Portimao prohibited


17 Oct 2014
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I'm so educated I know there's a misused subclause in your first sentence, a missing apostrophe in the second, and that brain surgeon and rocket scientist aren't proper nouns. Oh, and 'wow' is exclamatory, not interrogative.
I also know that quoting your words is not putting words in your mouth.
Your constant profession towards realpolitik is gravely concerning given its historical context and what it was a precursor to. You, like most people who espouse it, fail to understand its original meaning was a liberal ideology far from what you are professing. But don't let that stand in the way of your racist bigotry and basic lack of humanity.

Please, point out, anything I have said, that was racist ?
These days , trotting out the ist and ism, is nothing more than trying to score cheap points, in any discussion.
Nothing I have written, is racist or derogatory, in any way. Gordon Brown, comes to mind .


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3 Dec 2012
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Please, point out, anything I have said, that was racist ?
These days , trotting out the ist and ism, is nothing more than trying to score cheap points, in any discussion.
Nothing I have written, is racist or derogatory, in any way. Gordon Brown, comes to mind .
Your communication is not the words you utter, it is what others understand by it. By your words you are a nasty little racist without even the courage to stand up and be counted, and without the wit to make a half decent fist of plausible deniability. Best stay quietly in the gutter if this is the height of your disputation.


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3 Dec 2012
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You’re right that we need to be aware and give leeway Vic, I’ve already blotted my copybook on that score, but racists are in a special little league of their own who deserve all the opprobrium they bring down on their own empty little heads.


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28 May 2012
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Please, point out, anything I have said, that was racist ?
These days , trotting out the ist and ism, is nothing more than trying to score cheap points, in any discussion.
Nothing I have written, is racist or derogatory, in any way. Gordon Brown, comes to mind .

Okay, here you go.

So we slate white people, for moving their boats, inside the EU ?
Yet welcome non EU people, who could be carrying , god only knows, what kind of diseases etc ?

Happy now?
Saying someone is trotting out 'ist' and 'ism' doesn't change the fact you're a racist trotting out your racism.
Not quite sure why Gordon Brown (misplaced comma) comes to mind. Maybe a mark of your intelligence.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Okay, here you go.

Happy now?

Saying someone is trotting out 'ist' and 'ism' doesn't change the fact you're a racist trotting out your racism.
Not quite sure why Gordon Brown (misplaced comma) comes to mind. Maybe a mark of your intelligence.


As they add nothing here, please take your opinions elsewhere or keep them to yourself?


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24 May 2012
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Not how it works

Not how it works, unfortunately. If someone brings their bigoted opinion into a thread, it needs challenging there.

Sorry, it is NOT how it works.

The Lounge was created so you could have your petty little squabbles there and leave the rest of these forums free for intelligent , adult conversation.

You and your like are a virus that infests the rest of the forums and kill grown up debate so as a very famous Englishman said, “Be gone!”?☺


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24 May 2012
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Just yesterday this was posted .

"We are a family with a dog, being forced out of Portugal by local immigration even though weve been here for 6 weeks. We had planned to sail the Med for 2 years and have left France in Dec. 2019. They will not let us stay at anchor in a bay even. State Department in Portugal cannot help us.
So we are looking for a US captain to help us sail our 51 Ft Trimaran back to the US, at a minimum Puerto Rico, but maybe as far as Florida."

On face value here a poor cruising family through no fault of there own are made to leave Portugal.
Until you dig deeper ,

it now seems they been at anchor for some week Cualtra and wasn't bothered and if they stayed put they may still not been bothered but they decided to move to Vilamoura according to them because there water maker broke down and they wanted to fix it . Personally with everything shut not sure how they could had fix it in any different way then if they stayed put .
We can only guess while they been told they have to leave Portugal, my guess is because they broken the lock down rule and moved .

Some have suggested they should sail to the UK and Scotland as it's still partly open , other idiot have suggested they be welcome at their marina in Spain and Gib one even suggested Greece when are skipper going to get it in there head that every where is close and stay put .
Non of us are jumping with joy not being able to move but for now that's the only choice we have or end up being refused entry or worst being fined or Arrested.

So what has having a dog got to do with anything❓


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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Sorry, it is NOT how it works.

The Lounge was created so you could have your petty little squabbles there and leave the rest of these forums free for intelligent , adult conversation.

You and your like are a virus that infests the rest of the forums and kill grown up debate so as a very famous Englishman said, “Be gone!”?☺
Actually, it is how it works. It's someone says something egregious on a thread, it can't be challenged elsewhere so will be challenged in that thread.
Why are you having a go at me instead of the poster who brought it up in the first place?
And if it's quotes you're after: the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


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24 May 2012
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Actually, it is how it works. It's someone says something egregious on a thread, it can't be challenged elsewhere so will be challenged in that thread.
Why are you having a go at me instead of the poster who brought it up in the first place?
And if it's quotes you're after: the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

A go at you❓

Don’t be so pathetic.??

I am having a go at all of you who try to drag this working forum into the pettiness that personifies parts of The Lounge.

Rather than try it burnish you credentials here, why not take up your grievances in a PM/Conversation❓You could even open that conversation to interested parties.

As to your sanctimonious quotes, you are doing nothing so you know where you can stick them?


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24 May 2012
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Looking for a bit more sympathy from dog lovers I guess .
I just got no sympathy for these people who still moving around then get their self in trouble.
Sorry but that's my view ,

Agree but if I can I will still try to help them.

Vic, my dog observation was not directed at you, rather at the author you quoted.

As you know Portugal is over run with dogs so them owning just one would have no impact on their eviction.


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26 Jan 2004
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Agree but if I can I will still try to help them.

Vic, my dog observation was not directed at you, rather at the author you quoted.

As you know Portugal is over run with dogs so them owning just one would have no impact on their eviction.
Yes I know it was directed at the author , no problem .
I hope my posting didn't suggest other wise .
People who know us on the cruising scene know I the first to help any one , if it mean a tow or jump into a hot engine compartment to sort out a problem for some one ,
but I just can't bring myself to have any sympathy with these selfish people who don't give a dam about any one else ,
Most liveaboard are doing there best to self isolate, even tho is so tempting to visited other to get away from a shoe box,
we not,
We all dreading a boat entering our marina as one did the other day lucky he soon was on the way back out .
There no saying where the crew been or who they been in contract with, just because they say they been isolated on anchor doesn't mean much , I mean what else are they going to say.
What make it worst they then go on a public forum and start shout how unfair they are being treated .
Come six months down the line the same people be bragging how they managed to continue cruising while everyone else been lock down .


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Yes I know it was directed at the author , no problem .
I hope my posting didn't suggest other wise .
People who know us on the cruising scene know I the first to help any one , if it mean a tow or jump into a hot engine compartment to sort out a problem for some one ,
but I just can't bring myself to have any sympathy with these selfish people who don't give a dam about any one else ,
Most liveaboard are doing there best to self isolate, even tho is so tempting to visited other to get away from a shoe box,
we not,
We all dreading a boat entering our marina as one did the other day lucky he soon was on the way back out .
There no saying where the crew been or who they been in contract with, just because they say they been isolated on anchor doesn't mean much , I mean what else are they going to say.
What make it worst they then go on a public forum and start shout how unfair they are being treated .
Come six months down the line the same people be bragging how they managed to continue cruising while everyone else been lock down.

Totally agree.

Here at Lagos, the lifting bridge, which can only be opened with Immigration’s express permission is a great comfort.


17 Oct 2014
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Okay, here you go.
Happy now?
Saying someone is trotting out 'ist' and 'ism' doesn't change the fact you're a racist trotting out your racism.
Not quite sure why Gordon Brown (misplaced comma) comes to mind. Maybe a mark of your intelligence.

You are trying to hide the fact, that an old lady, asked Gordon Brown, a question ?
One that he did not like !
So he immediately, called the poor old lady, a biggoted sort of person, on open mike !

Typical Labor stance ! Disagree with me, at your peril !

He got so slated, in the press & TV, that, a day or so later, he had to climb down from his high horse, and had to go back , to her village, to give her a grovelling appology !
And you, question .. my intelligence ?


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24 Feb 2003
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You are trying to hide the fact, that an old lady, asked Gordon Brown, a question ?
One that he did not like !
So he immediately, called the poor old lady, a biggoted sort of person, on open mike !

Typical Labor stance ! Disagree with me, at your peril !

He got so slated, in the press & TV, that, a day or so later, he had to climb down from his high horse, and had to go back , to her village, to give her a grovelling appology !
And you, question .. my intelligence ?
Indeed, just lazy argument to trot out the standard leftie “racist” call! All brought about by the Broons govt in the dying days legislating that if someone thinks, it is!


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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You are trying to hide the fact, that an old lady, asked Gordon Brown, a question ?
One that he did not like !
So he immediately, called the poor old lady, a biggoted sort of person, on open mike !

Typical Labor stance ! Disagree with me, at your peril !

He got so slated, in the press & TV, that, a day or so later, he had to climb down from his high horse, and had to go back , to her village, to give her a grovelling appology !
And you, question .. my intelligence ?
I certainly question your intelligence in comparing yourself to the 'bigoted woman' in that story, but you seem to expouse the same little racist views as her so she must be something of a heroine to you.


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22 Aug 2008
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I certainly question your intelligence in comparing yourself to the 'bigoted woman' in that story, but you seem to expouse the same little racist views as her so she must be something of a heroine to you.
Perhaps it is time to create a kindergarden forum for those whose puerility makes them appear to be Peter Pans - but without his charm.

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