Pleased to say, that they are most definitely not. I am the original owner, having purchased them from in England (now out of business). Reason I am selling them is that I really have no use for them anymore. My new old boat is equipped with all Raymarine instruments, radar, plotter and Nasa just does not fit into this picture. Maybe I should raise the price then? Would that make you feel better? Cheers, Ronald
It's not the price that made me think that, it is the haphazard way they seem to have been removed, without transducers no wind instrument. Some cables cut; I read this and just thought of some idiot in the night, removing instruments off some poor guys boat, not enough time to do it properly.
Why have you cut cables, what have you done with the transducers?
Sorry for any misinterpretation on your advert, but it really does sound suspect. I realise that you have informed me differently on here, but I wonder how many others will have been put off in the same way. I make an absolute point of not buying fenced items on EBay, not always possible, but I do look for some history.
For instance, I recently bought a CD changer for my car; you would not believe how many broken cases and missing leads units were for sale, or no cartridge available etc etc.
<hr width=100% size=1>Julian
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Julian, please read the description again. "One" cable is cut, not all. The one that is cut is the cable from the apparent wind instrument to the main wind because I wanted to shorten it as it is inches only between the 2 instruments whereas the cable is probably 4 feet long. Also, it says clearly the instruments remained in my basement. They were never installed. Anyway, why all this? It was one of these DIY projects, which I figured I could do in just one weekend. Ha ha. Laughing out loud. I started by crawling up the mast and installing the wind instrument and run the cable inside the mast. I also installed the depth and the log transducers on the boat. At about that time, the Admiral fell in love with another boat and I obliged by selling the current boat and buying up. So the transducers went with the old boat, which still had all the old, original instruments on board. This left me with the Nasa instruments themselves, which have been collecting dust in my basement since.
The only reason for me posting a hint on this board is that the Nasa name carries a lot more weight in Europe. States side they are totally unknown. At the listed price, this is a steal. Oops, I meant a deal. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Chuckle... Somebody already bid on the listing. Hurry up! Cheers, Ronald