Origo 3000 spirit cookers



Can anyone tell me how good these are? I have seen mixed reports that say the flame is not so hot as a gas cooker. I would prefer a safer option than gas but at the same time I want the kettle to boil in a reasonable time. Any comment would be gratefully received.


i have been looking at stoves myself. just came across something climbers use call the MSR XGK expedition stove that can use diesel or kerosene. anyone with experience with this ?


Safer than gas

Check out this site for more info: http://www.interconmktg.com/k_3000.htm

Gas may be a bit easier, but it's far more dangerous and you'll have problems with the boat safety scheme if it's not professionally plumbed in. Spirit stoves do burn hot once they get going. Alcohol is available everywhere and is safer to store and lighter than a gas tank. The Origo should cost less than 150 UK pounds. Recommended! P.S. forget about an MSR, they're expense, small and fiddly. Regards, Gary


Have used for about 4 years and yes they take about 30 seconds longer to boil a kettle. I have had no problems cooking for 6, the are maintence free, are well made and I would not hesitate to convert from gas again. I can not understand why anybody would not fit them especialy if used on the inland waterways with all the regs for gas re the boat safty certificates


I have had one for 2 years and would not use gas again.The fuel is more expensive but not a problem for most weekend/holiday sailors.It does take a bit longer to boil a kettle but what a small price to pay for such a safe system.Meths can be extinguished with water but you will never have a fire anyway as the fuel is all absorbed into a cotton wadding inside the fuel tanks.I would never go back to gas unless living permanently on board.


I\'ve cooked on each ...

... and found no appreciable difference in the time it takes to prepare food. Mfg spec's list the Origo heat output as 7,000 btu's. and most propane burners at about 8,000 btu's.

General spec's list alcohol at about 69,000 btu's/(US) gallon and propane about 90,000/(US) gallon.


i have used one for several years . it has been excellent - lack of grill is only irritation !


Re: Origo spirit cookers

I had an Origo single-burner in my first boat.

I confess I would rather risk being blown up than to go back to the manifold drawbacks of that instrument of torture.

Suffice to say, if you have a cast-iron stomach, are not easily fazed by frequent conflagrations, are totally uninterested in cost and never do any cooking apart from boiling a kettle they are ideal.

I converted mine from alcohol to LPG.

I have to say that spirit stoves seem to rouse a totally unaccountable, fervid, worship from their aficianados.

Oh! The Origo is the best of a ghastly bunch


Re: Origo spirit cookers

Charles I had to look up conflagrations in the dictionary ,if you had this problem I suggest either you used the wrong fuel or there was something amiss with your stove .Mine has never once given any cause for concern.Your not confusing the Origo with the old fashioned pump up petrol stoves are you? If you wanted a good conflaguration they were just the ticket!


I used one for 5 years and had no problems. If you do go for one. Try and find some light coloured or clear meths. I found that any smell came for the darker tinted meths.



Thanks to all who replied to my enquiry (both positive and negative). The positives have won as far as I am concerned and I have ordered an ORIGO 3000 today. Thanks also to PBO, I think this forum is very good and really like to get opinions before I buy.


Now you have bought the Origo a few tips.

1. The reason meths has a lower Btu than propane (and even lower than butane) is that it only has one carbon atom per molenule as opposed to 4 (butane) and 3 (propane). On the other hand it has its own inbuilt oxygen molecule so it burns with a less smoky (and less yellow coloured) flame.

2. You may find that burning pure meths leaves a layer of carbon on the bottom of the pans. If this happens then, before filling up the next time, pour up to 5% of water into the bulk meths container and give it a good shake before filling up the stove. The flame will burn a little cooler but it will solve the "soot" problem.

3. Get two sets of pan holders if you don't have square pans!? Trying to grip two pans between one set of arms is like trying to be happy holding two women at the same time.

4. Buy a proper long reach gas lighter. Trying to light it with a match equals toasted finger-ends!

5. Final tip is to ALWAYS use the small rubber seal to stop any evaporation when you leave the boat, even for a few hours. (And remember to remove it before trying to light the stove after a few beers!!)

I've used an Origo stove for years. Although not Chanel No 5 the smell of meths as you wake up has to be better than the smell of gas as you head for the clouds.

Best regards Lo)




Do you know where I can get hold of the ruber seals you refered to. Evaoration is a big problem for me. I now know why.




Do you know where I can get hold of the ruber seals you refered to. Evaoration is a big problem for me. I now know why.




Any Origo Stockist should supply.

If it wasn't with your stove when you obtained it, the original is a small disc of soft thin rubberised material that just overlaps the main burner hole(s). The burner control flap holds it in place when you shut the lid.

As long as it resists attack from the meths almost any soft / thin (2mm) / flexible material should do. If you can't get an original then you could try a disc made out of some thick polythene sheeting (like the stuff they put under concrete floors or real heavy duty rubbish sacks) or rubber (e.g. car inner-tube) for starters and see how it performs.

Happy cooking :eek:)



Well-known member
9 Apr 2005
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That's always been a concern of mine over meths cookers that you appear to have to fill them with the correct amount every time you use them or waste a lot of fuel. Lack of a toaster also not good.
On my little boat I've gone for a ten quid canister stove.


Well-known member
6 Jun 2001
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That's always been a concern of mine over meths cookers that you appear to have to fill them with the correct amount every time you use them or waste a lot of fuel. Lack of a toaster also not good.
On my little boat I've gone for a ten quid canister stove.

I fill mine about once every couple of weeks or so. Only ever used one of the two burners. If the soft disc is inserted after using the cooker then there is no loss to evaporation.

Fuel is now readily available from B and Q etc which they sell for spirit designer fires.


Well-known member
12 Aug 2009
Norfolk Broads
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;2816 said:
Check out this site for more info: http://www.interconmktg.com/k_3000.htm

Gas may be a bit easier, but it's far more dangerous and you'll have problems with the boat safety scheme if it's not professionally plumbed in.
Spirit stoves do burn hot once they get going. Alcohol is available everywhere and is safer to store and lighter than a gas tank. The Origo should cost less than 150 UK pounds. Recommended! P.S. forget about an MSR, they're expense, small and fiddly. Regards, Gary

Not necessarily the case. I plumbed the gas in my own boat with reference to the BSS requirements. I was complimented on the work by the inspector, and he asked who carried it out. I told him. Certificate issued! Last April it was due for renewal - there were no issues. It is not a requirement under BSS rules for a 'professional do do the plumbing. Of course, anybody not feeling confident about a DIY job would be best advised to call in the 'pros'.

Colvic Watson

Well-known member
23 Nov 2004
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We have the 3000 and the oven. You can now easily get smell free meths over tinternet, but the smelly stuff is very smelly! The other problem with meths is it's easily adulterated with water and the cheap stuff has loads of water in, hence a slower burn. The latest stuff we got we put 5% water into it - it was burning too hot!
We like the safety and the ease of carrying an extra gallon of the stuff rather than getting cylinders refilled.


12 Aug 2012
Boat River Deben, Suffolk. Home Nottinghamshire
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I've stripped the gas cooker out of my Sabre 27 when it cameP1060926.jpg to refit. Really couldn't be doing with drilling holes everywhere to put drains in for the gas locker, then paying for bubble detectors, marine gas regulators etc. So went for the Origo style 'Cookmate' cooker. Used to be able to get these from Compass24 for £99.00 just before Xmas. It is slower, it does smell a little even using Bio-ethanol (B&Q stuff), but no issue with the boat going up with a bang and no CO issues.