note of caution to anyone using Rutland generator controller


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22 Jul 2005
Poole Dorset
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Had one of these controllers on my boat last two years and has worked great. Packed up over winter so sent back to dealer. The board was full of salt crystal and basically shot it. I thought it was in a dry place, but evidently not. Cost £87 for a repair. What I have done this time is get a sandwich box, cut some small holes in side for the wires and placed unit in the box. Hopefully this should now protect it from the elements. If you have one of these units and it is not protected from moisture you could have a repair bill like me.

Colvic Watson

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23 Nov 2004
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Careful - unless you have one of the very latest models you will have craeted a serrious fire risk. The lastest charge controllers slow down the blades when the batteries are full. ALL the older models dissipate the excess power by generating heat (in a coil I think). If you box up the unit, that heat will not dissipate and at the very least you could blow the unit. Even worse start a fire. If you leave the blades running when the boat is unattended (as you should) then the controller must be in a ventilated space. Many people put them in the engine compartment and say it keeps it nice and warm in there!


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20 Mar 2004
Nr Plymouth
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Really puzzled by your experience. Where was the regulator sited that allowed it to get so wet? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Like wizard, I've recently changed to their latest, half egg-shaped type which doesn't have a heat sink, so your idea would probably be ok, but I agree with pasta-simon that putting the latter type in a box ain't a good idea! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


New member
22 Jul 2005
Poole Dorset
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Mine was with the batteries so I don't know how salt moisture got in there. The box I have put it in is a lot larger than the unit. However I have noted what some have said and I have made some more holes in side. Was down the boat this afternoon and the genny was going barmy with the wind. Batteries were full so unit diverting power. Unit did not get warm in the box all the time I was there. Perhaps this was a once off and everyone else who owns one will be ok, I thought I was, now £87 poorer!!