Outdrives a serious Question.


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26 Jun 2011
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I have had that problem too. The “keeper” I actually had built for me in 2020 only lasted a year.
If you do keep something long term then obviously the pain of how much you had to spend on it to get it right diminishes. At least you’ve had enjoyment out of it which you can’t put a price on. If it’s really what he wants, and the potentially sizeable amount of money to be spent on it won’t bankrupt him, then maybe go for it. See what can be done about reducing the asking price based on estimates for the necessary work then he can make a valid judgement.
Knowing what boat it is would be a big help here but I respect you don’t want to say.


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6 Nov 2001
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If the cost of the probable work was deducted from the asking price, the present owner will need to give the buyer several thousands to take it away.
Boat yards are full of old outdrive boats where the cost of repairing the outdrives exceeds the value of the boat.
This is not the case with old shaft drive boats which explains why a shaft driven boat has much better residual values and boatyards are chock full of boats with big holes in the transom surrounded by weeds.😇
Three things certain in life death, taxes and those outdrives will bite somebody ,it may not be today but ,.............😁
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jon and michie

Well-known member
28 Dec 2014
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If the cost of the probable work was deducted from the asking price, the present owner will need to give the buyer several thousands to take it away.
Boat yards are full of old outdrive boats where the cost of repairing the outdrives exceeds the value of the boat.
This is not the case with old shaft drive boats which explains why a shaft driven boat has much better residual values and boatyards are chock full of boats with big holes in the transom surrounded by weeds.😇
Three things certain in life death, taxes and those outdrives will bite somebody ,it may not be today but ,.............😁
Totally Agree


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26 Jun 2011
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If the cost of the probable work was deducted from the asking price, the present owner will need to give the buyer several thousands to take it away.
In that case, and if it was me, as much as I wanted the boat I’d have to walk away. Fortunately there are people who you might say have more money than sense and are willing to take on such projects. Generally speaking the boating world is a better place for them and as a result there are still classics out there which otherwise would have disappeared.

I’d be interested to know if the prospective buyer decides to take the plunge.

In the meantime I will wait for my outdrives to bite me 😀. Fingers crossed it doesn’t happen before I decide to move on 🤞.


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19 Feb 2002
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I had the same issue changing boat last year, new boats outdrives had been well maintained but seals had failed, drives full of water. Condition of sale was full rebuild by Volvopaul which took a couple of weeks and cost the seller a few grand, £5k maybe, with other things like clutches replaced etc... but no issues since and I know they have been stripped and properly rebuilt.
Volvo Paul recently removed, took back to his workshop and totally overhauled the outdrives on our 1999 S34. This included new cables, clutches bearings and God knows what else (the list of bits is long), but they had been neglected by the previous owner. The difference is amazing - Paul’s an incredible engineer.


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6 Nov 2001
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This included new cables, clutches bearings and God knows what else (the list of bits is long), but they had been neglected by the previous owner.
Suprise Suprise Suprise :)
The difference is amazing - Paul’s an incredible engineer.
.........................some of us await with considerable interest as to exactly what boat will next be draining his own bank account and wether there will be a pair of Aluminium and Rubber anchors to keep him amused or some simple basic reliable drive system which enables you to go boating without constantly worrying about what could possible go wrong next ?