On-line boat chatting


10 Oct 2001
Golden Isles, Georgia, US
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Re: psychological profiling

My dear boy - you are obviously a very kindly and trusting soul and the world is a better place for your sort. But have you ever met Mr A? Does he look as if he comes from a long line of wooden horse builders? And have you ever seen his his supertanker? I suspect the answer to both these questions is in the negative. You have just taken it on trust, haven't you!

On the other hand

-during my early days at a London teaching hospital, I worked with a Dr...... you've quessed it.... Byron Alexander. Came from Llandielo I seem to remember.

-Beynon is a popular Welsh male forename. Not a massive leap to Byron is it (look you). And Mr A freely admits that his surname has been corrupted!! Only his surname?

-most telling of all - within the past 48 hours on this very forum Mr A has admitted to owning a coracle!!!!

Nothing to do with PA. Elimentary my dear

ps notwithstanding the above I have just about ruled out Mr A as the mad axe man
Mind you, he might prefer this to being exposed as a closet Taffy.