you did....but he thought colaholic would.....................cant anyone get anything right round here...........?
I like my tipsy mouse anyway........! me trompe..............mind you your picccies a bit cross dressy if you ask me and theres no clues as to your sexual identity on your profile..................need to meet up with you to verify I'm afraid.
I'll show you my burgee if you'll show me yours..........
I'm going blind here with the PM thing flashing at me! Must be about 20 requests so far.
I think it's only fair to get the sample done first as the man said he would do. When I've got that I'll let you know eerr something. Dont panick it's on the way. As TMC says. It's a bit daft putting my address on the Net. Cos then get armed robbery for the flags and there not insured. Fringe ones are
out, They looked crappy and had something like Accrington Stanley wrote all over them. Thought, I cant get away with that!! I could do with a rubber stamp thingy though to stamp all the PM's with address. It will take me ages. Or have to hire a whole staff from Colin to do the work and stick up price to 50 quidish!!
104 postings and only one from Kim! You would have thought, seeing as this will be the waterbourne face of the forum, that there would hve been a little input from the powers that be. After all it is their website, we just make a mess of it for them.
If kims got loads of drone round the place, surely on of them could take the work load for you!! Or we could PM our email address to you so you could email yor address back sort of thing
Just been trawling through the PM's. Even getting bulk orders for export!
I'm not sending my address to anyone yet. Cos I havent seen the things yet so dont want egg on my face. Or have to leave home with the loot. As I said a sample is being done next week and then if OK I'll let you know and PM you with the address and Cost. Cant see it altering from the £12. Theres a little bit in there for the set up costs which looks to be nearly covered by orders so far.
So dont pannick.
Dont forget I'm off to Portugull on the 30th so I'll get done as much as posible first then you'll have to wait.
With Luck I can deliver the first export order to Lagos in person.
Well if an RYA house flag is 11.95 plus 4.95p&p, and its a printed thing, then 12 quid for a shiny stitchy stuff is a give away. Dont want a bulk order just one for now,ta
Wish I'd have known. I'd have put the price up Barry.
Mind you now I think about it, the guy did'nt mention VAT and being as I was'nt doing it for work, did'nt think about it cos everything I sell just gets VAT added automatic at the bottom of bill!!
So you've got to give a urine sample at the hospital then take the flags to Portugal for the bloke to make them in Hull or Taiwan, whichever's the nearer, so that we can claim back the VAT that's not included anyway then we send you a PM asking you to send us your address on self addressed envelope and then you'll e-mail a rubber stamp to us all.
And then we all shout "Up Accrington Stanley"
Is that it?
Seems straightforward to me. I reckon you could take over Compasses distribution next. Such a simple scheme.
No Barry you're not paying attention, there's no Spaniard involved, just the Portugeuse, the Taiwanese a geezer from Hull and some Manwegian bloke called Stanley.
That's the lot. All nice and simple.
Don't start making it complicated. And the really nice thing is there's no Scotsmen involved to start whingeing about the cost. If you really want to screw the whole thing up, get NickR in the loop, then it'll all go to rat sh**.
Don't mind Scots surely? but keep bean counters away?
Have been chatting to this bird in Windsor, owns a big pile there she says, and she'll fly the flag for us and if hlb can get 'em made before June she'll replace some crummy regimental tat at some ceremony she's at with hlb's. In fact her fella's some greek git with a real grumpy attitude to the slanty-eyed and he's up for replacing the house flag with it.