Overtaking on roundabouts.


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27 Sep 2004
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Sorry, but you are wrong about driving over mini roundabouts....


"Mini-roundabouts Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so. Remember, there is less space to manoeuvre and less time to signal. Beware of vehicles making U-turns.
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD reg 10(1), 16(1)"

Well, that was all jolly good fun...so how about my suggestion (quite a few posts ago now) to ban overtaking in narrow harbour entrances/exits?


You're quite right of course, along with Metro drivers. Reliant Robins drive a liitle faster.


New member
1 Feb 2005
Emsworth Hants.
I thought I had roundabouts cracked until they started putting lines on them. You think you in the right lane (coz it says you are on the entry lane)! But no-one told the guy who painted the lines on the roundabout which one went where! I call them cutupabouts cos no-one knows where the hell they're going!


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3 Jun 2001
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It was refreshing to hear an instructor taking what I'd call a "common sense" approach to mini roundabouts! I tend to drive over them if that's the best thing to do at the time. It makes the journey much less nauseating for my passengers. To my mind, the little circle of paint is merely there to tell you who has right of way - nothing else. If you're the only one around, I think it's fair game. If anything, I get wound up by people who DON'T treat mini roundabouts like big roundabouts and assume it's the person entering from the smaller road who has to give way!

As far as overtaking on big roundabouts is concerned, I can appreciate that Claymore and others might get wound up about it but they should appreciate that other people who have deadlines to meet might also get wound up by people who refuse to use all the available road (or let others do it) just because they've got all the time in the world! Don't get me wrong, it's no excuse to push in ahead of someone who is in the left hand lane about to leave on the same exit as you. To my mind, if you're completing your overtake THAT close to the exit, you've misjudged the whole thing in a big way anyway!


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10 Sep 2003
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I wish I'd worded my post a little more strongly.

It's being cut up at the exit that pisses me off, regardless of whether the other guy is indicating or not.

I find it happens mostly at smaller round abouts where, and your advice is good, it is not possible to time ones approach due to poor vision from bushes trees etc. (The "worst" place seems to be at the bottom of Brockley hill. A5)

I drive a reasonable car that is more than capable. I keep with in the 30/40 limits and i give way to the right. My idea of giving way to the right is to make sure that no one to my right will have to brake.

The boy racers don't care if they cause someone to the right to brake, they'll still nip in. AND they don't care if the cut someone up as they exit the roundabout.

I think the Highway code is vague on several issues.

"appropriate lane"

and it doesn't rule in or out overtaking on roundabouts.

The round about I have in mind is small. the distance around the Left and lane from entry to exit when going straight on is may be 4 car lengths.... would you over take??

If a roundabout has clear lane markings would you disregard them or change lanes whilst on the roundabout in order to overtake??

Please, I'm not making this personal, I want to get a better understanding of whose wrong and whose right.

I'm especially wound up as yesterday morning i was cut up and gave a quick beep on the horn to indicate that i had nearly taken the back end of his car out..... i honestly thought he had not seen me and felt that as he was braking he needed to know I was there. a few 100 yards later he pretended he was turning right so as he could then pull behind me and follow me for 20 minutes in order to hurl abuse at me when i finally arrived at work.


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10 Sep 2003
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I have to disagree with "Blue man" If as you say there are two lanes entering and only one lane exiting surely you should use left hand lane in order to go straight on as you would at a crossroads for instance.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is what I was taught!!


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15 Feb 2005
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Stuff the highway code - they are selfish inconsiderate pillocks who really need shagging with the blunt end of a rag-mans trumpet.
It happens to me every evening on the way home.

[/ QUOTE ]

You must be getting quite sore by now.

(Overtaking on the left is a habit of the Spawn of the Devil)


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10 Sep 2003
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Re: You are at fault, not the other guy

i realise now that "pulls in front of me" was not clear enough.

I'm talking cutting up, causing me to brake hard.

"You need to examine your own attitudes and consider why you are getting "fed up" at someone else putting their foot down and overtaking you when there's space to do so....... "

Does this mean I should ignore the speed limit as I approach roundabouts and regard giving way to the right as nipping into any size gap even if the guy to my right then has to brake?? /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

This does, after all, seem to be the commonly accepted driving style these days.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Re: ah but

Now listen - I'm a flat capped middle laner and proud of it. I was driving long before anyone else so they are joining me on my roads.
Bit of respect if you don't mind.
Might is right.


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10 Sep 2003
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No, London.... but I guess it's the same in any big city.

The attitude seems to be "i have the right to get where I want to be as quick as I can and stuff you mate!!!"


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10 Sep 2003
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Re: Overtaking on roundabouts - help for Bottle-of-Rum


"it may be that your car is a bit on the weak and puny side"

I'm trying not to take offence here.

it's a 1.6 scenic. It is perfectly capable........

as for the waggle.... OK probably a good defensive move BUT another indication of the nightmare that our roads have become. (Before anyone starts public transport for my journey?? a non option!!!)

"Also, if someone cuts you up illegally, drive into them!" This is your bets bit of advice. If it was a company car I'd follow it.

I know one fellow who travels to and from work in an old Land Rover for this very reason. Knock it if you want, he says. it's the other guys car who comes off worst.


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10 Sep 2003
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This problem was sorted years ago.
If taking the first exit of island take LH lane.
If taking 2nd, 3rd, 4th exit, take RH lane, at exit before the one you want, indicate left and move into to LH lane and exit island.
Simple or what !!.

[/ QUOTE ]

How and when was this sorted.... the highway code doesn't seem to be "sorted"


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10 Sep 2003
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I've admitted elsewhere to not being entirely clear in my post, at the time I thought I had.

You, however, seem to have fully understood.

I completley agree with your comments.


New member
6 Jul 2002
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Three lanes on a roundabout all marked, turn left , straight on and turn right, the left turn is onto a dual carrageway so a lot of people overtake the stationary left turn traffic by driving down the straight on lane and turning left into the fast lane of the dual carrageway. I do think that the middle lane should be straight on and left to stop the traffic backing up but i do have fun in my Defender by turning left in the correct lane straight into the fast lane. Quite a few vehicle have had to go all the way round the roundabout instead of cutting in.

BTW . to all those who do overtake the que and turn left against the markings why dont you do a 360 on the roundabout and then take the exit you want thus giving you the right of way? or is that to simple.