Well-known member
I suppose not much has changed in a thirteen year old thread.
I've stripped the gas cooker out of my Sabre 27 when it cameView attachment 40721 to refit. Really couldn't be doing with drilling holes everywhere to put drains in for the gas locker, then paying for bubble detectors, marine gas regulators etc. So went for the Origo style 'Cookmate' cooker. Used to be able to get these from Compass24 for £99.00 just before Xmas. It is slower, it does smell a little even using Bio-ethanol (B&Q stuff), but no issue with the boat going up with a bang and no CO issues.
I suppose not much has changed in a thirteen year old thread.
Try Restexpress for meths. £41 for 20 litres, that should boil a few kettles?Price of meths has gone up quite a bit in the last dozen years or so.
Try Restexpress for meths. £41 for 20 litres, that should boil a few kettles?
I've stripped the gas cooker out of my Sabre 27 when it cameView attachment 40721 to refit. Really couldn't be doing with drilling holes everywhere to put drains in for the gas locker, then paying for bubble detectors, marine gas regulators etc. So went for the Origo style 'Cookmate' cooker. Used to be able to get these from Compass24 for £99.00 just before Xmas. It is slower, it does smell a little even using Bio-ethanol (B&Q stuff), but no issue with the boat going up with a bang and no CO issues.
;2841 said:I had an Origo single-burner in my first boat.
I confess I would rather risk being blown up than to go back to the manifold drawbacks of that instrument of torture.
Suffice to say, if you have a cast-iron stomach, are not easily fazed by frequent conflagrations, are totally uninterested in cost and never do any cooking apart from boiling a kettle they are ideal.
I converted mine from alcohol to LPG.
I have to say that spirit stoves seem to rouse a totally unaccountable, fervid, worship from their aficianados.
Oh! The Origo is the best of a ghastly bunch
Interesting thread, all been said before of course, and some of it relevant.
The true facts are, however, different.
Gas bottles, in a deck locker with an overboard drain, adjacent to the galley so the shortest run of pipe possible can be used, fitted with a good regulator, a bubble leak tester and a good shut off tap and connected to a cooker with flame failure devices is about as safe as an alcahol stove.
The above is qualified by stating that the system must be used correctly, and tested frequently.
Some millions of boats world wide use gas, most in totally unregulated situations and the incidence of gas fires/explosions is small.
The benifits of a good gas system outweigh the potential for explosion.
IMHO, of course.
Interesting thread, all been said before of course, and some of it relevant.
The true facts are, however, different.
Gas bottles, in a deck locker with an overboard drain, adjacent to the galley so the shortest run of pipe possible can be used, fitted with a good regulator, a bubble leak tester and a good shut off tap and connected to a cooker with flame failure devices is about as safe as an alcahol stove.
The above is qualified by stating that the system must be used correctly, and tested frequently.
Some millions of boats world wide use gas, most in totally unregulated situations and the incidence of gas fires/explosions is small.
The benifits of a good gas system outweigh the potential for explosion.
IMHO, of course.
It's almost a tribal, spirit users acting all superior because they can't get blown up, gas users calling them primitive and unsophisticated![]()
'Yer pays yer munni an' yer takes yer choice....'
I s'pose I'm primitive and unsophisticated, then. I can live with that.... having done so for a wheen o' years already. I spent my teens wandering all over the Scottish hills, burning paraffin for heat and light every weekend, then spent the next couple of decades burning paraffin every weekday while poking holes in the sky all over Europe etc..... Yes, it's dirty and smelly. Yes, I don't give a tinkers, 'cos it washes off.
I find myself peering at that metre-deep keel-hole under the floors on't boat, knowing I cannot get rid of any heavier-then-air gas that gets down in there, and very mindful indeed of the explosion in HMSTY Lord Trenchard.... where I'd spent several weeks of my young and impressionable yottie apprenticeship.
I decided I didn't want that quiet nagging voice in my head ( that's why I go sailing ) and so the decision was made NOT to retro-fit a whole new gas supply system and a rigorous 'every-day-before-doing-anything' regime.
It's probably OK if one can guarantee 100% compliance with the Pre-Start Checklist. I can't.... and I won't impose my nagging on others.
So. Origo 3000. That's it.
Interesting that you have gas on board as well-there is a canister stove on the right!
...And my grub does not taste of paraffin..