Premier Marinas - Why haven't they furloughed staff?


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5 Jul 2011
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Marina H furloughs staff, reduces prices and offers rebates
Marina P doesn’t furlough staff, doesn’t reduce prices and doesn’t offer rebates

Where you will chose to keep your boat? Be honest…
NB1. Boaters who feel that marinas shouldn’t furlough staff can chose Marina P (and pay more)
NB2. Those who believe that everyone who uses a marina is wealthy have never owned a boat


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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Marina H furloughs staff, reduces prices and offers rebates
Marina P doesn’t furlough staff, doesn’t reduce prices and doesn’t offer rebates

Where you will chose to keep your boat? Be honest…
NB1. Boaters who feel that marinas shouldn’t furlough staff can chose Marina P (and pay more)
NB2. Those who believe that everyone who uses a marina is wealthy have never owned a boat

Well if you sup with the devil......


28 Sep 2018
Hayling Island
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I have mixed feelings. People are a lot worst off than me!!

Bob I don't agree we are all rich boat owners for some of us it's a financial sacrifice , I moved to Premier when I retired as my days of caring a dinghy to a remote mooring are sadly gone. My fees are supported by my pension and its a huge sum! However, I've worked all my life to be able to do this so I was prepared to pay. The issue is that the said pension (on paper) is a lot lower than it was so rebate or not this could be my last year at Premier.

I also work as a volunteer for a charity helping folk in my community and contribute myself to the charity, my point is I choose which charity I give to not a marina operator. If Haslar can make a gesture then so should Premier so we ALL share the financial drain. To date I've had no communication whatever from Premier and have asked to see a copy of the mail sent out to some bertholders rebate or not I won't stay next year even if I could afford it which i doubt.

We have a number of Live-aboards at Port Solent they seem to turn a blind eye, I understand they are still there even though the facilities are closed !!


Well-known member
12 Feb 2019
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Does anyone here feel sorry for the hotels , bars and restaurants, feels they deserve our money in a virtual pint or room , but we feel sorry for a company with income streams in the billions , what about banks anyone feel sorry for them ,
Amazon , because your parcel is taking too long ,
If anyone thinks that boats sitting on a pontoon with no a large work force with you essentially paying car parking costs are not cash rich in the bank or can get the banks to help them were needed, well what can I say

Sticky Fingers

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21 Feb 2004
Home Saffron Walden, boat Swanwick.
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... To date I've had no communication whatever from Premier and have asked to see a copy of the mail sent out to some bertholders rebate or not I won't stay next year even if I could afford it which i doubt....

Copy of Berthholder email that I received a few days ago:

Dear Berth Holder,
Now that the operational impact of the Coronavirus regulations is settling down, I thought it would make sense to write to you and let you know how Premier is adapting to the changes and also how you are contributing to the global efforts to find a solution to this pandemic.

The changes we have all had to make are profound and we fully appreciate the frustration you will have during this difficult period when you are not able to visit the marina and use your boat. Premier’s immediate focus is on making sure your boat is safe and secure and we have adapted our operating plans to do just that. We have increased the frequency of our site and pontoon walks and we are regularly physically checking lines, fenders and covers to ensure that they are safe and secure. Alongside this, we have built time into our patrols to deal with any specific checks you may have around the care of your boat, so if you have a concern, just contact your marina team and they will be pleased to help.

If you need something more than a simple check, for example a boat repair, or you’d like a contractor to periodically run your boat engine, you’ll be glad to know that many of our tenants and contractors are still operating at this time and can help. Arranging the release of your boat keys is easy too, just log into your MyPremier account where you’ll find a range of online functions including key management, contract administration and an electricity top up facility for most sites.

We are however very mindful that the current situation will not continue indefinitely and we need to plan for a future in which restrictions are lifted and we can all start boating again. To this end, I am determined that we will not only continue to invest in and improve our marinas, but we will also retain the dedicated team that has made Premier what it is today. Consequently, we have kept all our staff on full pay, supporting them and their families through this crisis and in doing so ensuring that when you are able to visit the marina, you will be welcomed by people you know and who know your boat.

Whilst I know many of you appreciate the safe haven we are providing for your boat and the foundations we are building for future, I am exploring ways of making sure that our berthing fees during this period are fair to all berth holders. To do this, we need greater clarity on the extent of Government assistance that is available and a better understanding of how long the restrictions preventing you from using your boat will persist. We will write to you again once we have some clarity on these issues.

In thinking about this situation today, it occurred to me that you might like to know that as a Premier berth holder you are helping to support research into combatting Coronavirus. Many of you will be aware that Premier Marinas is owned by The Wellcome Trust, ‘a global charitable foundation that exists to improve health for everyone’. After the investment we make each year to maintain and improve our marina facilities, Premier’s remaining profit is returned to the Wellcome Trust, which in turn uses this money to support scientists and researchers in biomedicine and a range of other activities in the humanities, social sciences, public engagement and education. At this time, Wellcome is playing a significant part in supporting the global fight to understand and overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and you can find more information here.

The COVID-19 virus has now reached every corner of the world and touched us all in our daily and boating lives, so I would like take the time to personally thank you for supporting our staff, their families, our business, and most importantly, for helping us to support Wellcome in its valuable work at this time.

Yours sincerely,

Pete Bradshaw
Chief Executive
Premier Marinas
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Well-known member
12 Feb 2019
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Copy of Berthholder email thta I received a few days ago:

That is poor taste letter telling people that the marina profits go to fighting viruses, if we trace money all over the world some of us will be shocked were it ends up.
A marina and a boat owner is what it is all about this is a please do not ask for a discount as we are really nice

One of the conditions associated with Trust grants is the appropriate control of intellectual property rights. The Trust established Catalyst Biomedica Ltd[20] (a technology transfer company wholly owned by the Wellcome Trust)
The Trust is of the view that it will be essential to involve commercial organisations at some stage in the development of any healthcare products to arise out of cohort studies. It might also be appropriate to have commercial involvement at an earlier stage
House of Lords - Science and Technology - Written Evidence

So when they make antivirals or vaccines or any medical treatment this is sold to Governments not given away for free so the money go round keeps on giving

For the record I Admire the trust, and what it does , but there is no link to a marina and research other than a cash cow, if one wants to help in covid 19 support your local charities out there working there buts off
I have stated before I Ran premium hotels in London as a GM we were owned by the investment arm of the US postal service pension Fund , why , because good service industry platforms are cash cows,


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28 Nov 2006
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We have a number of Live-aboards at Port Solent they seem to turn a blind eye, I understand they are still there even though the facilities are closed !!
The livaboards in Port Solent still have access to the facilities, including the laundry.


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12 Aug 2014
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Its not a bad thing to not furlough staff. If they don't want too thats good for everyone. If a business needs to furlough staff instead of laying them off, that's a good thing. You have to wait more than a few weeks to see if the marinas are to reopen, if they don't then those arguing the case they cant get full use clearly for what they are paying for, then they might have a better case. You cant expect a reduction just because your worse off though. If that argument was rational, id have had a reduction years ago.
Difficult decisions have to be made when things take a downturn. when that happens you tend to find businesses reduce their fees. They don't do that normally be request though but to attract business . Those that have been trapped have en entirely different claim which might be valid. Me im hoping we can get to our boats soon and make the best of the summer.


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26 Aug 2012
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My business went from 100K/month to nothing in the space of 4 hours.

My staff are on the French government's furlough, I'm topping them up to their full pay packet. I'm also paying all of the non-wage labour costs (which in France amount to almost as much as the net salaries). In all, my business is costing me around 35k/40K a month while we're closed. It's looking like that'll be a good three months minimum.

One of my main pre-occupations when this all happened was that my staff should continue to be paid in full. It's only fair that the public purse should help me with my wage bill. I've been obliged to close by a government decree. Unlike Boris, whose original passive aggressive technique was to tell people not to go to the pub, without his government taking any responsibility for it, Macron took responsibility for the decision from the get-go (even if HMG eventually came around to that position).

In the case of a business who still have their income stream (such as a marina), I fail to see why the taxpayer should help out with the wage bill.


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21 Mar 2009
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Bang on Julian , not to mention that a marina is a service industry , customer focused and relies on good will to customers by provided a service, by God there will be no one on this forum who would expect this from a 5 star Hotel , oh sorry sir all our facilities are closed , but your room is ok
25 Years in the Service industry (Hotels) and customers demands and expectation just keep on getting more bizarre , but a a customer service industry we try to accommodate and in some cases Rebate our clients who have not been given a full service, this is a service focused , customer focused media focused industry.
Same as shop, cafes, restaurants, banks ., etc a service industry would you expect this kind of service (I don't think so people :rolleyes:), do not associate oh poor marinas or poor share holders or large conglomerates that will get aid from government, tax relief on business rates, help to pay staff , and then demand that you pay full prices for a boat you have no access to , nor recompense if something happens to boat in the Marina due to lack of staff. At the minimal good customer service would demand at least a token discount
You would not put up with iut on Amazon ,but allow your marina to take you for a magic roundabout tour

With the prospect of social distancing for a year before mass vaccination takes place, Premiers stance towards its customers is appalling.

Can I suggest you let Andy Mills, the Business Development Director, know your thoughts- his email is

The more people that email, the more pressure they will come under to do something.

Am thinking of cancelling my direct debit to see what they do.

Sticky Fingers

Well-known member
21 Feb 2004
Home Saffron Walden, boat Swanwick.
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... Premiers stance towards its customers is appalling.

... Am thinking of cancelling my direct debit to see what they do.
Well. Appalling in what way? I read nothing in his email that made me reach for that word "appalling". The deaths of my wife's NHS colleagues is appalling. Just saying.

I understand you might need / want / expect / deserve some kind of reduction or offer or discount. Where are you berthed, presumably Falmouth or maybe NoD? What terms are you on?

And, BTW, if you cancel your DD you might find they seize your boat. Probably not what you want.


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20 Jan 2011
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Steveeasy and Frogmogman's comments above are spot on.

This furloughing thing isn't just supposed to be a "snouts in the trough" handout for businesses. It is designed to allow companies to retain staff that OTHERWISE WOULD BE MADE REDUNDANT. So by the nature of it, if you furlough an employee, you are basically telling them that they are being made redundant, just that they still get paid for the time being. It's not something that should be done lightly, and if a business can afford to keep it's staff on and keep paying them, then they should.

Sticky Fingers

Well-known member
21 Feb 2004
Home Saffron Walden, boat Swanwick.
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Steveeasy and Frogmogman's comments above are spot on.
This furloughing thing isn't just supposed to be a "snouts in the trough" handout for businesses. It is designed to allow companies to retain staff that OTHERWISE WOULD BE MADE REDUNDANT. So by the nature of it, if you furlough an employee, you are basically telling them that they are being made redundant, just that they still get paid for the time being. It's not something that should be done lightly, and if a business can afford to keep it's staff on and keep paying them, then they should.
I totally agree. My business (cloud B2B software, licensed on subscription) is 100% operational aside from F2F meetings. All online now. My staff are all employed (WFH) and in fact I'm recruiting. All our services are up and unchanged and our B2B customers worldwide continue to enjoy them. We've had a few customers push for payment delay or freebies and we're considering what to do, for them or generally. If we get a significant fall-off in paying customers we'll eventually run out of cash so tracking it daily, but so far so good. We've no debt. If that day is looming, we'll furlough some people well ahead of that time, to buy us a few more months.

So for me, running the business as normally as possible for as long as possible is far better than any alternative.
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Capt Popeye

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30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Might just state that those on Marinas probably have someone l=keeping an eye on their Boats, plus access secuirity, wheras someone on a Harbour Authority Mooring mid stream does not; both paying for the Moorings annually, but one getting far better consideration that the other


Well-known member
12 Feb 2019
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Well. Appalling in what way? I read nothing in his email that made me reach for that word "appalling". The deaths of my wife's NHS colleagues is appalling. Just saying.

I understand you might need / want / expect / deserve some kind of reduction or offer or discount. Where are you berthed, presumably Falmouth or maybe NoD? What terms are you on?

And, BTW, if you cancel your DD you might find they seize your boat. Probably not what you want.
I feel that the need to bring deaths of people into a discussion about marinas fees and customer service and boats appalling , we get enough of it on TV on here , this is about a service industry , which you pay for a service and can argue that service is being curtailed , nothing to do with deaths , ,
It is getting so bad now that my favourite fish finger advert is telling me about the virus on TV , keep the discussion to what it is about rather than those that are dying or dead .
No no compassion on this matter , I will discuss death in other places but not on a boat forum.


Well-known member
24 Mar 2004
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I feel that the need to bring deaths of people into a discussion about marinas fees and customer service and boats appalling , we get enough of it on TV on here , this is about a service industry , which you pay for a service and can argue that service is being curtailed , nothing to do with deaths , ,
It is getting so bad now that my favourite fish finger advert is telling me about the virus on TV , keep the discussion to what it is about rather than those that are dying or dead .
No no compassion on this matter , I will discuss death in other places but not on a boat forum.
I think you have a tough time arguing that your service has been curtailed. They are still providing the berth to which your boat is moored.

That is the service that you pay them for, not the ability to go sailing. If you paid them for the ability to go sailing then surely they would have different tariffs for different amounts of use. And people who never left the dock or visited their boats would normally expect to pay less than people who were out every weekend.

In fact, with a lot of marinas expanding their walkabouts and offering to do things like periodically running engines etc then I think it is possible to argue that you are in fact getting more service than you normally get, not less.

I'm not saying that marinas could not consider some sort of rebate on a goodwill basis, but I can't really see a case for customers to demand it under loss of service. Different where customers have always planned on leaving to spend the summer on a swinging mooring, but for year round customers I don't see it.


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17 Dec 2003
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I think you have a tough time arguing that your service has been curtailed....

If you paid them for the ability to go sailing then surely they would have different tariffs for different amounts of use. And people who never left the dock or visited their boats would normally expect to pay less than people who were out every weekend.

Many marinas - including Premier - offer dry sailing contracts, popular amongst smaller boats and of course racing boats. Many of these include a base number of lifts and splashes, so there's certainly an interesting discussion to have there!


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5 Jul 2011
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Crikey, I feel like the guy who kicked the hornets’ nest. Thanks again for all your comments, and 2k+ views. If I could go back in time, I would have opened the thread as:

I have been told (many times by my marina) that they really do care about their customers and are keen to receive customer feedback; well here’s mine. This particular customer doesn’t wish to pay for marina staff to be sitting at home when there is a government scheme specifically set up for this situation.

Other customers may disagree (they might well be my friendly neighbour), and they are perfectly entitled to their opinion (as long as no ranting is involved).


Well-known member
12 Feb 2019
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No access to facilities , toilets, showers, (no cleaning staff)
No access to lift outs free for some under there contract ( less staff needed)
No access to my Boat as marinas have locked people out, which is not under government guidelines there is no need to lock people out who use fobs, or keypads ,
Less security on my boat as all offices are closed and less staff on duty ,
Boats are taken out to sail being denied this under the marinas own guidelines not the governments . no mention of marinas anywhere in the legislation , OFC they cannot list every eventuality, but sailing a boat out for a day and back again is exercise, with minimal contact with anyone , this is not your holiday home in a rural place which could impact on services i,e NHS please for the love do not give me the RNLI saving me !
My marina hold 300 boats , in all the time I Have been to my boat I think I have passed 5 people on the pontoons, not hard to social distance , I aint going to Jump out and sneeze on them

So yes my contract with the Marina can be challenged , I might win I might not, but it is clear as the consumer remember I pay for this as the consumer have rights too ,
No problems I cannot go sailing because I am a responsible person and staying at home but do not fleece me for the privilege ,