Sorry cant help with the outboard. Mines only four hp.
Suppose I could flog you that though.
Also need help with my bloody picture. Thats gone pair shaped too!!
I think Hayd, in his usual well considered and friendly way, is trying to point out that there is a Wanted and For Sale Forum here and you should not be bovering us with a request that should rightfully have been posted there!
not gone pear shaoped.........or evn pair shoaped.
read the ***ORDERING FORUM BURGEES *** thread and all will be revealed.
Could reconnect you for a small fee.or some treacle!
Sorry WetWeekEnd, you have to take the rough with the smooth on this forum, Haydn has his own way of expressing himself which is why he never got a job with the Diplomatic Service but he doesn't mean to be mean. There is a 'Wanted' forum try your request there also on the wanted section of
good luck.
what is a "Burgee" anyway ???
That thread was miles long and i cant be ar*ed to read it all - can anyone give me a summary in 15 words or less !!
(that will rule out TCM !!!!!!!)
Adrian )
"yellow hull - called Court Jester - Have you seen her ??"
.........or whatever your name is. First this wet weekend fella isnt tryoing to flog an ouitboard, hes trying to buy one but weve been telling him hes doing it in the wrong place.see. Not that this is strange to you cos we know you do everything in the wrong place...least thats what your missus told me last week.
As to a Burgee.youn must be a right d*ck head if youn dont know that its someone who sails on a Burge.
Now stop tw*tting around and read the bl**dy thread cos lots of effort and erudition have gone into it and you might even find it mildly educating.
Cant see him getting very educated by it. But I'm a bit pissed off at answering PM's asking what I'm flogging. And going around like a twerp with this bloody sandwich board!!
Fact 1) hlb has a 4hp that he may flog ....... thats why I replied to him and not Wetweekend - so there ....
Fact 2) your comment "its someone who sails on a Burge" is little help to educate a complete Dick Head. But many thanks for trying so hard.... obviously you don't understand it either )
Adrian )
"yellow hull - called Court Jester - Have you seen her ??"