New Haven


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12 Aug 2001
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I'm thinking of moving my motor boat from Port Solent where it is dry berthed to New Haven where it is a lot cheaper. The trouble is that I know very little about this area. Is it safe/easy to navigate, etc? Are there interesting trips/pubs/ things for the kids nearby? Any water skiing?
Alternatively, can anyone recommend a good place to keep my boat other than costly Port Solent where they can put the boat in and out of the water for me?

Many thanks.


7 Jul 2001
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Ken, it depends what you are looking for. I kept my boat at Newhaven for a while but left for a number of reasons. Firstly the Marine has a constant battle against silting up. I can't say what the situation is now but a few years ago much of the marina was only accessible for about half the tide. It is a safe area for sailing but not a very interesting one. The only places to go for a day sail are Eastbourne Marina to the East and Brighton to the West...... Ok, but just big concrete marinas. It can be quite pleasent to anchor in Cuckmere Haven for the afternoon but I wouldn't want to overnight there as it is wide open and the holding is not good.

Newhaven has always been a small working port and as such has always been a bit "tatty" though they are making an effort now to smarten it up a bit. Pubs generally are also a bit tatty but the Hope Inn is OK and the food there is quite
good. Most of the pubs in the area serve Harveys beer which makes it worth going to Newhaven just for that!

You can water-ski in Seaford Bay but the marked bathing area goes quite a way off the beach so you have to stay well out, you can also ski to the west of Newhaven breakwater but mind the lobster pots..... As for the kids, there is not much in the way of "attractions" but generations of kids have loved crabbing and rowing the dinghy around the marina and Newhaven is excellent for that!

Hope this helps.


used to sail from newhaven when i was a kid. there is a play park over the road from the mariner and a swimming pool in town. mariner recently been dredged but it is prone to silting up. there is a big development going on at the moment and it looks like it will be nice when its finished.


New member
24 Feb 2002
There is (or at least was when I was berthed there) a superb eating establishment at the marina known as The Coral Cabin. They serve any permutation of Fish, Chips, Peas, Pies, Pasties, Bacon, Beans etc etc at sensible prices. Perfect after a cold morning antifouling. We moved from Newhaven to Brighton because of the silting problem but nothing there replaced the Coral Cabin!


Active member
26 Jul 2001
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You dont say what type of boat you have
Have you considered Littlehampton.
I used to belong to Arun yacht club. Very friendly and reasonable price.
only a few hours sail to Chichester and the isle of wight

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