Noonsite advice on Orcas


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
I believe orcas are very intelligent, probably more intelligent than us.

We will probably never k now why this is happening, but until a way is found of stopping it it puts extra stress on cruisers in the area. I know with our boat if the rudder was sufficiently badly damaged it could lead to significant water ingress at the top of the tube the shaft exists the hull through, and our boat is pretty massively constructed. IMO it is only a matter of time before a boat is sunk if these encounters continue.

I think some sort of sonic repellent would be ideal, though I have no idea if such a thing is feasible. It might just enrage them or attract them. I have heard the suggestion of flushing bleach down the toilet, but again this might just make them mad.

IN the meantime the advice is to 'go dark', switch the engine off, lash the helm, go down below.

- W


Well-known member
24 May 2012
Visit site
I believe orcas are very intelligent, probably more intelligent than us.

We will probably never k now why this is happening, but until a way is found of stopping it it puts extra stress on cruisers in the area. I know with our boat if the rudder was sufficiently badly damaged it could lead to significant water ingress at the top of the tube the shaft exists the hull through, and our boat is pretty massively constructed. IMO it is only a matter of time before a boat is sunk if these encounters continue.

I think some sort of sonic repellent would be ideal, though I have no idea if such a thing is feasible. It might just enrage them or attract them. I have heard the suggestion of flushing bleach down the toilet, but again this might just make them mad.

IN the meantime the advice is to 'go dark', switch the engine off, lash the helm, go down below.

- W
If they are highly intelligent, would they like soothing music over the speakers❓

Or possibly they are ‘Bat Out Of Hell’ freaks or would ‘We Are Sailing’ worth a try.?