. Incidentally, my conclusion was not based on the 100% pay statement as I am well aware that furlough plus 20% top up = 100%. Perhaps someone who works at Premier could clarify the actual situation?
They haven’t furloughed their staff because their income is unlikely to have suffered a double digit decline since it’s probably (I’m guessing) 60%+ based on annual berthing renewals. A pub, who most likely have furloughed staff, have seen a 100% decline in revenues.


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6 Apr 2011
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PS. I still believe that Premier have not furloughed staff as the most recent thing we heard from them was “we [Premier] need greater clarity on the extent of Government assistance that is available”.

You made an illogical assumption in the original post and you are entitled to believe whatever you like but it does not logically follow from the above statement. The terms of the furlough arrangements are quite clearly laid out on the HMRC website. Whatever Premier are talking about (and I being out of contract dd not receive this email) is not related to the (well documented) furlough arrangements


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12 Aug 2014
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Marinas are however sympathetic to boat owners who are unable to access their boats and/or find themselves having to pay increased fees due to the Covid-19 crisis; marinas therefore encourage boat owners who find themselves in this situation to talk to their marina manager who will consider each customers situation carefully

You do not ask you do not get , me I will be asking and getting my discount, paid for by you lot what a laugh that one is , plenty of marinas have contacted their customers and told them they will look at it once they get a grip on the financial benefits they can apply for ,
This ferocious fear of a virus with a very low worldwide death rate to the population and will be brought under control is for the fear mongers and the Armageddon hanger ons , move on from this fear it will put people into an early grave
Such a British attitude , no dear we must not tell the waitress there is a fly in my soup keep quite .

Marinas are therefore obligated to discourage people from visiting their boats and additionally to close their sites to berth holders and visitors
Marinas are however sympathetic to boat owners who are unable to access their boats and/or find themselves having to pay increased fees due to the Covid-19 crisis; marinas therefore encourage boat owners who find themselves in this situation to talk to their marina manager who will consider each customers situation carefully
Impact of Covid-19 on marinas and marina customers - The Yacht Harbour Association

Everyone is entitled to their own position. I wish you would crack on and ask, when you have, let us know how you have got on.!! I don't think there is a ferocious fear, just a genuine understanding that the principles of the lockdown and social distancing measures. No one wants to be ill, end up in intensive care, and the fact the death rates are sky high at present, is more than enough for the average rational person to understand your better of avoiding associated risks. you might be able to keep a wide berth on the pontoon, but fancy a shower or using any facilities is a risk some people don't want to take. Mid 50s, I would not want to get the virus and unknowingly pass it on to my partner or children. there is nothing irrational about that. what ever you think, nothing will return to normal. social distancing and the consequences of it will last for a lot longer than we think.


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30 Nov 2005
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Firstly - well done Premier for not taking the piss and continuing to run a commercial operation. Obviously, events moved quickly & there was not been time for the government to legislate for every eventuality so the furlough scheme is / was very much open to abuse. Premier appear not to have have not done this. Many other, less scrupulous companies are doing just that.

Spivs, basically.

As a taxpayer I sincerely hope there will be an audit of who has taken what, and a clawback initiated if the scheme has been used in bad faith.

Secondly, no need to worry about access. Restrictions have been in place for around 3 weeks - but appear to be being lifted, with caveats, but nevertheless lifted.


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12 Feb 2019
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Everyone is entitled to their own position. I wish you would crack on and ask, when you have, let us know how you have got on.!! I don't think there is a ferocious fear, just a genuine understanding that the principles of the lockdown and social distancing measures. No one wants to be ill, end up in intensive care, and the fact the death rates are sky high at present, is more than enough for the average rational person to understand your better of avoiding associated risks. you might be able to keep a wide berth on the pontoon, but fancy a shower or using any facilities is a risk some people don't want to take. Mid 50s, I would not want to get the virus and unknowingly pass it on to my partner or children. there is nothing irrational about that. what ever you think, nothing will return to normal. social distancing and the consequences of it will last for a lot longer than we think.
I will do . already contacted them today and I have to send them an email outlining my concerns /plans. for the future and see the outcome. one only needs to ask and not expect it or not think they deserve it . but it is my money that I spend on a service industry , IMHO my service industry is not supplying me with the service I perceive, therefore my right to address this issue. /outwith who owns the marina, I can honestly say no matter what happens they will still be in a better place than me and many others .
Some of us suffered in 2010 when another service Industry lagged on their commitments , many lost a lot of their hard earned cash , and the government bailed them out to , interesting analogue is it not

Sticky Fingers

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21 Feb 2004
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FlyingGoose said:
You do not ask you do not get , me I will be asking and getting my discount, paid for by you lot what a laugh that one is , plenty of marinas have contacted their customers and told them they will look at it once they get a grip on the financial benefits they can apply for

So. Now we understand. Basically you're a selfish fecker leeching what you can out of others' misfortunes. Excellent.
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5 Jul 2011
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Image you are sitting around the board table at Marina Towers discussing how to manage the situation during the crisis. You agree that your best initial strategy is to wait and see which way the wind is blowing in order to buy some time. Meanwhile you issue a press release pushing the caring employer angle and playing the charity connection card. After much discussion about what to do next two strategies emerge:

Don’t furlough non-working staff: The advantage of this strategy is that customer rebates or discounting won’t be needed, and come September the balance sheet will be a thing of beauty. The danger is that customers will rumble the fact that they have been had, and leave in droves

Furlough non-working staff: This approach will result in excess profits and inevitably lead to customer discounts and rebates. The balance sheet will still be in happy land, but the danger is that customers get a taste of power. A whole can of worms opens where in future they always expect some sort of deal - the cheeky things. This could go on for some time before the practice is quashed.

Of course this is all conjecture; or maybe I’ve been watching too much Succession…


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30 May 2001
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The government regulations say that you are only allowed to travel for necessary things such as food shopping. If you are abiding by this, you shouldn't even know whether the marina is open or not.

You must live in a very remote area to be unable to have access to a telephone or email. That's how I know what the position is with the marina I'm currently berthed in.


Well-known member
20 Jan 2011
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Ok all; let’s cut to the chase:

A: You would like your marina to furlough non-working staff and would appreciate a rebate
B: You do not want your marina to furlough non-working staff and do not require a rebate

NB1. Your vote will be automatically sent to your marina :cool:
NB2. Any posters who continue to regurgitate the same old stuff we’ve seen already on this thread will have their icons cut in half :oops:

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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A reasonable summing-up

Compare that situation with the experience of a friend - the company he works for has cut wages between 20 and 30 percent 'to ensure the long term future of the business'

All very laudable until he realised his pay cut would be passed straight on to the client - Transport for London.

I can think few less worthy recipients


7 Apr 2020
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Surely everybody needs to contribute to the costs of getting through this? As a berth holder I am getting most but not all of the service I have paid for from Chichester Marina, my boat is being stored & is safe, but the lock is not being operated. My inability to drive to the marina is not their fault & neither is the reluctance to be seen out as the only boat on the water. However I would expect a smart & commercially savvy marina operator to want to engage me in a conversation about some form of rebate when this is all over, not because they had saved money but because they want me to feel I will continue to get value for money when the future lockdowns happen, as they surely will.

However as a UK tax payer I would be distraught if a perfectly well functioning business with almost guaranteed revenue had made use of the Furlough scheme, it was set up to ensure that post crisis there were jobs to come back to, not for opportunistic restructuring of the accounts.

There is however one moral hazard which Premier risk falling into, they are chugging along comfortably at the moment, heads kept well down, at the same time many businesses are starting to reopen, albeit with social distancing in place, B&Q, McDonalds, Aston Martin to name a few, none of them essential, they are all also suffering financially & so have a big incentive to get going again. Given the low infection risk of boating I would have thought that marinas would be high on the list to get going but because they are too comfortable financially I fear they will hang back & deny us the use of our craft.

I have just received my annual fee request, I don't intend to do anything yet rather wait & see, I will place much more value on a rapid re-opening, with the necessary safeguards, than any rebate. The worst situation of all will be to see people happily sailing off swinging moorings in a few of weeks time whilst still being locked into the marina, if that happens I will be gone for good.


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5 Jul 2011
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Some posters on this thread have said that they are happy to pay for marinas not to furlough non-working staff.

That’s much like saying to your landlord: ‘don’t bother applying for those government grants (insulation etc.) as I’d be pleased to pay an additional £100 per week.’

If that’s you, you’re adorable and have restored my faith in human behaviour ;)


Well-known member
11 Feb 2005
Hamble, UK
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Some posters on this thread have said that they are happy to pay for marinas not to furlough non-working staff.

That’s much like saying to your landlord: ‘don’t bother applying for those government grants (insulation etc.) as I’d be pleased to pay an additional £100 per week.’

If that’s you, you’re adorable and have restored my faith in human behaviour ;)

Glad your faith has been restored! For me this thread has been utterly depressing in terms of the me me me attitude. Fortunately my skim reading suggests the majority seem to agree that it's morally wrong for a viable business to claim off the government just because it can and in order to give above average wage earners a discount on their leisure activity! I for one applaud Premier!


Well-known member
20 Jan 2011
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Why is everybody continuing this pointless debate when no-one has presented anything which says that Premier are not furloughing staff?
Because the thread was about "should Premier furlough staff so they can pay me a partial refund".


Well-known member
6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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Because the thread was about "should Premier furlough staff so they can pay me a partial refund".

Which presuppose that they are not already for pure business reasons which would be non-sensical. The choice won't be "shall we take government money and refund our customers or not take the grant". They'll take the money anyway. Businesses do not turn down allowances to which they are entitled. Your tax money is already gone regardless.

Sticky Fingers

Well-known member
21 Feb 2004
Saffron Walden, Essex
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Why is everybody continuing this pointless debate when no-one has presented anything which says that Premier are not furloughing staff?
In the letter from Premier that I received which I posted above in post 46, Premier stated that their staff have been kept on full pay. ...

Premier Marinas said:
"Consequently, we have kept all our staff on full pay, supporting them and their families through this crisis and in doing so ensuring that when you are able to visit the marina, you will be welcomed by people you know and who know your boat."

Read into that what you will, I read it that they were still working. But It could be interpreted as "they're furloughed plus we've topped the salary up".