Portimao prohibited


17 Oct 2014
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Where have I said that? Nowhere. I've said I've no answer but your lack of compassion for fellow humans is disgusting. Twice now.
So, with no answer, you continue, to split hairs ?
Why did you even bother answering, since you have none ?
Again, I state, the EU has Rules, and it has Laws !
Why should the EU tolerate Law breakers ?
This thread, is mainly pointed at EU citizens, who disregarded rules ?
Or maybe were at sea, but at least, were EU citizens ?
Lack of compassion ? Sorry, that is the Foreign Office's job, not mine !
I merely state, Europe, can not feed the world !
I find it strange, that EU citizens, yes, who foolishly break the rules, are slated, in this thread !

Yet Non EU citizens, carrying God knows what ,diseases etc , are supposed to be allowed to run their RIBS, onto a beach, and disspapear, into the black market , and , unlike the white sailors, who may have been at sea, for ages, these supposed Sub Saharan & other races, should be allowed into our ports, due to compassion ?
Sorry, the law, is the LAW !


17 Oct 2014
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It’s not the point you have made. You tried to equate privileged people asserting their exceptionalism with desperate people for most of whom a dose of cv 19 would be a nice holiday from the sort of shite they have faced throughout their lives.
And, your point is ?
So we slate white people, for moving their boats, inside the EU ?
Yet welcome non EU people, who could be carrying , god only knows, what kind of diseases etc ?
To land as they please ?
Sorry, you lost me !
There are rules for EU members !
There are laws, for Non EU members !
You seem to be supporting, the law breakers !


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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So we slate white people, for moving their boats, inside the EU ?
Yet welcome non EU people, who could be carrying , god only knows, what kind of diseases etc ?

Yeah, we do. The "white people" (careful, you're showing your true colours here) don't need to go sail a fecking boat.
The non-EU people (darkies in your differentiation?) are trying to stay alive.
Which of those, in your sad, insecure little fecked up world, is more important?


17 Oct 2014
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Yeah, we do. The "white people" (careful, you're showing your true colours here) don't need to go sail a fecking boat.
The non-EU people (darkies in your differentiation?) are trying to stay alive.
Which of those, in your sad, insecure little fecked up world, is more important?
Wow ? I think you just upset, all the sailors, on this thread !
Dont try to put words in my mouth !
Realpolitik !
Do you really think, that the UK - EU, can afford to be filled up, with alternate lifestyles ?
Sorry , but we need Brain Surgeons, and Rocket Scientists etc..
Goat herders, not so much !
See, I am so educated, I do not need to use profanities !


Well-known member
3 Dec 2012
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And, your point is ?
So we slate white people, for moving their boats, inside the EU ?
Yet welcome non EU people, who could be carrying , god only knows, what kind of diseases etc ?
To land as they please ?
Sorry, you lost me !
There are rules for EU members !
There are laws, for Non EU members !
You seem to be supporting, the law breakers !
I am not sure any intelligent person would reach that conclusion.


17 Oct 2014
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I am not sure any intelligent person would reach that conclusion.
So, why is there , a lockdown ?
It either applys to All.. Or to None ?
Argue with BoJo & the EU Gov.
Since they are the intelligent ones , who brought the current rules about !
I am merely commenting, on them !


2 Dec 2018
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Wow ? I think you just upset, all the sailors, on this thread !
Dont try to put words in my mouth !
Realpolitik !
Do you really think, that the UK - EU, can afford to be filled up, with alternate lifestyles ?
Sorry , but we need Brain Surgeons, and Rocket Scientists etc..
Goat herders, not so much !
See, I am so educated, I do not need to use profanities !
i would hope not upset many as much as you have , jeez man :eek:


17 Oct 2014
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i would hope not upset many as much as you have , jeez man :eek:

Sorry, I dont care, how many snowflake PC people, are on here.
They need to google RealPolitik.
Sometimes, the naked, non PC Truth, Hurts !
Thats why Nr 10, could get away, with saying......... So if a bunch of old people die... So What ?
Then , revised their stance, when younger people, started to die !


2 Dec 2018
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Sorry, I dont care, how many snowflake PC people, are on here.
They need to google RealPolitik.
Sometimes, the naked, non PC Truth, Hurts !
Thats why Nr 10, could get away, with saying......... So if a bunch of old people die... So What ?
Then , revised their stance, when younger people, started to die !
and sometimes bare faced racisim and intolerence does not go down too well either . i know it is tough tonite , but picking on the underprivelaged is not the answere. and as far as no 10 is concerned then that is what the people voted for , bit late crying in the coffe now.


17 Oct 2014
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and sometimes bare faced racisim and intolerence does not go down too well either . i know it is tough tonite , but picking on the underprivelaged is not the answere. and as far as no 10 is concerned then that is what the people voted for , bit late crying in the coffe now.
Your point is ?
Im with Nr 10 !
Nobody crying in their coffe here !
We , The majority, voted , for this !
There is no racism, in protecting your borders !


17 Oct 2014
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Irrespective of your point of view..
Would some of you, even though , you might disagree with me,
please, acknowledge the fact, that I, unlike other posters, have never belittelled anyone,
who, either has a lack of vocabulary, or made the odd Typo !
I am quite able, to verbally fence, with anyone, also, where needed, I can produce references !
I like this forum, and the challenges.
The smutty character references, not so much !
Someone, who can attack, a poster, due to a typo, or spelling mistake, is in my view..
A Charlatan !


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26 Jan 2004
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Er, The Spanish Police's own press releases, in the Spanish Papers !
Just yesterday, 1 boat arrived in the south of Gran Canaria and another in the South of Tenerife.
And the news had video footage, of drug smugglers , carrying bales, running up the beach, somewhere in Spain.
Oh, so its ok to break the law, as certain people , see fit ?
White people, in a yacht .......Ohh Flaunting the rules , whip them !
Black people breaking the law ? Oh those poor people .
Sorry, but, rules, are rules ! Something has to be consistent !
Europe, cannot support the whole world !
Harden criminal Will all ways break the law the only way the virus will stop them is if it kills them .
During the flood in the U.K. While some had to leave We still had people trying to steal people property.
You can't compare harden criminal with the likes of you and me.
I read yesterday that a women was fined £600 for being at a train station and refusing to tell police where she was going , to some that may seen heavy handed but if that what it take to get people to stop move around then so be it.


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26 Jan 2004
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Just yesterday this was posted .

"We are a family with a dog, being forced out of Portugal by local immigration even though weve been here for 6 weeks. We had planned to sail the Med for 2 years and have left France in Dec. 2019. They will not let us stay at anchor in a bay even. State Department in Portugal cannot help us.
So we are looking for a US captain to help us sail our 51 Ft Trimaran back to the US, at a minimum Puerto Rico, but maybe as far as Florida."

On face value here a poor cruising family through no fault of there own are made to leave Portugal.
Until you dig deeper ,

it now seems they been at anchor for some week Cualtra and wasn't bothered and if they stayed put they may still not been bothered but they decided to move to Vilamoura according to them because there water maker broke down and they wanted to fix it . Personally with everything shut not sure how they could had fix it in any different way then if they stayed put .
We can only guess while they been told they have to leave Portugal, my guess is because they broken the lock down rule and moved .

Some have suggested they should sail to the UK and Scotland as it's still partly open , other idiot have suggested they be welcome at their marina in Spain and Gib one even suggested Greece when are skipper going to get it in there head that every where is close and stay put .
Non of us are jumping with joy not being able to move but for now that's the only choice we have or end up being refused entry or worst being fined or Arrested.


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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Wow ? I think you just upset, all the sailors, on this thread !
Dont try to put words in my mouth !
Realpolitik !
Do you really think, that the UK - EU, can afford to be filled up, with alternate lifestyles ?
Sorry , but we need Brain Surgeons, and Rocket Scientists etc..
Goat herders, not so much !
See, I am so educated, I do not need to use profanities !
I'm so educated I know there's a misused subclause in your first sentence, a missing apostrophe in the second, and that brain surgeon and rocket scientist aren't proper nouns. Oh, and 'wow' is exclamatory, not interrogative.
I also know that quoting your words is not putting words in your mouth.
Your constant profession towards realpolitik is gravely concerning given its historical context and what it was a precursor to. You, like most people who espouse it, fail to understand its original meaning was a liberal ideology far from what you are professing. But don't let that stand in the way of your racist bigotry and basic lack of humanity.


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15 Jun 2004
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spot the irony ,, they wont allow him in legally but will arrest him , take him ashore and lock him up confined in close quarters with other people ,,, ??????????
The rules were clear. They were broken. The punishment was given. No irony required.

FAO "Still Afloat".
My comment was not aimed at "illegal immigrants" but at boat owners who seem to think the rules don't apply to them and just carry on as if nothing matters.
I do find your lack of understanding and compassion to the "illegal" immigrants that reach our shores, somewhat concerning.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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On face value here a poor cruising family through no fault of there own are made to leave Portugal.
Until you dig deeper ,

Considering they have a very long border with Spain, it's amazing how low the virus count is in Portugal and they want to keep it that way. As you say, if the boat had stayed put on anchor at Culatra, they may well have been left alone. They sealed their own fate by moving it.

Just before the lock down, authorities refused permission for a cruise ship to dock in Lisbon so it went to Cadiz and unloaded there. Authorities were then horrified when the passengers arrived across the Spanish border headed to Lisbon by coach, to get flights back to Brazil and various other countries.


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25 Jan 2020
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Portugal - in a marina north of Lisbon... Yacht movements are still being allowed - if you are Portuguese.... (obv may be other unknown reasons).

31/03/2020, 18:29 - HANSE: Just found out what happens around here if you move marina's. Hint: lots of police!

31/03/2020, 18:33 - HANSE: Yacht came in around 4pm greeted by 4 policemen and the marina staff. Lots of handwriting and discussion. Boat is currently onon fuel Pontoon. Police and marina have been discussing for 30 minutes.

31/03/2020, 18:34 - HANSE: Handwriting = hand waving

31/03/2020, 18:46 - Me: Whats their flag?

31/03/2020, 19:26 - HANSE: Portugal, single handed, about 40ft. Could be a woman. Now tied up in the East marina
31/03/2020, 19:29 - HANSE: You need an electronic tag to get off the Pontoon. I wonder if they have given her one?

31/03/2020, 19:55 - Me: Do you know where she came from? Big drama!!

01/04/2020, 11:36 - HANSE: No idea, will ask the marina if I get the chance.

01/04/2020, 18:31 - Me: <Media omitted>

01/04/2020, 18:37 - Me: <Media omitted>

01/04/2020, 20:48 - HANSE: ??

01/04/2020, 23:38 - Me:

02/04/2020, 11:59 - HANSE: The yacht was finally allowed to fuel up, and left about 15 minutes ago. No AIS!

02/04/2020, 12:01 - HANSE: Lovely day here, will walk on the beach and go shopping...


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Portugal - in a marina north of Lisbon... Yacht movements are still being allowed - if you are Portuguese.... (obv may be other unknown reasons).

Having seen the PM operate on numerous occasions, it may well be that the handwriting and discussion was the issue of a fine which can be very expensive.

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