Need your advise about aftermarket a/c



My wife and I just had a local dealership, from which we are purchasing the boat, install aftermarket air for our 26" Monterey cruiser. The issue/?? is, where should they "normally" install the a/c?

The dealership threw in the a/c to complete the sale, but I went to check the work today and to my surprise the a/c is in the ONLY storage compartment in the cabin!! What am I to do???? The only thing the sales guy told us is that "the installer does better work than having the manfctr do it." Had no idea they would just throw this into our storage compartment?!?!

Technically, our deal was signed a couple of wks ago but we have yet to drive the boat off the lot. I am confused and very agitated at this point. Please, if anyone has any suggestions/advise let me know.

Thanks to all who review. Your post is VERY appreciated.


Where they would normally install it is wherever it will fit. These units take up a certain amount of space and have to be installed in an area where they can safely function..... The fan motors are not ignition protected, so if it was located in the engine compartment and you had a gas leak..... or a propane leak.... well, leave it at that. The other side of the coin is that there may have been nowhere else it could have been installed. Also, if you left it entirely up to them to decide where to install the haven't much room to issue complaints. Sorry to tell you that...but unless you make the decisions and take the initiative away from them, you have abdicated responsibility and given them a free ticket to do as they see fit. Be happy they didn't mount in on your helm seat.

Reality is the cause of all stress!!


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11 Dec 2001
Hong Kong / Beijing
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Your profile dosn't show where you are based - however I would guess the USA or Canada?

I can't advise on local practice in your neck of the woods but here are a few general points that might help.

I assume that this is marine air conditioning i.e. it is cooled by water drawn through the hull. Is this correct?

If so how is the compressor driven? From the engine, or by electricity using a 12volt dc supply or 110v / 230 v ac supply.

If the compressor is engine driven then it will be installed in the engine compartment.

If electrically powered the compressor can be fitted in any convenient enclosure since the water cooled compressor does not require any ventillation. This generally means occupying locker space - typically under a bunk or in the cabinet work of the cabin.

The heat exchanger/blower unit will typically be installed in a locker or cabinet in the cabin with the cold air being lead through ducts to vents into the cabin.

What is the storage compartment you refer to? Is it a hanging locker (like a small closet)? If this is the only enclosure in the cabin then I think they might have had no alternative unless they had a cabinet maker install a new cabinet. Extra cabinet work would add considerably to the cost of the installation.

Are there bunks in the cabin? If so there is normally storage space under the bunk which might have been a suitable location for the aircon units.

Whatever the outcome of your discusion with the dealerI suggest you check a few general points with the installation to check the quality of work done.

1) Can the inlet and outlet for the cooling water be closed to prevent fooding if a hose fails? There should be seacocks or some form of valve on the skin fittings that pass through the hull.

2) Are the skin fittings properly fitted with some form of reinforcement on the inside of the hull?

3) Are the units accessable for repair and maintenance?

4) Is the electric power supply installed according to the local regulations ( fuses, type of cable, cable support etc)?

I hope this helps even if it only prompts the questions you need to ask.


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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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I have had a passing acquaintance with Monterey 26 - some friends used to have one - so I wonder where else they could have installed the a/c unless they put it in the salon, in the mid-cabin or outside on the coach roof:)


Active member
26 Jul 2001
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Whilst we are on the subject I would be interested in buying an A/C unit but vetus have quoted me £4000. (Phew I can stay hot)
Does anybody have info re a/c units ie where can i get one at a reasonable price etc. Also if anybody has anything good or bad to say.
My boat is in Spain thats why im looking