I'm a big Ransome fan as well and am about to try and wean my 9 year old daughter off Jacqueline Wilson and Harry Potter, and on to Swallows and Amazons.
SWMBO and I were discussing AR the other day, in relation to school use (she is a primary school librarian) and decided that in many ways, he is ideal for modern consumption - lots of positive female role models (in particular the Amazon pirates), encouraging children to be self sufficient, etc. etc. His writing style, whilst a bit old fashioned, is extremely readable - he was a journalist after all - and he is a great story teller. We came to the conclusion that everything would have been fine, were it not for the fact that (a) one of the characters is called Titty, and (b) it is woefully apparent that nobody has performed a risk assessment in relation to the kid's activities /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
Just getting my older children into AR, although all three prefer engines to sails. I've promised them that we shall take the boat to Secret Water sometime. Many of the changes from Coot Club probably relate to where railway bridges are now removed post Beeching!
<hr width=100% size=1>Two beers please, my friend is paying.
Introduced my Canadian SWMBO to Arthur Ransome this year & she is going to do one with her class at school (She's a Primary Class Teacher). Her only concern is whether kids these days have enough imagination to cope!
"Bash into the bridge at the bottom" Ahh yes I remember it well, twas July 89 with wife No. 1. Came over Breydon water into Gt. Yarmouth to be confronted with half a dozen hire boats pinned to the wall. Incidentally we did not hit it (honest) lots of other dramatic storys of boats run aground etc. Oh what an eventfull week. On a serious note fantastic boating on the broads only wish I was closer cos I would be berthed there.
<hr width=100% size=1>Play the best game you can with the cards you've been dealt ! ! !
What can i say... miles and miles of pretty and unspoilt nature, with many riverside puds, lovely riverside villages, such as Potter Heigham and Wroxham, you can enen moor in town, in Yarmouth and Norwich, something for all the family, and the Fishing is good too, espacially within the basins.