PBO now looks like YM Part 3


Well-known member
19 Aug 2001
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When looking through the list of articles in the January edition there seems to be more repeats in PBO than on SKY television. YES, it another article on hand held GPS, lets go to Weymouth again and heavens another report on the Bavaria. Having been a reader of PBO since Volume 1 back in 1967 and finding myself with my PBO bookcase absolutely full I think it is time to call it a day and cancel my subscription to PBO. I will not even try and find a space for the January 2003 edition it in the bookcase but condemn it to the recycled paper sack.

John C
Ex Practical Boat Owner reader


came to the same conclusion some time ago, when i read my fifth "fitting out special". most of the articles are re-treads of something that has previously been written, and since i am an inveterate hoarder of old mags (anyone want a pile of 1960's car mags?) i dont need to buy the current editions.

have a look every month in wh smith, only buying when there is something both new and relevant. twice, last year, if memory serves me .