New member
Two week ends ago I was entering Portsmouth with a spring tide in force.on board I had my wife (not a good sailor) and a friend and his wife (not used much to boats).I was tryng to stop my self from being pushed sideways by the strong tide and avoiding the very heavy traffic in the entrance when my boat a twin engined 35 ft cruiser started going round in circles and would not answer to the helm. It was then I started to get very worried and so did everyone else.Car ferries ect baring down on us. At first thought the hydraulic steering had sprung a leak, so I ripped the covers off the steering under the back bed only to discover the ball joint on the stearing ram (ram and ball joint new 6 yrs ago) hat boken off. I tried sraightening the rudders by hand and tried to stear with the throttles but it kept going round in circles.I then asked my frind to hold the bar that links the rudders together steady having put them in a straight line.With the throttles I managed to get us to Haslar marina in one piece, extremely shaken. I have since fitted a new ball joint(£60). The unit was a Teleflex. I suggest any one with one of these units checks it regulaly as I will most definitely will be doing.
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