Poole Twin Sails Bridge


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15 Jun 2001
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I hear on the news today that the government will soon decide if they are going to fund the above project.

I thought it was a done deal, seems not necessarily. I have email'd Paul Clark , Under Secretary of State For Transport, urging that the government prioritises funds for more wothwhile projects.

Those that moor in Holes Bay, will be aware of the problems the new bridge will create for mariners. Others might like to email Paul Clark with a similar plea.


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1 Aug 2004
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I think the Twin Sail Bridge for Poole is an example of a typical British half cocked solution to a long standing problem. Why spend all that money and still keep the knackered old bridge-bonkers. A cear span bridge with a clearance of say 20m would be my solution, but hey, what do us boat owners know.


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30 May 2001
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I think the Twin Sail Bridge for Poole is an example of a typical British half cocked solution to a long standing problem. Why spend all that money and still keep the knackered old bridge-bonkers. A cear span bridge with a clearance of say 20m would be my solution, but hey, what do us boat owners know.

Not at all half cocked, it is fully cocked and a typical buggers muddle. A tunnel would be best but environmentalists didn't like it apparently, something to do with possible heavy metals in the mud bottom, a high bridge is difficult but one farther up Holes Bay would work maybe.


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30 May 2001
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I hear on the news today that the government will soon decide if they are going to fund the above project.

I thought it was a done deal, seems not necessarily. I have email'd Paul Clark , Under Secretary of State For Transport, urging that the government prioritises funds for more wothwhile projects.

Those that moor in Holes Bay, will be aware of the problems the new bridge will create for mariners. Others might like to email Paul Clark with a similar plea.

Why, is it still needed?

Thought the ferry to France was shutting down or relocating to Portsmouth, so no heavy traffic flow will be from that source, which was the main reason for this new bridge.


1 Jul 2004
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Probably missed something but why is a new bridge needed ? The current arrangment may not be the optimum but im sure I have seen the worst it can create & its extremely rare it presents any more than a minor inconvenience; nothing a bit of patience (Same as waiting at a level crossing rather than barging through as the gates close) wont rectify.
The "icon / landmark solution" is (& hopefully was) as others have said pretty useless, not thought out, stupidly expensive & would have rendered Cobbs (Lifeboats & sunseekers as well?) pretty much inoperable.
Im sure it would have provided a great gateway & funding for another new ghetto (1400 houses ?) Usual absence of any new schools medical etc.
Poole do seem to be incapable of managing the bigger stuff well.


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23 Sep 2001
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Its not about traffic flow and the needs of the existing Poole population, it is all about property development/speculation on the old abandoned industrial sites on the other side.
Big money to made from building tightly packed boxes for second home owners to come and gaze at views of Holes Bay. They buy at silly prices and think them a bargain compared to their London/commuter belt house prices.


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20 Nov 2008
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From what I understand the long term plan is that it will eventually replace the existing bridge as that is getting too old to maintain economically. However the cynic in me has already wondered how long exactly "eventually" is likely to be - probably years and years if the speed that the rest of the project has progressed is anything to go by.

I too am of the opinion that a high bridge would have been the optimum and eventually cheapest option from an operating perspective, but anecdotal evidence from the enquiry says that this was apparently ruled out as it might inconvenience cyclists as it would be too steep - I kid you not! No problem then with 1000s of boaters being inconvenienced every weekend by the problem of 2 bridges to negotiate - that's a mere bagatelle.
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15 Jun 2001
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From what I understand the long term plan is that it will eventually replace the existing bridge as that is getting too old to maintain economically. However the cynic in me has already wondered how long exactly "eventually" is likely to be - probably years and years if the speed that the rest of the project has progressed is anything to go by.

There re no published plans to get rid of the existing bridge, it is to operate with the proposed one for, well, for ever!

Agree with what all have said, and Tom has hit the nail on the head, it's about property development.

If you feel as strongly about it as I do, please write to Paul Clark, his email address is on his web site, which I linked to. If Poole BC can't get the cash, they'll probably not be able to go ahead, as there ain't much private money available, now.


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9 Jan 2005
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None of which is any comfort to Poole Boat Park or their former employees. In a stroke of the sort genius for which Poole Council is rapidly becoming renowned they have created a derelict wasteland on a piece of prime real estate, forced several companies to either go out of business or, at best relocate at considerable expense, spent a fair bit of taxpayers money and, of course, delivered absolutely nothing.


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18 Jul 2007
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None of which is any comfort to Poole Boat Park or their former employees. In a stroke of the sort genius for which Poole Council is rapidly becoming renowned they have created a derelict wasteland on a piece of prime real estate, forced several companies to either go out of business or, at best relocate at considerable expense, spent a fair bit of taxpayers money and, of course, delivered absolutely nothing.

As they are attractive sites being on the Poole side of the water they could be developed regardless of whether the bridge is built. However the recession is biting hard and very few people are building at the moment.

The old power station site is a different matter unless there is a big surge in the resdential market. I would be surprised if development of such a large number of units would now be viable in the near future even if the bridge is built.

If opening the old bridge for boats from Cobb's Quay is such a problem couldn't the council find some land around the Harbour for MDL to relocate. The bridge would not have to open so much then and it could save an awful lot of tax payers' money. No doubt this option was considered by the council but times have changed and a fresh look may be worth while.


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20 Nov 2008
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From what I was given to understand the old bridge is getting towards the end of its working life - maintenance is expensive given that its a one-off and parts have to be specially made for it. It makes it even more inexplicable that Poole should decide to have yet another lifting bridge when they know how expensive it is to maintain the one that they have already got. Eventually the old bridge will have to be left in the Open position prior to being dismantled for scrap. The Twin Sails bridge will then be the only crossing between Hamworthy and Poole proper.

To my mind it would have been a lot cheaper to simply upgrade the existing bridge in its current location. Or they could have dug a canal out through or under the old Power station lot as that is now vacant.


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26 Nov 2002
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There was an item about this on the local TV BBC South news the other day. The Government's share of the financing had been agreed but I think that all large capital projects like this are being reviewed.

The news item, incidentally, would have been funny if it hadn't been so tragic. The editorial line was that everyone would be devastated if the bridge didn't go through and several people - Councillors, Businessmen (Property Developers?) and the like - were interviewed, all of whom were gutted that it might not happen, because "everybody wants it". Not a mention of any opposition. :(


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15 Jun 2001
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We all know the existing bridge is past it's sell by date. The whole justification for the new bridge, by Poole B.C., is to provide a second crossing, so road traffic can be kept flowing when those wretched boats want to pass through.

You may well be right, and it's a cynical ploy by Poole B.C to justify the expedature.

I hope you are right, then we'll be in the same boat (ha, ha) as we are now. It's the whole idea of a holding area between the bridges that is a nonsense.


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10 Nov 2006
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Funding Approved

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it was announced today that the government has approved the funding so construction is due to start this summer.

Echo Story


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1 Aug 2004
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Just anoher thought after looking at the Echo's impression of the bridge in the lifted position.... will the two large 'sail' like sections be able to be raised if the wind is 60-70 kts during a blow or will the bridge have to be shut due to high winds????