Seriously though I suppose that the "boom rule" would apply. However on a true downwind course the boom could be on either side. In that situation don't most people change course to get the wind coming over the quarter to reduce the likelihood of a gybe?
If you are running dead downwind, and not motor sailing (motoring) then you are only in risk from an overtaking boat (which would give way) , a boat you were overtaking (you give way), a boat on port (he gives way) or starboard (you give way).
Interestingly the above would effectively apply equally if you were motor(sailing) and the other vessel was also doing the same.
Of course (he suggests impishly) if he were sailing and you were motor(sailing) you keep clear whatever...
Great idea .. I've just been down B&Q, got 50 gallons of Norwegian Mahogany creosote a big roller, couple of big brushes & some white spirit. I've loaded them into the white van, along with the paint stripper. What's the best way, through the tunnel or should I get the ferry, if so which one, I was considering the Plymouth to Santander 'cos I could stop at LongJohn's for a pint and a pizza! Send me a PM with the full address ... do I need a sleeping bag? Do'nt worry about the cost I'll cover that by smuggling a few refugees on the way back!
But then on your passage plan you would have identified the possibility of a down wind leg and would have rigged a preventer before leaving /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
.. after having made the risk assessment of getting your block knocked on a gybe whilst running by the lee in order to maintain yourself on starboard tack and keeping the goosewinged genoa full ...
Not relevant for my sailing. I have to accept the fact that wherever I'm headed the wind shifts round and its on my nose. I've heard about this downwind sailing....... never experienced it. One day, eh?
Well Joe, it was called that by a friend who left it to me. I know that it does have a few connotations but I really can't bring myself to change it out of respect to my dear departed friend.
He was a very dear,close friend. And then he left my life, I remember it well, the 12:52 flight to Tokyo. He never returned, my life has been empty since, I'm sure he has been kidnapped or something terrible has happened.
50 galls! Is that all? Englander is BIG, that'll do for bottom primer, go back and get 100 gals of sheep dip, 20 gals, molasses and 20 gals of untreated sewage, might need something else to thicken it a tad, that should do for antifouling, no fish within 100 meteres of my hull! Fill the van with pork sausages and bacon, steak and kidney pies and puddings, devon custard and anything else you think we could sell to fellow ex. pats and get yer bum over here! Damn right you'll need your own sleeping bag, it gets cold sleeping under the upturned dinghy, even in Barcelona! Not the plymouth-santander, too expensive, you'll need to come back that way, customs and immigration getting a bit hot in poole! Probvaly get more money smuggling fags, smokable ones!!